Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Thirty First Worry

At this time, in the cadre ward of Yunwei County Hospital.

Although this ward is called "cadre ward", in fact, with a series of official organizational reforms, it has long since lost its so-called "serving cadres" responsibilities, but has become a hospital with high-quality service as the standard. A senior care ward similar to an airport VIP room.

At this moment, the two auxiliary policemen who were injured in the early stage were living in such a temporary cadre ward together with He Wendi.

The two auxiliary policemen were named Li Chenhao and Li Ronggang. Compared with He Wendi, who was still in bed and couldn't get up, their physical condition was much better—after all, they were affected by the entropy-increasing jump zone for a shorter period of time. The damage to the body is also relatively small.

"So is this matter finalized? Are you sure it's an adjacent dimension invasion?"

Li Chenhao peeled a banana for He Wenjian while chatting casually with Li Ronggang.

"Who knows? We don't have first-hand information anyway, but from the boss's tone, it's basically a done deal."

"Unexpectedly, I thought that the so-called adjacent dimension invasion was a far-off thing, but now we have run into it."

"Who said no."

Li Chenhao sighed, handed the banana to He Wendi, and then continued:

"This thing is too scary. I was really like hitting a ghost at the time. I couldn't move my body, couldn't breathe, and I lost all the strength in my whole body... Hey, you said, before that Will those who say haunted and ghost presses have something to do with the invasion of adjacent dimensions?"

Li Ronggang shook his head and replied:

"It's not that evil, ghosts press the bed and so on, don't they all say that it is sleep paralysis? That kind of damage to the body without essential damage is different from us."

"Look at Lao He, 40% of the alveoli are necrotic, and a large number of liver cells have died. This is not a joke."

"I heard from the doctor that it was fortunate that it came in time, or else it would be impossible to save it."

He Wendian on the side gave a wry smile. In fact, he is basically out of danger now, and no surgical treatment plan has been arranged in the future. He can only rest slowly and wait for his body to recover.

From his own feeling, except for feeling tired and short of breath, everything else is fine----this is because his physical condition is not bad, and he has no other underlying diseases, otherwise this level is really good. Can't get over it.

"Did the above say what to do?"

he asked in a hoarse voice.

"What should I do? Anyway, the state pays the medical bills for you, and you probably won't have to worry about your retirement in the future, but family members will definitely not be able to visit. Now we are all highly confidential personnel, and the information we are talking about here cannot be leaked at all."

"You also know the psychology of our little people. If you let them know that there is a possibility that this kind of thing might happen inexplicably one day, it is estimated that the whole country will be in chaos."

He Wendian nodded, then shook his head and said:

"I know this... I'm not asking this, I mean, what is the country going to do about the invasion of neighboring dimensions?"

During the few days of bed rest, he was not idle. After regaining his mobility, the first thing he did was to get back his mobile phone, and then he checked all the information about the invasion of adjacent dimensions that he could find on his mobile phone. data document.

He did not understand all of these documents, but he basically came to a conclusion, that is:

Neighboring dimension invasion is very difficult to do. At present, no matter which country it is, there is no real and effective way to deal with adjacent dimension invasion.

"Didn't you check the information? The Tongtianhe project and the Fenghuo project are all projects to deal with the invasion of adjacent dimensions."

"The Fiberhome project is about nuclear fusion, and it solves the energy problem; the Tongtianhe project is about land, and it solves the food problem."

"Once these two problems are solved, we will have the confidence to deal with the invasion of adjacent dimensions - at least there will be no large-scale starvation."

"no no......"

He Wendi's expression was a little anxious. He opened his mouth and tried hard to reach for the water cup on the side. Seeing this, Li Ronggang quickly handed over the water and gave him two sips.

After taking a few breaths, He Wendian finally calmed down. Then, he kept his breath as steady as possible and asked:

"I mean, what should we do in a situation like ours?"

"Like ours?"

"It's just... well at home, drinking tea, eating, and suddenly died, inexplicably died..."

Hearing He Wendi's words, Li Ronggang and Li Chenhao were stunned for a moment, and they both understood what the other meant.

Yes, the problem of the invasion of adjacent dimensions is definitely not an overall problem. Unexpected events like this will continue to occur. This time it is lucky that no human life was lost, but what about the next time? Wait until this happens on a large scale?

Who can guarantee that he is not the next one? Who can guarantee that their loved ones will not be next?

This is a huge sense of insecurity, and if this problem cannot be solved, the collapse of the social order can almost be said to be inevitable.

Li Ronggang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then hesitantly said:

"It won't happen so often... I heard that the current invasion of adjacent dimensions is still small-scale and not very harmful. Later, when the country clears it up, I will give everyone a popular science of dangerous areas. Characteristics, just avoid it when you encounter it.”

"This kind of small probability event is similar to being hit by a car while you're walking on the road... It's even less likely. There's nothing to worry about... Right?"

Although he said that, from his face, the other two could see a deep worry.

This anxiety does not come from a fear of death, or even from a distrust of current technology or officialdom, but from a sense of . . . powerlessness.

Yes, the adjacent dimension has begun to erode this world, and its power has begun to project into the lives of ordinary people, and almost took three lives, but I have no ability to resist.

"Would you like to find a way to stay away from crowded places? Will there be less danger in rural areas?"

Li Chenhao asked tentatively.

"It's not like this at all. If it really has something to do with people, the first invasion should happen in the Imperial Capital....No way, just live a good life."

Having said this, Li Ronggang smiled and then continued:

"Look, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Before, we always thought about the ticket house or something, now? What's the use of earning so much, maybe it will die tomorrow -- and die without warning. "

"After I leave the hospital, I will spend more time with my family. I don't have much time."

"You have family, I don't even have a wife yet..."

"There will be. After going out, hurry up to fall in love and get married, otherwise... We will definitely be on the front line in the future, don't sacrifice at that time, and no one will even get the pension. ."

Li Chenhao nodded solemnly, and the three looked at each other with a heavy expression.

However, what they don't know, about their worries, on the other side, someone has started an urgent and comprehensive discussion.

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