At the same time as the Hermes team was nervously preparing for the raid, in the basement of the target's second-story building, Els was sitting upright facing the camera, speaking lines he had repeated countless times.

In the past two days, all he has done is read the script and film according to the script provided by the man named Avaka in this tightly controlled safe room. After a long time, his The spirit has been a little trance, and the speech has become stuttering, but it seems that the other party wants his state.

The more absent-minded you are, the more the other person praises you, because the other person believes that this state of mind is the best way to present what they have planned.

"Very good Els, take a break, we'll do it again later, and if there are no problems, then our closure is over."

"However, your protection will continue for a while, you know, after standing with us, you will be the enemy of many people who will do whatever it takes to control you, even if they don't want to kill you. , get the information they want from you."

Els nodded and replied tiredly in a hoarse voice:

"I understand, I will do what you have arranged... But, do these things we do now really make sense?"

"Does it make sense?"

Avaka smiled, handed Els a cigarette, and then said:

"I think you've asked this question many times, and I've answered it many times."

"But that's okay, it's normal for you to have doubts when faced with a major event like this, so I don't mind answering it again."

"Mr. Els, as you can see, the invasion of adjacent dimensions has already begun, and according to our current level of technology, we have no chance of confrontation."

"What nuclear bombs, nuclear fusion, aircraft carriers, fighter jets... These things are not even as good as children's toys in front of those high-level civilizations in adjacent dimensions."

"No, it should be said that to them, these things are like a wooden stick grabbed in the hands of monkeys in our eyes. It may indeed have the properties of some tools, but it is impossible to really bring any changes to the contrast between strengths and weaknesses."

"So, we can only choose another path - we must fundamentally change the form of civilization we belong to, and uploading consciousness is the first step."

"Now, the world doesn't agree with our line, they are still immersed in the dream of using a wooden stick to fight against the starship, we must pierce their dream, and this is what you and I are doing these two days. ."

Hearing this, Els sighed heavily, and then said with some doubts:

"However, the things I said are not all true.... I have not heard any voices from the void, nor have I seen any visions you describe... The so-called Is it true?”

"we do not know."

Avaka shook his head unabashedly, then continued:

"We don't know if civilization protection areas will exist, this is a speculation based on our thinking as human beings - since we will provide protection areas for wild animals, then higher civilizations provide protection for lower civilizations Not so incredible."

"Also, I know what you're asking. You think the concepts we're proposing are no different from the so-called sects of nature, right?"

Seeing Els nodding, Avaka patted him on the shoulder and said:

"It is undeniable that in some respects our route overlaps with theirs, but trust me, the overlap is minimal and our goals are completely different."

"We just need to use this part of the 'story' that most resonates with human beings to expand the influence of the consciousness uploading project. After securing enough project resources, we will start the real plan."

"Remember, we're not runaways, we're just . . . reluctant to put all our eggs in one basket."

Els finally nodded, took the last puff of cigarette in his hand, and then asked:

"I want to go up and get some air, okay?"

"better not."

Avaka decisively refused his request, then explained:

"Our security isn't foolproof, it's possible that there are dozens of sniper rifles aimed at us around this building, and they're like snakes, waiting for you to show up, and once you come out, Killed in one hit."

"Only here, underground, can you be a little safer."

"If you want to see the sky, look at it through this screen, don't worry, after the information is announced, when you become a public figure, you can breathe fresh air again."

"All right."

Els nodded helplessly. He paced to the screen and sat down. The staff on the side came over and enthusiastically introduced him to the use of monitoring equipment. It was the first time he had seen such a monitor. The monitoring equipment that can be seen in the movie can not help but be a little curious.

The scope of the camera covered the entire building area. He controlled the cameras to turn around at will, and even greeted the security guards who were standing guard outside the building through the microphone.

Everyone was friendly, which made Els a lot more relaxed.

After he switched the main screen to the camera on the roof, as Awaka said, he saw a pure, cloudless sky.

----But above that sky, there are two small black spots that are not so conspicuous.

Els frowned and enlarged the picture, and Avaka also looked at the screen curiously.

"It's a helicopter."

"Yeah, it looks like fire helicopters, you see, there's a big barrel hanging under them."

Els pointed to the helicopter that was gradually taking shape on the screen and said.

"Also, the bucket should be full of water... It's flying very slowly. Is there any news of wildfires nearby?"

"Who knows? Maybe there is. You know, this season is full of wildfires and firefighters are running out of steam. Maybe we should use some adjacent dimension - they're very good at putting out fires. professional."

Hearing Avaka's words, everyone in the safe room laughed in relief.

This is of course just a joke, but if humans can really gain the upper hand in this war, who dares to say that it is impossible for humans to order another civilization in an adjacent dimension to do something beneficial to them?

If it can be done, it will be a bright future.

In just two minutes, the two firefighting helicopters had flown closer and closer, and it seemed that they were just about to pass over the top of the safe house.

The security guards all looked up at the two helicopters, vigilant in their hearts, because according to their rules, any vehicle approaching the safe house would be considered a threat.

Even firefighting helicopters are no exception.

Who knows if those two barrels contained dozens of heavily armed warriors?

If the assault in the air downhill, it will definitely bring a major threat to the building.

But fortunately, the helicopters did not show any signs of slowing down and hovering, and they flew over just like all other helicopters on firefighting missions.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, the vat hanging under the helicopter suddenly dumped.

Everyone in the basement stared at the huge amount of liquid spilled, Els looked at Avaka in confusion, and asked:

"Why are you sprinkling us with water?"

"...Who knows, it's not like trying to drown us with water, right? This amount of water isn't enough... It's probably just an operation error."

At this time, those liquids had penetrated into every corner of the building and flowed towards the lower basement.

It was at this moment that the hysterical roar of the perimeter guards suddenly came from Avaka's earphones.

"It's oil! It's gasoline! Evacuate! Evacuate!!"

The next second, the flames soared into the air.

It wasn't even anyone in the helicopter that ignited, it was the short circuit in the building.

The entire safe house has turned into a fiery purgatory.

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