Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Fourth Ultimatum

Wang Yang's family of four came to the meeting point according to the embassy's guidance. After arriving at the place, they learned through the introduction of the staff that Turkish Chicken has closed the visa processing channel for all Chinese people. This is why the airport has always reported that Tickets for Huaxia personnel cannot be issued.

The visa review cannot be passed, and of course the ticket cannot be issued.

Such an operation simply amazed Wang Yang. He never thought that in peacetime, there would be a country using such despicable means to detain citizens of another country in disguise.

Of course, the official explanation given by Turkish Chicken is a temporary control measure taken by Chinese businessmen for large-scale tax evasion and tax evasion. After the audit of several key personnel and companies is completed, the visa processing will return to normal, but this so-called "" How many days does it take to audit?

Nobody knows.

Perhaps, time is not calculated in days, but in months or years.

So, during this period of time, can the Chinese people in Istanbul just sit back and wait, and there is no other way?

Wang Yang asked the staff of the embassy, ​​who replied:

"I understand your feelings, in fact, we are extremely angry about this behavior."

"However, the reason put forward by the other party is in compliance with the formality - even if it is unreasonable from the perspective of international law, within the border of the other party, as long as they do not take drastic actions, we can only cooperate temporarily. "

"But don't worry, we have contacted relevant places and departments to ensure everyone's basic life."

"Those who still have a place to stay here can go back to their place of residence temporarily. If there is no more, part of it will stay in the embassy, ​​and we will vacate some empty rooms; the other part will stay in the hotel arranged by us, and the expenses will be paid in advance. It will be reimbursed by the embassy later.”

Hearing this, someone in the crowd said dissatisfiedly:

"Isn't that sending money to these bastards again? I won't do it! Anyway, it's not cold now, I'd rather lay a floor in the embassy compound!"

The staff of the embassy glanced at the man with a wry smile, and then reassured:

"Of course we understand your mood, but it's not necessary to do so."

"Don't worry, this is only a temporary measure, and it was because of the sudden incident that we were caught off guard."

"But after the problem is sorted out, we promise that we will let them spit out the benefits they get."

"Is it that hard?"

Wang Yang couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"It's not hard or hard, but you must pay attention to fairness and reasonableness in doing things. They are provoking the existing rules by doing this, since they themselves disregard the rules..."

Speaking of this, the staff suddenly stopped, as if realizing that he should not make such remarks in front of the public in his own capacity, but even if he only said half of the words, everyone else had already guessed what he meant.

If someone crosses the line of the rules first, then we don't have to tell them the rules.

But how to solve this problem is still unknown.

After completing the information transfer and personnel diversion, Wang Yang took his family back to their residence. The family looked at each other for half a minute before finally accepting this absurd fact.

"Looking on the bright side, at least our house is still a month away. In this month, no matter what the problem is, the country should be able to solve it."

"But the luggage we just packed has to be taken out again."

Wang Yang's youngest son said in a milky voice that he was still dragging his own small suitcase with one hand, which contained all his most important toys. In order to pack these toys, he really spent a lot of effort .

"It's okay, just clean up."

"You don't have to take out all of them. When you want to play with a toy, take one out and put it back when you're done playing. It's just for you to learn how to pack your things. Mom doesn't always teach you to put away your own things. okay?"

The younger son nodded earnestly, while the older son had already tore off the sheet on the sofa and sat on it.

He was only less than 8 years old, and he was exhausted from the tossing all day.

"Do you want to stock up on food first?"

His wife approached Wang Yang and asked softly.

Wang Yang frowned and replied:

"We have to stock up! After all, this place is not in China, and the embassy won't have so many resources to call upon when something goes wrong. It's better to be self-reliant!"

As he spoke, Wang Yang put down the large and small bags in his hand, and after explaining a few words to his two sons, he took his wife downstairs.

At the same time, after receiving the news of the visa problem, tens of thousands of Chinese people, like Wang Yang, chose to stock up on food for the first time.

They may not know the logic behind this event, but the instinctive response engraved in their genes allowed them to make the right choice.

----Perhaps, in China, hoarding food is a bit ridiculous or even stupid, because in this era of China, the potential crisis of food and food has long disappeared, but here, in Turkey , but not at all.

In the two weeks that followed, the situation deteriorated day by day.

After Wang Yang returned from Huaxia on the first weekend, the Huaxia people in Turkey suddenly found that all their credit cards and bank cards were frozen, and online transfers could not be performed. If they wanted to spend money, they had to bring their cards to Pick it up at your local bank.

The official explanation given by the turkey chicken is to prevent those big tax evaders from laundering money, but the question is, is it necessary to use such extreme means to prevent money laundering?

Obviously, they have another purpose.

A week later, Turkish officials began to report on a large scale of the "evil deeds" of Chinese businessmen in Turkey. Damage to civilian property.

This kind of propaganda was extremely provocative, and soon, the attitude of the Turkish chicken towards the Chinese people began to reverse.

If it is said that because of the changes brought by Huaxia investment and technology to the lives of the local people, the local people still have a certain favorable impression of the Chinese people, then after this publicity, the status of the Chinese people has completely dropped to the bottom.

People began to boycott Chinese products. A large number of electronic products, vehicles, and even construction machinery were destroyed. Locals refused to provide services to Chinese people. Many restaurants were closed to Chinese people. Even some supermarkets began to implement discriminatory policies.

As long as Chinese people enter the supermarket, the price will automatically increase by 40%, the reason is the prepaid fee to protect their personal safety.

Soon, shopping became a dangerous and difficult job. Wang Yang was grateful for his foresight, but at the same time, he was worried about the situation of his other compatriots.

The number of people approaching 100,000 is absolutely impossible for the embassy to take care of.

When the formal negotiations will start, this has become a question in everyone's mind.

They were eagerly waiting for the official solution from China, but they only waited for a disappointing result.

----After all, the time is still too short. Within two weeks, the situation has deteriorated faster than everyone imagined.

There are definitely people behind this - but the question is, even knowing this, what can be done?

In the third week, the riot broke out completely. A large number of Huaxia shops were smashed and smashed, and several people were injured in the riot. The official issued the most severe notice, requiring all Huaxia people to stay in their residences, close doors and windows, and avoid going out as much as possible.

Hearing the news, Wang Yang looked worriedly at the black smoke rising from the distance outside the window. He didn't know if anyone else was injured on the street over there.

How long will it take? How can we ensure the safety of these Chinese people?

He wanted to call the embassy again to ask about the specific situation, but just took out his mobile phone, and he suddenly put it down.

Maybe, can wait.


At the same time, the second round of communication between Huaxia officials and Turkey Chicken is underway.

In the conference room, Turkish officials still maintained a perfunctory attitude, but they did not know that this meeting was an ultimatum for them.

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