Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 532: Blockade Is Worse Than Making It Public

Imperial City, in the red room.

The screen in the center of the room projected Ye Zhou's face, and outside the screen, several core members of the city's quick response team were sitting with the man in the tunic suit.

Now, the responsibility of this fast-reaction team has long been no longer as simple as a blow to the Pastoral Organization and the natural sect. In fact, all matters related to public security and defense in the neighboring dimension invasion are managed by them.

"The situation is very clear now. The invasion of adjacent dimensions has actually happened, and what He Wendi encountered is just one of them."

"Actually, after we conducted a comprehensive review of recent reports, we found that there were at least 7 cases related to the invasion of neighboring dimensions -- this is still brought together by us, if we consider the missed and unreported cases Of those, we estimate that there have been at least 20 so-called entropy-increasing transition regions."

"The loopholes have already begun to appear. According to the scale, such loopholes are not the beginning of a comprehensive "water pumping", but we must also be vigilant."

Hearing the introduction of the team leader Qin Chuan, Ye Zhou nodded and then added:

"We have started to conduct technical analysis of the entropy increase jump point, but the difficulty is that the jump point exists for a short time, and there are few traceable clues left."

"We can observe the consequences of the jump in entropy, but we don't have any grasp of how it happens, or the physics of the process."

"I have submitted the technical documents related to the entropy increase and jump monitor prepared in the early stage. The General Technical Office has begun to arrange production, and it is expected to be available within two months."

"According to the design requirements, this monitor mainly relies on temperature and pressure sensing and ultrasonic technology, which can monitor the surrounding area of ​​about 30 kilometers, but if we want to further improve the monitoring accuracy, we need to build a monitoring network."

"This is the same as the honeycomb network we are using now. We can only rely on the number to fill the monitoring range, and the amount of engineering is huge."

"We plan to use the existing cellular network infrastructure - at least in the up-front survey phase to save a lot of money."

The man in the tunic suit in the conference room nodded and said:

"You and Chen Hao will take care of the technical matters, so I won't be involved too much. This project is very important, but at the same time, it can't consume too many resources, because we have more important things to do."

"The main thing we are discussing today is not this. The main question we are facing now is whether to disclose the invasion of neighboring dimensions to the public."

"In this regard, we need to take into account the economic and social impact. You express your opinions first, and we will make the final decision after collecting your opinions."

Ye Zhou nodded solemnly, then looked at Qin Chuan in the conference room, who was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he was the first to speak.

After thinking for a moment in silence, he opened his mouth and said:

"I think this matter can't be covered for two reasons."

"First, the invasion of adjacent dimensions will directly affect the lives of ordinary people, and the harm will be very serious. The consequences are very serious. Once it occurs, it will inevitably spread quickly."

"We can control this proliferation by blocking messages and establishing secrecy zones, but the problem is that the cost of doing so is huge and the benefits are uncertain."

"There must be a bunch of 100 secrets. We can't really block all the ways of spreading news."

"Secondly, it has actually been a while since the invasion of adjacent dimensions and our discovery. We have reason to believe that the incident has already spread, but it is still in the fermentation stage and has not reached the threshold of outbreak. "

"In this case, my suggestion is that instead of trying so hard to hide the truth, it's better to show it directly and find a way to make the public accept this fact."

"In dealing with this situation, we all have experience and lessons. When dealing with some large-scale infection incidents before, we have suffered the pain of blocking news and the sweetness of being open and honest. ."

"The people are much stronger than we thought, and we should have them stand with us instead of doing self-righteous things under the pretext of 'stability'."

After speaking, Qin Chuan turned his eyes to the man in the Chinese tunic suit aside. In fact, what he said was extremely sharp, and even he himself was not sure whether he could convince the other party or whether the other party could accept such a proposal.

But there is no way, the reason why their team is called the fast counter team, one of the most important characteristics is "fast".

They can't take into account too many stylized, standardized rules and procedures, and the goal is only to solve problems.

In order to solve the problem, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

To his surprise, the man in the tunic didn't show much emotional fluctuations towards his opinion, just nodded and looked at the screen beside him.

"My suggestion is the same as Team Qin."

Ye Zhou looked at the man in Chinese tunic off-screen seriously, and then continued:

"For this matter, we not only need to make it public as soon as possible, but also need to start popular science training for the public as soon as possible."

"We have to make sure that the information we have now is the same as the information the people have."

"What is the adjacent dimension, what is the intrusion of the adjacent dimension, what is the jump point of entropy increase, what kind of phenomenon will be associated with it when it occurs, how to ensure one's own safety when the jump occurs... .."

"All the knowledge we already have, we must ensure that the people also have it."

"My reason is very simple. Even if I don't consider sociology and economic theory, and only technically speaking, in fact, the efficiency of full-staff monitoring is higher than that of equipment monitoring."

"If someone accidentally finds a jump point of entropy increase, even after reporting it to us, we can immediately send people to sample and study, which is important for deepening the understanding of adjacent dimensions and deepening the understanding of 'channel technology' significance."

The man in Chinese tunic nodded slightly, then asked:

"You all agree, but here we have a new problem."

"If this information is made public, mass panic is inevitable. Do you have any ideas on how to deal with this panic?"

"Let's start with Ye Zhou, I want to hear advice from the technical field first."

Ye Zhou frowned and replied:

"Actually, all fear comes from the unknown. If we can accurately predict the location and time of the jump point of entropy increase for each adjacent dimension invasion, we can organize the people to evacuate in advance, and they will not be affected by life. When threatened, I think they are less likely to panic."

"But the problem is, we can't do that right now, and if you want to go through this path to solve the problem of's just a lie."

"What if you don't lie?"

"If we don't lie, all we can give the people is how to save their lives as much as possible. I will give a simple example, teaching a person who can't swim how to swim and teaching him how to save himself from drowning. The sense of security offered by this option is quite different.”

"Predicting the entropy jump point is teaching swimming, and that's our goal."

The man in Chinese tunic hummed, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked:

"Can't Quantum Ghost do this?"

"It can't be done. Since the last time we provided valid information, we have never received other information from it. We now suspect that this quantum ghost is in some kind of collapsed state, and it will form a probability cloud next time. I don't know what it is. It's time."

"Take a step back, even if the quantum ghost re-formed the probability cloud and regained the predictive power, we would not be able to put this precious predictive power on such a small thing - compared to other goals, now we It’s really a small problem.”

"Okay, I see. Xiao Qin, how about you?"

Qin Chuan shook his head and replied:

"There is no good way. The only way I can think of is to convince the people that we have the ability to deal with problems, but President Ye said just now that we don't have..."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou hurriedly interrupted:

"No, this statement is false"

"We really can't predict the specific situation of the entropy-increasing jump region, but if we have found the jump region, it is actually not that difficult to deal with it."

"How to do?"

Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, then said:

"First take over the military area, we need their assistance..."

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