Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 539 I'm Waiting For You

"The only eyewitness was killed, the neighboring dimension invaded key information or was buried!"

"Stunning murder in Iowa, or official organization involved."

"Hell has come to earth, and the remains of 17 victims have been found at the Iowa fire scene."

"Gasoline burning! What are they trying to cover up?"

Just one day after the Hermes organization's raid ended, overwhelming news reports hit, targeting the unscrupulous Hermes organization.

Conn has ordered the use of all resources to limit public opinion to continue to ferment, but it is clear that this time, the direction of things is beyond the control of all of them.

However, just when he was anxious about this, there was one person who watched the news with satisfaction, with a "under control" smile on his face.

His name was McKinsey, or "Columbus".

And he is the head of the Ark Organization.

"Okay, everyone, the public opinion has been created. Next, we must completely cut off with Hermes, clear our relationship with them, and let the Ark be independent and do what we should do."

McKinsey put down the report in his hand and said briskly.

Yes, all of this is indeed developing as he expected. He was the one who directed the Ark Organization to contact Els, and he was the one who deliberately created the illusion of tight defense. When he knew that Hermes might take extreme tactics, he refused. It was he who had the people involved evacuated from the building and used the lives of those people to endorse the news he was about to announce.

All this was in his plan. Bruce Conn thought he was going to solve a major trouble, but he never thought that the process of solving this trouble was the real trouble.

What McKinsey had dropped was a bait, a bait to lure the Hermetic Organization into using their own bad, but in some respects, credible reputation to justify the Ark.

To allow such a vicious organization to launch such a large-scale operation, even at the expense of more than a dozen completely innocent guards, when anyone sees this fact, they have to doubt that the seriousness involved. conspiracy.

But does such a conspiracy really exist?

Does the so-called "truth" that Hermes wants to cover up really exist?

Of course it doesn't exist.

----Or, even if it exists, it is just fabricated by McKinsey.

This time, Hermes was completely passive, and Bruce Conn paid the price for his usual reckless tactics.

Looking at the confident McKinsey, other people's faces showed worried expressions.

Unlike McKinsey, they are not born optimists, they see more potential crises than current major results.

The reason is very simple, such an action is a complete declaration of war - Hermes' revenge may come at any time, they have suffered setbacks in public opinion and reputation, but there is no loss in strength.

"I think we should evacuate as soon as possible. Bruce Conn's executive team will find here soon, and their information integration and analysis capabilities are far beyond our imagination."

"If it's normal, they should have a list of all of us, even our historical travel information."

"If we go further, they are likely to open a breakthrough from those peripheral members to obtain our current position."

"It's not safe here, you have to go quickly."

The man's voice was a little anxious. The few people in this room represented the power at the highest level of the Ark Organization. If something happened, it would be a major blow to the Ark Organization.

But McKinsey remained calm. He lit a cigar leisurely and replied:

"Don't be in such a hurry, the good show has just been staged."

"I know we need to release further information, but this step doesn't need to be done here! Mr. Columbus, we should really go."

McKinsey shook his head and replied:

"No, Galileo, you haven't really understood what we're trying to do."

"However, soon you will understand."

"Our guest hasn't arrived yet. How can we evacuate now? We have to see him before we can proceed."

While speaking, McKinsey pulled out a cigar again, and then said to the man:

"Want one? This is an authentic Cohiba cigar, rolled on the lap of a girl with my own eyes."

The man codenamed Galileo reluctantly took the cigar. After biting off the end of the cigar, he rudely bit the cigar and directly lit the other end with a spray gun.

In order to make the cigar burn as soon as possible, he took a few breaths, and the thick smoke rushed into his lungs. The strong burning sensation made him miserable, but at the same time, it also calmed him from the extremely unstable mood swings. down.

He regained his usual composure - after seeing reports of the blaze in person, he developed an uncontrollable fear of the man's methods by the name of Bruce Conn.

What kind of cold-blooded person can he formulate such a strategy?

Helicopter hoisted gasoline, and dumped as much as 4 tons of gasoline on the two-story building regardless of the danger that the gasoline could be ignited by a little spark and the high temperature of the engine at any time in the air.

Everyone in the building did not have time to evacuate, even a few people in the underground safe house died of suffocation in the end.

What is even more frightening is that there is evidence that Hermes' executive team watched the whole process of the fire from beginning to end, and they always wanted to find an opportunity to rush into the fire to replenish the gun before the official, so as not to miss it. any one alive.

Although the official swift response prevented them from further action, it was too late - no one survived the fire and there was no need to go to refills.

After taking another deep breath of the cigar, he said in a calm voice:

"Even if we don't go now, our security measures should be upgraded - our security measures here are not as good as that building now."

"If Conn wants to attack us, we have no ability to resist."

"Why should we resist?"

McKinsey asked calmly.

"Don't resist?"

Galileo was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, there were a few short but dense gunshots from outside the house, and his hair stood up instantly. He had served in the army for many years and immediately heard that it was the sound of an m24 light sniper rifle. .

This rifle cannot be fired in bursts.

That means that multiple snipers fired at almost the same time.

Then, he heard the exclamations of the security guards through the earphones, and then, the sound of dense automatic rifle fire sounded.

He pulled a pistol from his waist, but McKinsey stopped him.

"No feedback, Galileo."

"This is the guest we've been waiting for--you're not still getting away with it, are you?"

"How could Conn let us go? How could he not find us?"

"Now, go and open the door. If I guessed correctly, he should come over in person."

As soon as McKinsey's voice fell, the door of the room was kicked open, and the sound of violent fire sounded, and the few people in the room who were not ready to resist fell halfway in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a grim face appeared in front of Galileo.

His eyes swept across the room, then settled on McKinsey's face.

"I found you, McKinsey—or, Mr. Columbus?"

McKinsey smiled, got up and extended his hand to Conn.

"No, I'm waiting for you, Conn."


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