Simulation: Great Power Technology

Five Hundred And Thirtieth Chapters Create Panic

In the second week after the Ark members found Els, a series of half-true reports suddenly began to ferment in international public opinion.

Dozens of accidents caused by the invasion of adjacent dimensions have been exposed, including several accidents within Huaxia.

No one knows where their information comes from, just as no one knows who the organization that exposed it is.

---- Of course, in the eyes of those with sufficient information, this series of reports is either related to the Ark or the sect of nature, but to be finalized, further evidence is required.

"There was an adjacent dimensional invasion incident in Texas. The entropy jump made the building structure brittle, causing the building that was just built three years ago to collapse. Fortunately, this incident did not cause casualties."

"Cracks appeared in the Hoover Dam. Upon inspection, a large number of ice layers and low temperature areas were found near the cracks, which confirmed that the accident was related to the invasion of adjacent dimensions."

"An adjacent dimensional invasion incident occurred on a farm in Iowa. The incident resulted in the death of 13 people. It is understood that all the deceased died of respiratory multi-organ failure caused by energy loss. The farmer witnessed the entire process of the incident. However, due to the constraints of the case investigation process, witnesses cannot be interviewed for the time being."

"The Yindu military claimed to have detected an adjacent dimensional invasion channel and successfully closed it. This statement has not been confirmed by professionals."

"Mao Xiong officially claimed that there have been 11 recent incidents of neighboring dimension invasions in China, and no casualties have been caused."


Ye Zhou looked at the constantly updated news reports, frowned and said:

"Where did all these intrusions come from? Most of them are human accidents, right? All the blame for the neighboring dimensions?"

On the opposite side, Chen Hao shook his head helplessly and replied:

"Then what can be done? The current environment is that you say that the accident was caused by the invasion of an adjacent dimension, which is caused by the invasion of an adjacent dimension. There is no need to submit any additional evidence, and the public also eats this set."

"There must be some truth or falsehood in these news, but I personally think that most of them should be true."

"Because most of them are untraceable accidents, such as the incident on the Iowa farm, judging from the autopsy report released by the police, the 13 people did die suddenly. In such a concentration of deaths, only adjacent Intrusion is a more plausible explanation."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then said:

"I agree that this is true, but it's too coincidental. How big is the range of the entropy increase jump point we detect now? Killing 13 people at a time? It's a bit unbelievable."

"Huluwa saves grandpa. The accident in Yunwei County almost turned out like this. If it wasn't for the leader who happened to walk a few steps slower, it is estimated that all four of them would have to explain there."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou sighed, pondered for a moment and said:

"I always feel that something is wrong with the recent situation. It is obvious that the location and time of the jump point of entropy increase are very random, and all the events in our country add up to less than 1% of the actual loss----in fact Just the one in Yunwei County."

"But from the point of view of international public opinion, they make it seem like this kind of invasion is a targeted attack."

"Especially the Hoover Dam incident, which is obviously deliberately inciting the sensitive nerves of the people, and diverting ordinary events in the direction of major crises."

Chen Hao frowned when he heard the words, and he asked:

"Do you think that someone is manipulating public opinion?"

"It should be like this, but I don't know who it is. Creating a crisis and creating anxiety is logically what the Natural Sect people are most willing to see, but now the Natural Sect has almost been killed by Hermes. ---- is it Ark's handwriting?"

"Like, but the motive doesn't make sense."

Chen Hao shook his head and continued:

"After all, Ark is only a branch within Hermes. They differ from Hermes in terms of development philosophy, but their essence is not at the level of the fleeing faction. It is not good for them to create such a panic."

"They have demands for technological development, but the more panic the people are, the more chaotic the order will be, the more difficult it will be for technological development - this is obviously not what they want to see."

"But it's not necessarily. Hermes is a bunch of lunatics. Maybe they want to use such panic to force the officials of various countries to go all out?"

Ye Zhou sighed, turned off the screen of the pad on the table, and then continued:

"Leave them alone, how is our quick response plan ready?"

Chen Hao handed Ye Zhou a stack of documents, and then said:

"The military has already made a big deal. The miniature incendiary bomb you want is not available yet, but the structure is simple and can be mass-produced within a week at most. Now their problem is that this kind of incendiary bomb needs to be distributed to local militia organizations. Is it reasonable or not - after all, this is a lethal weapon, and if it is used in a bad place, it will bring great losses."

"There's no other way. To use a large amount of energy to impact adjacent dimension channels in a short period of time, all we can choose is an incendiary device - we can't make a miniature nuclear bomb, right?"

"And, believe me, as long as these things are distributed, the positive effects are far greater than the negative effects."

"What the people care about is not how useful you can be, but whether you have a solution. Now that the solution is out, we are not helpless when the entropy jump occurs, that's enough."

"...It makes sense. Should we just go a step further and send it directly to the people?"

"Then it needs to be connected to the system. Each incendiary bomb needs to be numbered and connected to the Internet. Is it technically possible?"

Chen Hao didn't answer immediately, he took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages before raising his head and saying to Ye Zhou:

"Technically no problem, but it will take a little longer, maybe a month."

"It's totally fine. First announce the news in the early stage, and stabilize domestic public opinion... It's the best way I can think of."

Chen Hao raised his head, gave Ye Zhou a comforting look, and then said:

"Don't be too nervous. In fact, this method is not bad. Compared with other countries that do nothing, we have done our best. The most important thing is, didn't you say it yourself? We sent it to What they have is not a real weapon against the invasion of an adjacent dimension, but a sense of security."

"If you have something in your hand, no matter how useful it is, you will have a sense of security, just like when you were a child walking at night, if you held a sword in your hand, you would feel a lot more daring—although that sword It definitely won't hurt the monsters you're afraid of."

"What's more, the things we send now still work, which is very good."

Ye Zhou nodded and was about to answer when there was a sudden knock on the door of the office. Then, a secretary walked in and put a top-secret report in front of the two of them.

The two looked at each other, and their expressions became a little nervous. Then, Chen Hao opened the envelope. After seeing the contents clearly, he said with some emotion:

"It is now certain that someone is definitely manipulating public opinion.... What are they trying to do?"

Ye Zhou was still reading the report word by word, and after a long time, he said:

"Nuclear explosion accident... Theoretically, if the entropy increase jump point happens to occur near the prepared nuclear warhead, it may indeed lead to the loss of internal balance, thereby inducing an uncontrollable fission reaction, but this probability too small."

"Think that the possibility of destruction is high - do you remember the conditions that Jace gave us earlier? They said that they would detonate one or two nuclear bombs in the Ugly Country."

"Yes, that's what I was thinking of."

Ye Zhou pushed the document away, leaned back on the chair, and then said:

"In this case, the situation has been basically confirmed, and the Ark Organization must be manipulating public opinion, but their purpose is still a mystery."

"Forget it, let's leave it alone and contact Bruce Conn directly and ask them what they want to do."

"If he doesn't even know about it, then Hermes should clean up the portal."

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