Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty The Crisis Comes

After three days in He Wen's hands, Ye Zhou led a professional team to Yunwei County after discussions with his superiors.

At this time, the funeral supplies store where the incident occurred has been blocked, the outer periphery is full of police officers on duty, and even the residents within a few hundred meters of the vicinity have all been evacuated.

"Report the situation."

Ye Zhou looked at the staff at the scene and said.

"Leader of the report, preliminary tests have been carried out on the on-site environment, the temperature is normal, the air indicators are normal, and no leakage accident has been found."

"It has been confirmed that there was a sudden drop in temperature on the day of the incident. A large part of the walls and floors in the store had structural embrittlement after the temperature changed drastically, and in the core area, some concrete structures had been powdered."

"This proves that the mechanical properties in the structure have been completely changed, and from the current evidence, it is very likely that what happened here is the adjacent-dimensional invasion event that our theory has deduced."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly. In fact, before arriving at the scene, he had basically confirmed through the case materials that Chen Hao handed him over to the neighboring dimension invasion. The sudden temperature drop without warning and the human body Incapacitated, typical of the entropy-increasing jumps he had seen in the simulator.

However, compared to the large-scale entropy-increasing jumps in the simulator, the jumps in this area are relatively much smaller - if it is really an extreme situation, then the parties should not face suffocation And the heart stops beating, but is directly broken down into a bunch of elementary particles.

"Is the internal situation safe now?"

he continued to ask.

"It is basically safe at present, but there is no way to confirm whether the intrusion will happen again, so for the sake of safety, we recommend that you do not go in again."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I have to go and see, otherwise what am I doing here? I'm not here for the data in your hands, I just want to see with my own eyes what happens to the place where the entropy jumps."

"You collect the environmental samples on site, make backups, and pay special attention to keeping all the data. This is our most valuable first-hand information and will have a significant impact on our future work."

The staff hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

With his authority, there is no way to restrict Ye Zhou's actions at all. Since the other party insists on going, and the danger is not too big at present, he can't do more to stop him.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Zhou tied himself with a safety rope with the help of the staff, and the other end of the safety rope was tied to a high-power cord reel, which could allow others to start the first time when danger appeared. The machine pulled him back.

The road into the core area has been completely cleared. This small shop originally filled with all kinds of goods is empty. After Ye Zhou entered the shop, the first thing that catches his eye is the low temperature that spreads layer by layer like annual rings on the ground. brittle zone.

The reason for the formation of this area is that when the temperature drops to a certain critical value, when the yield strength of the material increases to be higher than the breaking strength, the material reaches the breaking strength before yielding and breaks, and the tiles laid on the ground break. The temperature changes are well represented.

From the perspective of its "annual-ring-like" diffusion, the temperature of this area gradually decreases from the periphery to the center, that is to say, the real entropy-increasing jump edge area may be very small, or even only as large as a point, The surrounding damage is due to the Szilard enrichment effect.

That is to say, after the first transition point appears, adjacent dimensional channels begin to spontaneously gather around the transition point, and begin to absorb the surrounding energy at a speed much lower than the transition point, which also leads to a decrease in temperature. root cause.

Continuing to walk forward, what Ye Zhou saw became more and more tragic. The tiles on the ground had already turned into powder, and layers of stripes appeared on the walls. will cause the wall to collapse.

Fortunately, this wall is not a load-bearing structure and has no impact on the stability of the entire building.

Ye Zhou carefully looked for the possible transition point in the mess, and the staff on the side seemed to see his intention, so he pointed to the center of the "growth ring".

Ye Zhou looked in the direction of his fingers. In the center of the ground, there was a hemispherical depression with a diameter of only two millimeters marked with chalk.

And that depression is likely to be the jump point.

At the moment when the jump occurs, the interaction force between all substances in this point disappears, and the substances instantly dissolve into particles, which are scattered in the air, so this also leads to the fact that the surface of this hemispherical concave is almost absolute. Smooth, from Ye Zhou's point of view, he could almost see his own little reflection.

This transition point is so small that Ye Zhou almost ignored it without anyone's warning.

However, the damage it caused was so great that it nearly killed three people and even nearly destroyed an entire building.

If such a jumping area keeps appearing randomly, Ye Zhou can't imagine how serious the consequences will be.

After confirming that all details were not missed, Ye Zhou greeted the accompanying staff and left the entropy-increasing and jumping damage area temporarily called "Area 1". Then, he planned to continue to the hospital to have a look The three injured are still being treated there.

In the car, Lin Ling, who had been busy studying the detection data, finally raised his head, looked at Ye Zhou and asked:

"Have you finished watching the scene? How is it?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"The situation is not very good, the jump area is small, but the damage is serious - you also saw the report, what do you think?"

"My idea is that this kind of power cannot be controlled by any country or institution on the planet, and we are still too far away from the enemy."

"Isn't it far.... People are starting to attack across latitudes, and we have just come up with nuclear fusion."

Having said that, Ye Zhou sighed.

"I feel that this adjacent-dimensional invasion should have something to do with our fusion experiment. According to the prediction given by the quantum ghost, the first entropy jump should obviously occur after 18 years."

"But now... Could nuclear fusion technology be the basis for the opponent's extinction of civilization?"

Lin Ling frowned and replied:

"There are two possibilities. The first one is like you said. The realization of steady-state discharge nuclear fusion is likely to change our civilization level and allow the other side to advance the attack schedule."

"There is also a possibility that the quantum ghost gives a time point of large-scale invasion, or a landmark time point that causes heavy losses, and in this process, in fact, the situation of adjacent dimension invasion has always existed. "

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, and then asked:

"Which possibility do you prefer yourself?"

"I prefer a combination of the two, that is to say, the realization of nuclear fusion is a landmark, this time the invasion of adjacent dimensions will be opened, but their large-scale attack will still have to wait 18 years later."

"Because in theory, the dimension of the quantum ghost is detached and omniscient, and it is impossible to ignore the key factor of nuclear fusion."

After a pause, Lin Ling continued:

"However, in any case, we cannot admit that fusion has led to the invasion of adjacent dimensions."

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly and replied:

"Yes. I thought you would have no idea."

Lin Ling smiled and said:

"I'm not the little white rabbit who only does experiments in the laboratory now.... Like you said, I have to observe everything from the perspective of the whole human being."

"Once the relationship between nuclear fusion and the invasion of adjacent dimensions is acknowledged, then it is equivalent to acknowledging the relationship between technological development and being invaded. This is the dream result of the pastoral organization, nature sect and other anti-tech organizations."

"At that time, the world will be in chaos..."

Ye Zhou put down the car window. At this time, the sunshine in the county town was just right. Pedestrians on the street were doing their things carefree. Some people were haggling in the fruit shop, some people were weighing big spoons on the fried rice stand, and some people were running in a hurry. Running across the street to the waiting family...

Everything is so peaceful and beautiful, but no one knows that the crisis that only appeared in the TV news has happened to them.

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