Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty-Ninth Disintegration

Countdown to the bombing of one hour, the country, London.

This is the central decision-making building of the headquarters of the Confederate States. In the past, the building was often filled with a kind of power derived from self-confidence. After all, the alliance composed of dozens of countries has few rivals in this world, and they do dominate quite a lot. part of international affairs.

But today, everything has changed.

For the first time, they realized their vulnerability, because just now, their carefully planned plans and strategies were shattered by the unreasonable brute force of the Eastern Dragon.

What multiple denial strategies, what multinational joint defense plans, what large-scale in-depth decoy operations... Are they useful?

The opponent just dispatched an aircraft carrier formation, plus three strategic bombers, which completely paralyzed the entire Turkish defense system.

Even in the process, they did not use any lethal weapons, but directly cut off the Turkish chicken's command and communication system.

How did they do that?

----No, it should be asked, how could they possibly do it?

But the facts are right in front of them. The Turkish President has been besieged in the presidential palace. Now they have only one hour to make a decision. A strategic bomber will wipe all the resistance of the turkey from this planet.

No one doubts that the Chinese people can do this. After all, the one flying in the air is the Golden Crow.

The first result of the Nantianmen plan, the volume is equivalent to two Tu 160, equivalent to three b-2b, equivalent to half of the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier.

Nuclear power, long endurance, and large bomb load, just one can kill a European country, and now, they have three.

One and a half aircraft carriers fly in the air, what is the concept?

What is even more terrifying is that no one dared to take any offensive measures against these three planes, because the fall of each Golden Crow is like the fall of a small sun, which will bring irreversible and major nuclear pollution to the local area.

Who wants to see this result?

The representative of the country looked at the report in hand with a heavy expression, and then said:

"Everyone, our time is limited, so we directly cut to the key question: Do we want to fight back against Huaxia?"

"There is no need to discuss the so-called consequences and the so-called strategies. These can be discussed after the action is launched. There is only one decision we have to make, whether to be tough or to compromise with them."

"Note that once we choose to compromise this time, it means that our previous strategy has completely failed, all operations will be destroyed, and everything will have to be restarted from scratch."

Hearing his words, the representative of the country, who was not firm in the first place, laughed mockingly and said:

"Tough to the end? We won't go to this muddy water."

"What age is it, you are tough with the Huaxia people, can you be tougher than them?"

"You need to figure out the situation. It has been nearly two hours since the Turkish national defense failed, and the surrounding Chouguo bases have not responded. They even called up the nearby Roosevelt aircraft carrier formation, which is To avoid suspicion."

"And you actually dared to say that you want to be tough with them to the end?"

"As for the aircraft carrier that you have to import carrier-based aircraft, is it possible that you still want to touch the aircraft carrier formation with a perfect Chinese combat system and a crushing level of electronic warfare advantages?"

"Don't be naive, your carrier-based aircraft may not even be able to take off."

"But we still have submarines, which are also a significant threat to their surface ships."


The representative of Guo Guo seemed to have heard a funny joke. After laughing for a while, he turned his attention to the other representatives, and then asked:

"Do you think this would be a threat?"

No one answered his words, but everyone knew the answer in their hearts.

Everyone in the conference room fell silent for a while, and after a long time, someone said:

"So, in fact, the biggest threat we face now is their three Golden Crow fighters. If we can find a way to disable the three fighters, then we actually have a chance to fight back, right?"

Everyone nodded in unison, so he continued:

"Is there any way we can shoot down those three fighter jets? Or we don't need to shoot them down, as long as we make a proper threat and let them temporarily evacuate over the turkey, the situation will be enough to reverse."

"Is the air defense system usable? It can use saturation strikes. No matter how strong their anti-missile systems are, it is impossible to deal with hundreds of missiles at the same time."

"Why are they dealing with it?"

The representative of the country interrupted him again.

"You know, it's an oversized dirty bomb flying in the sky. If you dare to shoot it, will the Turkish chicken official agree to let you shoot it? If we activate the anti-aircraft firepower, the first counterattack may not even be Huaxia, but Turkey Chicken."

"They will definitely attack us to stop our attack on Huaxia, do you know what that means?"

"This means that our alliance has been self-defeating!"

"The Golden Crow is always safe, and whichever country's airspace it flies, has to do everything in its power to protect it -- unless it has launched a substantial attack."

"And now, the hour they give is the time for us to recognize reality."

"From the moment the Golden Crow lifted off, we have already lost."

After speaking, the representative of Guo Guo directly stood up and made a gesture to leave the venue.

In fact, from the very beginning, he did not have much confidence in the so-called deterrence plan, and his participation in the alliance was largely an account of domestic public opinion.

And now, the cost of participating in the alliance has exceeded their official limit, so quitting now is the best choice.

After the representative of the country left, the representatives of the island country also left. The Golden Crow's rapid actions in the territory of Turkey have completely shattered their fragile national self-confidence. You must know that Turkey is thousands of kilometers away from China. What about the island country?

After walking out of the venue, the representative of the island country immediately reported the situation to the officials. Then, in a small room in the imperial capital, a man in a tunic suit received a call from the island country:

"Both of us have always been good neighbors, and although we have made some mistakes, we also need a chance to reform."

"I think it's not necessary for your country's Golden Crow fighters to fly to us, right?"

"If the need arises, we can provide all the support we can..."

The man in the tunic suit was noncommittal about this kind of rhetoric, he just replied coldly:

"Where the Golden Crow goes, this is our top secret. Maybe it will fly over the island country, maybe not, but it doesn't matter."

"The important thing is that it can go wherever it wants, you understand?"

"Of course! Then we'll try to get it where it wants to go! Trouble!"


With a countdown of 30 minutes, the meeting of the alliance countries has ended. After this extremely short meeting, more than half of the countries announced their withdrawal from the consciousness uploading alliance. They have realized that taking chestnuts from fire is unreliable, and they have completely given up using "consciousness uploading". This is a plan to seize the power of the world from the ground up.

However, there are still a group of countries that still want to make a last-ditch effort. A group of maritime ships began to assemble in the nearby waters, gradually approaching the 600-nautical-mile warning range of the Huaxia aircraft carrier formation.

In their eyes, the current confrontation has not yet developed to the most extreme time, so if they want to take the initiative in the subsequent negotiations, they must get more chips.

Time is very tight, and the ships that have been organized in a hurry are also mixed, and it is even possible that within 30 minutes, they will not be able to complete the preparation of the ship's weapons, but they don't care.

Because they had no intention of firing at all.

But they seem to have overlooked something.

Once the Huaxia people start to act, it is impossible to stop before the goal is achieved.

After detecting the gathering of the ships, several black flying-wing fighter jets had ended their air duty and began to fly towards the west at full speed.

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