Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 550 The Safest Place

"Are they crazy?! What are they trying to do?! Don't they know what's going on with us?!"

The turkey president roared hysterically in his office.

Just now, he ended the call with the Huaxia Fleet. After proposing to the other party to ensure the safety of the Chinese, lift the state of military martial law, and withdraw from the consciousness uploading alliance, the other party has agreed to suspend the so-called "clearance plan", but the time is only from One hour has been extended to three hours.

He originally planned to convene an emergency meeting in these three hours to mobilize the strength of various departments in the country to achieve the first goal, which is to achieve the protection of the Chinese in Istanbul. Once this goal is achieved, the subsequent negotiations will change. Much easier.

At least he no longer has to worry about a few thermobaric bombs falling on his head---a bomb with ceiling-level lethality among such conventional weapons, the damage caused by it is absolutely unbearable for him.

However, at such a critical moment, his pig teammates were still delusional about doing things, which made him have to wonder if those people had burned their brains after experimenting with the consciousness uploading technology.

Are their consciousness already uploaded? Are they just a backup in reality?

If not, why are they so reckless?

With a long sigh, the president called the emergency contact number, but the other party refused to communicate with the excuse that "the operation has been carried out", which made him even more angry.

His face was as gloomy as a piece of ice. After thinking for a while, he said to the military commander who was waiting beside him:

"Send all our fleets to alert the nearby waters and protect the safety of the Huaxia aircraft carrier formation."

"If those people do anything drastic, don't hesitate to fire at them immediately!"

Hearing his words, the commander-in-chief said hesitantly:

"With our firepower, I'm afraid it's not enough to fight the fleet they organized..."

"Who said we were going to fight them? We're just showing our attitude! If the Huaxia formation is really attacked, who do you think will be the first to suffer? It's us!"

"We must stand in the front, this is the option with the least loss!"

"Understood, I'll do it now."

After that, the commander-in-chief left the president's office, and after watching him go away, the president slumped on the chair and took a long breath.

He didn't know what else he could do.

There is no doubt that the most important thing to do now is to gain the trust of China, but is there anything else you can do?

----and many more.

It seems that there is really something that can be done.

Ming Sen is now in Istanbul. He proposed the so-called hostage plan. Moreover, he is also the head of the consciousness uploading project. If he is handed over to Huaxia......

Thinking of this, the president sat up with a shudder, and then dialed the phone.

"Get me a quick reaction force, I have an important task to give him!"

"What? The order can't be sent out? Then connect the Huaxia Fleet first and let them give us open access!"


In a villa on the outskirts of Istanbul, Minson sat quietly in front of the computer, examining the data he had just acquired.

According to the previous test results, the consciousness uploading technology he led has made great progress, but due to the shortcomings of the algorithm, this technology is still several levels away from Huaxia's bci transmission technology.

It would be great if the hostage plan could be successfully implemented, if only the algorithms and databases could be obtained from them. …

This was a perfect plan, but why did it turn out like this?

According to the previous discussion, even if the other side mobilizes two aircraft carrier formations, their own alliance is confident enough to hold them back for more than two months, but what about now?

It didn't hold up for two hours.

What was it that brought about this overwhelming reversal?

Is that legendary plane really so terrifying?

He turned his head and asked the assistant beside him:

"Golden Crow...what is it?"

This assistant of mine used to serve in the army and knew much more about the military than he did.

Hearing his question, the assistant replied:

"Simply put, it's an aircraft that can't be shot down, an upgraded strategic deterrent, a next-level nuclear deterrent."

"The strength of the Huaxia people is that they also have super-strong electronic warfare technology, which means that their Golden Crow can fly into the airspace of any country without knowing it."

"And once it enters your airspace, then the battle situation is actually locked, and you have no need to resist."

"Now no country is willing to fight a large-scale war, so it will not shoot down the Jinwu at all costs - to be honest, even if they want to shoot down, their space-based anti-missile system can be in the shortest possible time. Respond in time."

"This anti-missile strategy has been separated from the traditional target-based anti-missile. It can be directly source-to-source anti-missile. The bombing of the Turkish air defense position is a typical case."

"So, to be honest, there is no hope for the turkey."

"It is not safe for us to stay here and should be evacuated as soon as possible."

Minson shook his head and replied:

"No, I can't go."

"When I leave, I represent the alliance's showing weakness... This kind of showing weakness is more terrifying than China's military threat. It will directly collapse our entire alliance."

"But our alliance has collapsed, hasn't it? Didn't you see the news about the latest meeting?"

"I saw it, but..."

As soon as Ming Sen's voice fell, there was a sudden knock on the door of the villa. He looked vigilantly at the assistant beside him, and the latter quickly drew the pistol from his waist.

The villa is actually a secluded fortress, and no one can enter the range where they can knock on the door without an appointment.

but now......

The assistant rushed to the side of the screen. In the screen, the outer guards were still patrolling as if nothing had happened, which made him a little relieved.

Maybe it was just an accidental visit - after all, any urgent meeting was not surprising under the circumstances.

Thinking of this, he opened the communicator and asked:

"Who's outside the door?"

The guard on duty replied:

"It's Attaki from the Turkish Rapid Response Force. He said that Mr. Minson would be transferred. It is no longer safe here."

Ming Sen and his assistant looked at each other, their expressions relaxed.

"Let's go then -- verify their identities first."

"Identities have been verified, and they have a presidential decree, handwritten."

Ming Sen was completely relieved. He quickly packed up his equipment and walked to the door with his briefcase. After the door was opened, Atachi, who had been waiting for a long time, said with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Minson, we need to move you to a safe place."

Minson nodded and asked:

"Where are you going?"

"This is a secret for now, but you'll find out soon."


Two hours later, Ming Sen stared dumbfounded at the Huaxia face in front of him, turned to look at Aitage who was standing behind him, and asked:

"Is this the safe place you're talking about?"

Aitage didn't answer, but the Chinese in front of him understood his English.

He smiled and replied:

"Mr. Mingsen, is there a safer place on this planet than here?"

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