"So, you will not agree to our request?"

In the conference room, the representative of Huaxia had a solemn expression. He looked directly into the eyes of the senior officials of the earthwork on the opposite side, and asked in a stern tone.

The earthwork official opposite pretended to spread his hands helplessly and replied:

"Mr. Wang, it's not that we can't agree to your request, but as we said before, the current internal situation in our country has nothing to do with us, and we are already doing our best to protect the safety and interests of your personnel. already."

"However, the emotions of the people are not under our control... You know, our people have been living really hard in the past few years, and they desperately need an outlet."

"Look, what Chinese businessmen have done in our country is a fact, and so is the review of tax evasion."

"This is our official administrative action. We can't even report on this, right?"

"It's not that you can't report. What we ask is that you report objectively and fairly. Do you think your current actions that can guide public opinion are very covert?"

Wang Luochuan tapped lightly on the table, and he had a large stack of materials about the recent negative reports on Chinese businessmen by the Turkish side. These materials were published by different media, and the style of writing was not exactly the same. It is characterized as the rhythmic behavior of the official end.

However, if only the facts are told, then everyone can see the evil intentions contained in this stack of materials.

Turkish officials keep talking about freedom of the press and that media behavior cannot be interfered with by the government, but what about the essence?

Not to mention that they can't interfere with the news, these materials are originally from their own hands.

Besides them, who else has such great energy and such abundant resources to organize such overwhelming reports in a short period of time?

Tufang's behavior is completely stealing the bell, but the problem is, they don't mind that Huaxia finds their "stealing bell" behavior, because they know that there is a so-called "consciousness uploading alliance" behind them.

According to the previous communication, the Turkmenistan will serve as an outpost for the Huaxia operation. As long as this errand is done well, the Allied countries will spare no effort to support the Turkmenistan with resources to make up for the losses incurred in the process.

"We don't think it's a covert action, because the action you're questioning doesn't exist at all..."

"Is it true that there is anti-China sentiment among your people now?"

Wang Luochuan interrupted the other party's sophistry mercilessly. In this long debate, he had gradually lost his patience.

"It's true, however, it's not our cause, as I said before, we've done our best..."

"Do your best? I heard that in Istanbul, many Chinese people can't even buy basic living materials, and even more than one person was injured in the riot. Is this true?"


"Then why didn't you suppress and control this in any way??"

Wang Luochuan slammed the table and asked sharply.

"We have indeed taken some measures. We have dispatched police forces to riot areas, but, as you know, our police force has always been insufficient, and accidents are inevitable..."

Hearing this, Wang Luochuan took a long breath, threw the material in his hand, and then said:

"Mr. Ouz, if I have been communicating with you through normal diplomatic procedures before, then when you say this, it proves that diplomacy has completely failed in the handling of this issue."

"You don't want to fix the problem and you don't intend to follow our advice."

"Then, next, I may need to communicate with you in a different way."

"However, this way of communication will definitely not make you feel comfortable, I hope you can be mentally prepared for this."

The opposite Owuzi was stunned for a moment. He suddenly realized that since the beginning of this meeting, Huaxia did not seem to follow the rhythm of the reservation.

According to their deductions before the meeting, both parties should have an in-depth discussion on the cause of the matter, confirm the main points of conflict, and then work out a solution together.

And in this process, the Allied countries have already prepared a large number of plans, no matter what Huaxia says, they can introduce the topic into the contradiction they want to discuss.

And when these contradictions become the prerequisites for the meeting, then go a step further, in the process of solving the problem later, the turkey will put forward its own conditions in a timely manner, forcing Huaxia to make a small concession in this incident.

Such concessions may not fundamentally solve the problems of the Confederate States, nor can they obtain the consciousness uploading technology they want, but this is the beginning and the first threshold of the "threshold effect".

Once the compromise begins, it will be out of control.

----- This is the most perfect idea, but now, the situation is completely off course.

Huaxia didn't really discuss this issue at all, they were just making demands, and after confirming that the demands would not be satisfied, they immediately changed from a negotiating attitude to a threatening attitude.

How to do?

A hint of panic flashed across Ouz's face. He was not worried that the Chinese would disregard international image and diplomatic rules and directly attack themselves in the venue, but who can guarantee that after the meeting, the turkey will not Will there be serious revenge?

But only a moment later, he suddenly relieved.

Yes, now what he represents is not the turkey chicken, but the entire Confederate country. Even if Huaxia wants to do something, he has to carefully weigh the forces standing behind him.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I'm mentally prepared, but I want to give you a piece of advice here: I'm not alone."

"Mr. Wang, can you understand what I mean?"

A cold smile appeared on Wang Luochuan's face, he nodded and replied:

"I understand all too well. If it wasn't for them supporting you, you wouldn't be as confident as you are now."

Owuzi shook his head slightly and said:

"Fearless... well, the translation of the word should be inaccurate, but I'll take it as a compliment to us."

"Yes, we are really good at using the power of others. This is the wisdom of our survival. Maybe you will think that this is not in line with your Chinese values, but you also have to admit that this strategy is very useful, isn't it?"

"It is precisely because of the support of other countries and because of the guarantee of the alliance that I can sit here and negotiate conditions..."

"You are mistaken."

Wang Luochuan interrupted him again, then stood up and said:

"We're not going to negotiate terms with you."

"Since you have always had this attitude, I don't need to say more. But, within a week, I promise you will be back here again."

"Wait and see."

After all, Wang Luochuan lifted his foot and left the conference room.

After walking out of the door of the conference room, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of a domestic institution. Then, just a few minutes later, at an airport in the mountainous area near Rongcheng, the intense preparations started immediately.

He looked up at the sky above and remained silent.

He knew that it would not be long before the place was covered with heavy shadows.

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