Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 536: It's Time To Swing The Sword

In the Pacific Ocean, 90 nautical miles east of the island of Mauritius in the open sea, the cruise ship "Explorer" is swimming above the sea.

The converted cruise ship has never docked since three years ago, and all it has to do is make it impossible to dock at any regular port.

It is the headquarters of the Hermes organization, and it was from this cruise ship that Bruce Conn issued a cruel and decisive order, causing many surrender organizations in the world, including the natural sect, and even official organizations. a major blow.

A lot of people wanted him dead, but of course, a lot of people wanted him alive.

Therefore, he can only maintain the operation of the Hermes organization in this way. As long as he is still on the high seas, as long as he does not step into the territory of any country, according to the tacit balance and tacit understanding, no one will attack him.

But today, after receiving news from China, he feels his authority has been challenged.

Under his own eyes, the group called "Ark" split from the Hermes organization actually skipped him and began to use Hermes' resources to manipulate public opinion, and it has already caused major damage worldwide. influences.

And he himself, did not even know the purpose of these actions.

It was a major oversight, but Conn didn't think it represented his own failure—Hermes was involved in too many affairs, which took up so much of his energy that he had no time to look inside management work.

But that doesn't mean he's not good at such jobs.

He's a sociologist, and what he's best at is managing people -- maybe sometimes, this kind of "management" can be pretty tough and direct.

In a small reception room on the Explorer, Conn was having a significant conversation with the two core members of the Hermetic Organization. If you look back in the future, people may find that It was this conversation that ended the era of the unification of the Hermetic Organization and started two decades of turbulence in this organization and the entire world.

But now, everyone agrees that this conversation is nothing more than an internal review and reflection.

"So, it is now basically certain that the leader of the 'Ark' organization is a character code-named 'Columbus', but we have not yet grasped his specific identity."

"How long does it take to confirm identity?"

Conn frowned.

"It needs to be checked from the bottom up. Their secrecy measures are not too strict - in fact, they always believe that our goals are the same, but they have chosen another technological development route."

"What is certain is that Jess, Pyderoff, and Minson all belong to the Ark Organization. Among them, Jess and Pyderoff are my direct subordinates. They are very loyal, but out of some wrong consciousness. , which caused them to fail to report to me in time."

"If we can open a breakthrough from them, we will be able to touch the top members of the Ark organization in about a week, and it is very likely to catch the so-called 'Columbus'."

"But what I'm worried about now is, if we take coercive measures against them, will there be a violent backlash? Our organization is likely to be divided, and execution and influence will be greatly reduced."

Hearing his words, Conn nodded slightly, and then said:

"The division of the organization is inevitable, or rather, it is not a division, but a purification."

"According to the current information, the so-called 'conscious upload' technology promoted by the Ark organization has a precursor to escapeism, which is something we absolutely do not want to see. In order to avoid such signs, we should kill them at all costs. In the cradle—even a civil war."

"Is it really necessary?"

The man opposite said hesitantly.

"Why isn't it necessary?"

"....they just want to survive, you know, in the face of such a major crisis, every attempt should be encouraged, what if they're right?"

"They can't be right."

Conn said firmly.

"If they choose another route, such as the direction of antimatter bombs proposed by my old friend Sidjeff, then it is absolutely impossible for me to suppress them."

"Even if they know that this plan has little hope, I will encourage them to give it a try."

"But consciousness uploading is different. It's a complete abandonment of positions. As carbon-based creatures, our land, air and sunlight are the foundation of our existence. If we give up these things, we will never be able to get back together again."

"Compared with the crisis in the adjacent dimension, the technology they choose is a bigger crisis, because what they ask us to give up is the attribute of being a 'human', and what they give up is the most powerful and also the most powerful creature of human beings. The most reliable foundation."

"So, we can't compromise."

"All right......."

The man let out a long sigh. He had not been completely convinced by Conn, but he had a feeling for Conn in front of him that far surpassed his trust. To the king, it is like the soldier ant to the queen.

Out of this emotion, he is willing to carry out Conn's strategy without compromise, even if the strategy has not been proved correct.

After a pause, he continued:

"So, where should we start? Other than confirming the Ark's membership list?"

Conn took a deep breath on the cigarette that was about to burn out, and then said:

"First of all, we need to confirm what they are going to do this time - to hype public opinion on a large scale, to create panic on a large scale, and their purpose is obviously not to panic itself."

"I'm very suspicious that their operation this time is still related to consciousness uploading technology - it's just that I don't know where they're going to start right now."

"It's true. This is the first time we've had direct and close contact with them, and we need more time to figure out their logic."

The man replied in agreement.

Conn pondered for a moment, then asked:

"I heard they found the farmer who survived the Adjacent Dimension invasion in Iowa? Is this news accurate?"

"Accurately, the person was found by Thomas. He used to be a member of the operations team and was in charge of operations in North America. Later, he was transferred to the logistics department because of an injury. I know him very well. people."

"Okay, then the strategy is very clear. Since they found the farmer, it proves that the farmer is very important to their follow-up plan. What we have to do is very simple, just clean him up."

"Clean up? Connect with insiders? But Thomas..."

The man was about to say something, but Conn interrupted him directly.

"You can try to communicate with Thomas first. However, this communication must be based on our complete control of him, and if he shows any inclination to cooperate and return to the Hermes organization, I miss you should know what to do."

Hearing Conn's words, the man nodded painfully. He and Thomas were not really close friends. When in previous operations, Thomas had accepted his command as a capable subordinate, and was also in those Acts of great quality and admirable sacrifice.

Now, because of the different routes, he is likely to personally order to "clear" the opponent, which is not an easy thing for him to make up his mind.

Conn noticed the man's expression, but he didn't say much. He was a leader, and as a leader, he knew that the most important thing at this time was not to show the care and affection of his subordinates, but to show the care and affection of his subordinates. Stick to your tough principles.

So, he just continued to speak coldly:

"Thomas and the farmer are just the first step, and after finding out who the Ark is, we're likely to do a deeper cleanup."

"We have so many resources in our hands, most of which come from the official countries that support us, and we must not allow these resources to be wasted on flightism - and the official will not allow it."

"So, we have to show our attitude."

"And the only way to show our attitude is war."

"There is a saying in Huaxia called 'a strong man breaks his wrist'. When you can't save an arm, you have to cut it off."

"And now, it's time to swing the knife."

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