Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty-Eight Comprehensive Suppression

At this moment, just as two brand-new Golden Crows flew over the sky over Instanbul, the entire Turkish defense system had fallen into chaos.

The attack came suddenly, and neither the local party nor the so-called Allied countries received even a single bit of information.

Their command system and monitoring system seemed to be completely blinded, and even the radar of the civil aviation system collapsed. It was not until the two giant bombers landed in the city that the Turkish defense force took off in a hurry. However, everything has been late.

The electronic shielding has been fully rolled out, and the fighter jets that took off immediately lost contact with the ground. More than 10 fighter jets lost their navigation signals and lost their way, and finally had to make a forced landing on the fields, roads, and even on the water.

The earthwork had to restore the traditional wired command, but soon they found that even the wired command began to collapse.

Inconsistent command orders were communicated to various units, and the combat commanders were confused.

Is it going west or east? In the end is to prepare for combat immediately or to retreat in full? Who is attacking?

The most outrageous thing is that someone even received the message of "monster invasion", and after multiple confirmations, the commander finally confirmed that it was just a joke.

Jokes with absolutely secret military information systems? ?

If it's not a major internal problem, it's that the system has been fully compromised.

At this moment, the Turkish military suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

---- They always feel that such a situation has been seen before. It seems that in the peak match a few years ago, the Chou Kingdom also fell into such a chaos.

Then, who the opponent is, it is self-evident.

Want to resist?

This is the same question that pops up in the minds of all military leaders.


On the outskirts of Instanbul, the Turkish quick response troops have fully stationed in the urban area. They drove everyone on the street back to their homes. The crowds who gathered to create riots dispersed in an instant, and martial law was urgently enforced. Empty.

At the checkpoint, the leader of the team held the gun nervously. Just five minutes ago, he saw the miraculous plane fly over his head with his own eyes. The anti-aircraft missile car, but after he executed the launch order, the missiles on the car seemed to have completely lost their target and strayed 108,000 miles.

What made him even more collapsed was that after the missile was launched, his air defense position was also exposed. Several crimson lasers penetrated the smoke and shone straight at the anti-aircraft vehicle on the ground. The explosion almost razed a radius of 100 meters to the ground. Fortunately, there were no civilians around this air defense position. Because the evacuation was timely, only two of his own personnel were slightly injured.

How to fight such a battle?

A strong sense of powerlessness came into his heart, and for the first time he felt the terror of being completely suppressed.

The other party hasn't even made a move!

They didn't use any weapons, they just showed their strength recklessly.

What kind of provocation and what kind of deterrent is it to let one's own aircraft fly over the capital of another country?

Ai Taqi wished he went into battle himself and shot down the plane with individual rockets, but the exposed bomb bay made him lose the spirit of resistance.

"This is...Golden Crow."

One of his subordinates said with a trembling voice.

"What is the Golden Crow? Their bombers? Didn't it take at least half a year to take off?"

Attaki turned his head in shock, but soon, he realized how stupid his questioning was.

Half a year for Yindu people is about ten years, but half a year for Huaxia people... Maybe half an hour, maybe half a minute.

The Golden Crow...the legendary plane, the air fortress that will never fall as long as it takes off, the rogue fighter plane that hangs overhead all the time, but you can't do anything about it .

What else can I do?

Just wait, maybe the order from the superior is coming soon.

As a result, all the units that were originally planned to enter the combat preparations were pressed, and even the helicopters that were about to take off were turned off. In the entire Turkish territory, only the five border defense regiments of the Presidential Guard Corps were still in operation, but their resistance It didn't produce any results either.

----Under the comprehensive suppression of information, the missiles they fire are not much better than the bows and arrows of the Middle Ages.

air force?

Attaki didn't know the Air Force's battle situation, but obviously, if they were useful, there would be no low-flying j-20e above his head now.

Could it be that this country has fallen like this?

Where did they come from? Why are they coming?

Attaqi looked at his subordinates in confusion, and his subordinates also looked at him with confused eyes.

"what should we do?"

The adjutant stepped forward and asked hesitantly.

"I think we should fight back, but . . . does this really work?"

"Do we really have a choice?"


In fact, the commander of the Presidential Defense Corps had the same question. Since half an hour ago, a terrifying shadow has been floating above his head. They have tried to knock down that shadow more than once. But before the attack took shape, it was pressed down again.

He had always thought that the equipment in his hands was advanced enough, the helicopters of the ugly country, the anti-aircraft missiles of the bear country, the self-propelled artillery of the Italian country, the tanks of the country...

But these equipments all lost their function. Under the suppression of the opponent, these equipments turned into giant steel toys.

What kind of war is this?

One of them can't even resist, so is it still a war?

Back then at iraq, at least their ground troops still had a record, and now what?

My own troops don't even need to open fire---- it's impossible to fight anyway.

The several lasers shot out from the shadow are like death rays. Each time they light up, it represents the destruction of a ground armored target—and its function is not to destroy the armored target at all, but to anti-missile!

This kind of attack, this is just what they do casually.

He felt that his emotions were about to collapse. This feeling was like the sword that he had always been proud of was broken by the opponent, and the shattered sword edge was thrown on himself.

Let's have a look, shall we?

If two f-22s are used to attack at close range, is there really no possibility of breaking the defense?

He suddenly shuddered, and then suddenly realized the danger of his thoughts.

The other party obviously does not intend to launch a full-scale attack, they are just warning, and this warning has a threshold, if their counterattack exceeds that threshold......

With their current advantages, how long will it take to completely destroy this country?

One hour?

No, maybe not even 10 minutes.


Regardless of whether the defense group's mood has collapsed, the Turkish President's mood has collapsed anyway.

He didn't expect that Huaxia's counterattack would be so fast. In his memory, the last time such an action happened in srbija, and it was not even Huaxia himself.

Then this time......

The strategies discussed with the representatives of the Confederate countries before have all turned into jokes, because the premise and foundation of their so-called strategies have collapsed at the beginning of the offensive in China.

Aware of the crisis, he immediately signed a presidential decree, ordering all troops in the country to withdraw to the capital, but would never allow any resistance or provocation.

It is clear that China has not made up its mind. At this time, they must not be stimulated any more. Otherwise, even if China is subject to international sanctions for such a brazen military action, what good will it do to its own country?

By that time, his country would have long been a scorched earth.

Can't rely on the Alliance anymore, they simply can't be trusted.

Fortunately, this information was successfully passed on to the various units, and apart from a few early automated counterattacks, there were no more clashes.

At the same time, he sent a signal to the Confederate for help, but the only response to him was an icy busy tone.

"What the hell do you want to do?!"

He cursed at the sky, and then, as if he had heard him, the phone in his office rang.

He picked up the phone, and a calm male voice came from the other end.

"Hello, this is the aircraft carrier Huaxia 003, and I am editing He Kangmei."

"We will start a full clearance in an hour and you have an hour to convince me to stop."

"Please cherish your time."

"Because, our three Golden Crow fighters, carrying a total of 69 cloud bombs, are now on your head."

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