Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 533 The Iowa Massacre

While Ye Zhou and others were discussing the follow-up work on the invasion of adjacent dimensions, Ugly State, Iowa.

Els is a very ordinary farmer in this country, and like every other farmer in this state, he manages his own piece of land.

This is almost an uncontested profession - the wild west has long since disappeared, and within the confines of his own farm, no one else will be his enemy, because whether it is water, fertilizer, or It's land, it's all planned early in the morning.

If there is any conflict, everyone is used to resolving it through a lawyer.

Anyway, legal fees have been falling since a long time ago.

Therefore, his daily work is actually very simple. In addition to arranging work for the farm workers, he drives his pickup truck around the farm. If he finds an area with poor growth, he will dig the soil in that area. Take a few pieces, take a few more photos, and send it to a professional agricultural consulting agency for inspection.

In fact, even this situation rarely occurs. The standardized and mechanized operation process makes him and his crops extremely easy. Those corns are as standard and full as they are produced in an assembly line.

But recently, his farm has run into some trouble.

----It can't be considered a big one, it's just that in a small area, the corn is inexplicably withered. These areas are insignificant compared to his farm, but Els still decides to take it seriously.

He didn't want to kill all the crops because of a blight like in the movie.

So he reported the situation to the local agricultural department, but after reading it, the local agricultural department did not give any good suggestions.

"These damn pigs, they've never been of any help!"

Els complained to his wife.

While preparing breakfast, the wife opened her mouth to comfort:

"Isn't that the way officials always do? What can we expect from them?"

"But hasn't the test report come out? At least there are no signs of infectious diseases."

"I looked at the situation over there. It really doesn't look like an infectious disease. It looks like... um, frozen to death."

"Frozen to death? It's autumn now, and the weather isn't getting cold so fast."

Els shook his head, but at the same time he felt a little puzzled - as his wife said, all the crops in those small withered areas seemed to be frozen to death.

Could it be an occasional hailstorm?

Yes, if you think about it, it's really similar - it only appears in a small random area, there is no obvious precursor, and there are still traces of cracking on the ground.

But how much hail does it take to cause such consequences?

It's incredible, but often the most incredible explanation is the correct explanation. You know, the old Henry on the farm next door once saw a hailstone the size of a basketball.

If it weren't for him hiding quickly, I'm afraid there would be no such thing as "Old Henry" in this world, because before he got old, he should have been killed by hailstones.

Thinking of this, Els felt a little funny and relaxed a little bit.

In any case, the harvest season is coming soon, and this little loss really can't change the overall situation.

He took the fried bacon and eggs handed over by his wife, and after swallowing them in two bites, he went out and got on his tractor. The workers were already carrying out small-scale harvesting according to the predetermined plan, and all kinds of machinery needed to be After the last two weeks of debugging, he has to go to the scene and watch to ensure that everyone can use those large machines correctly.

He couldn't bear the loss caused by a personal injury.

The early morning air was cold with a hint of moisture, which was a sign that the automatic irrigation device was starting to water. Els turned the steering wheel with satisfaction, and kicked the accelerator to the workers who were gathering in the distance.

It was not until he caught up with their slow pace that Els stopped the flame and then stepped forward to ask:

"Are the machinery and tools ready?"

"Get ready, boss, today's oil price has dropped again, and the money for buying fuel yesterday was not used up. I'll give it to you when the work is finished----1100 dolce."

"1100? That much?"

Els asked in surprise.

In fact, the total amount of money he handed over to the workers for purchasing yesterday was only 4,000 dal. The reference was the price of last week. According to the reply of the other party, the price of diesel has dropped again in just one week. 20% more.

"Yes, it's all about Huaxia's nuclear fusion—but that seems to be a good thing for us, anyway, we're not an oil-producing country, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Our international economic system is built on the oil and gas system. If the price of oil collapses, our national economy will also collapse..."

Els, a farmer who finished college, had far more foresight than the workers on this kind of economic and political thing.

After patiently explaining it, most of the workers understood what he meant, and they seemed to take advantage of the attitude before they began to attack Huaxia regardless of the overall situation.

Hearing these extremely emotional remarks, Els didn't say much, but after a few words to pay attention to safety, he continued to patrol forward.

The area of ​​the farm is very large, and it usually takes him four or five hours to complete the inspection, so he often takes a break in the middle, eats lunch, and then finishes the rest of the work leisurely.

Today, of course, was no exception. As always, he stopped by a creek that ran through the farm, and took out the lunch box from the backpack he was carrying, which contained the sandwiches his wife had prepared for him.

However, before he had time to bite down, there was a rapid call from the walkie-talkie.

"Boss, boss! Something happened!"

Els rushed to the walkie-talkie, his heart lifted at this moment.

Afraid of what to come.

If a work-related accident occurs at this time, then the income of his farm this year will be greatly reduced.

"What's the matter? Tell me now!"

"Boss, Charles is dead!"

"Charle is dead?? What happened??"

Els asked in shock.

He never imagined that the accident would be so serious. Logically speaking, although the current large-scale machinery is dangerous to a certain extent, most of them have taken complete life support measures. Even if a small accident occurs, It is also difficult to reach the level of death.

Shouldn't it be run over by a car?

"We didn't know, and suddenly died!"

"He died suddenly? Are you sure he died, not fainted from heatstroke?"

Hearing this, Els's heart has been put down a lot.

As long as the death is not due to an accident, the loss will not be too great.

"Dead indeed....looks like a heart attack...we heard him yell on the walkie-talkie and by the time we found him he was already on the ground."

"Do CPR!"

Els shouted loudly.

".......we will not."

"Damn, haven't you seen the movie? Press the heart, give artificial respiration!"

"Yes, yes, someone is already doing it, but it doesn't seem to work..."

"Then stand there and wait for me!"

Els started the tractor and rushed in the direction he was coming from. He kept confirming the direction and position with others. At this time, he was calm and calm. Of course, this was not because he was born to encounter When it comes to major events, he is calm, but because this matter has nothing to do with him.

He died inexplicably, most likely it was just a sudden illness, so what does this have to do with him as a farmer?

Since it doesn't matter, of course there is no need to worry.

Thinking of this, Els felt even a little more relaxed.

However, in the next second, a voice that made him extremely uneasy suddenly came from the walkie-talkie:

"Damn it, Dopp is dead too! Boss!"

After half a second, the walkie-talkie was suddenly silent, and cold sweat had already slid down Els's face.

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