Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Fifty Three The Crown Of Nations

Ugly State, Birmingham National Laboratory.

Hassan sighed and sorted out the materials left over from the laboratory. He knew in his heart that after today, these materials may not be unsealed for a long time.

Ming Sen is still detained in the hands of Huaxia. He has called for help several times, and even made calls to Congress, but the official response from the ugly country has always been only one:

The so-called Consciousness Upload Alliance is a loose civil organization that has no connection with the official Ugly State. Events and disputes related to the Alliance should be handled in accordance with international law.

The so-called relevant provisions of international law are actually just a fight between the two countries.

Obviously, under the current circumstances, Chou Guo is more inclined to deal with Ming Sen in accordance with the principle of personality, and Huaxia refers to the position of the victim.

This also means that the officials of the ugly country have completely abandoned this character, or completely abandoned the strategy of "conscious uploading".

Ming Sen is afraid that he will not survive.

Hassan sighed inwardly again.

He didn't know how the matter developed to this point, but in fact, at the earliest time, Ming Sen just confessed to himself the so-called "member of the Ark organization"

He had vaguely anticipated this day when he was an identity, which is why, after Ming Sen's several invitations, he still insisted on his choice and did not join the Ark organization.

In his opinion, the biggest mistake of the Ark organization is not in the technical direction, not in the way of doing things, but in choosing the wrong opponent.

How could anyone go head-to-head with Huaxia at such a time? Do they really not know the meaning of the three words "nuclear fusion"?

Yes, nuclear fusion technology itself is not uncommon, and countries are also trying it, but if one country can realize the application of this technology at a speed far exceeding that of other countries, it can only show one problem:

The comprehensive strength of this country has far exceeded the highest level of other countries.

Moreover, this transcendence is far more than what it shows, but like an iceberg, when the summit of one iceberg is one meter higher than another, it is likely that the underwater volume of this iceberg is larger than that of the other. twice as big.

In fact, Mingsen doesn't need to be so anxious at all - the progress of consciousness uploading technology in the laboratory is indeed very slow, but it is not without progress at all. If they can develop it in a low-key manner for more than five years, the future they envision It is very likely that it will become a reality.

Isn't this what the Chinese people have been doing?

It develops silently, and then suddenly jumps out to startle everyone.

It's a pity that Ming Sen didn't learn this way of working, and he didn't have the opportunity to learn it.

After packing up all the documents, Hassan closed the door of the laboratory. According to the arrangement of the upper management, he will be transferred to work on the artificial intelligence project to assist Huaxia in further work on the optimization of the bci project. In a few hours, he will After leaving the ugly country, I boarded a plane and headed to Huaxia Rongcheng.

Outside the laboratory door, the Huaxia staff member who had been waiting for a long time reached out and took the briefcase in his hand, and then said:

"Mr. Hassan, you are welcome to join us. We are glad that you made the right choice. The information you provided in the early stage has brought us a lot of help. For this, we are very grateful."

Hearing what the other party said, Hassan smiled and replied:

"Maybe it's just laying down a petal in a garden. You're perfectly capable of dealing with such a situation without my help?"

The staff did not twist, but nodded and replied:

"It is true, but we still cherish every goodwill and friendship. Humanity is facing a common crisis, and cooperation is the way out."

"Yes, I think those politicians have figured this out too.... That's why they sent me to Huaxia."

"It's ironic, doesn't it?"

"What the Ark Organization has tried so hard to obtain can actually be achieved in a more gentle way. I think the artificial intelligence module I am about to come into contact with actually has a strong connection with consciousness uploading, right?"

"Yes, but this technology doesn't allow for consciousness uploading -- that's the premise of all cooperation."

Hassan nodded slightly, then asked:

"Aren't you worried about technology leaks? I can betray the Ark or you."

The staff was not surprised by his frankness. In the previous background check, Hassan's personality portrait had been formed, so he also knew that Hassan was such a person who would put everything on the table and say it.

"We're not worried, just as Ark wasn't worried before."

"You are a person who pursues interests. For you, any so-called 'loyalty' is illusory. Only interests are realistic."

"And the benefits we can bring to you will be unparalleled in the foreseeable future."

Hearing this, Hassan sighed deeply.

Yes, this is actually the reason why he proposed to the official in advance and exposed the information of the Ark organization to Huaxia.

He clearly sees that in the struggle for world hegemony, Huaxia has taken the absolute initiative, and what he should do is no longer to confront and suppress, but to obey and cooperate.

Surviving first is more important than anything else, otherwise, when the Golden Crow flies over your head, how are you going to resist?

"Actually, I'm also surprised that you are willing to accept me -- willing to accept other researchers, which seems to be different from the philosophy you hold."

"In my impression, Huaxia is actually a relatively closed cultural circle. Whether it is economic, social or scientific, your development route is more inclined to rely on endogenous power."

"Even without our help, you can do a lot of things, and attracting scientific researchers on a large scale doesn't seem so necessary to you, does it?"

"of course not."

The staff shook his head in denial, and then said:

"As I have always emphasized, cooperation is the only way out for mankind, and scientific cooperation is the first step to breaking the ice."

"If we can achieve technology sharing on the basis of peace, then we can reverse the development of the international community in a more inclusive and stable direction, which is a prerequisite for making full use of the existing human resources and developing with the highest efficiency. "

"In addition, the Chinese civilization has never been a closed civilization. At this point, you may have some misunderstandings about us."

"We have been accepting and learning the advanced points of various civilizations, and integrating them into our own cultural system, and finally a cultural system more in line with this era was born, thus supporting our continued development."

"This is different from the so-called 'openness' and 'integration' pursued by your motherland, which is probably why you can't understand it."

Hassan hummed and replied:

"It's really not very understandable. However, I have read some history, and I can feel that you probably want to.... learn the practices of the Tang Dynasty?"

The staff laughed and didn't answer.

Seeing his reaction, Hassan continued speaking to himself.

"During the Tang Dynasty, Huaxia was the meeting point of all civilizations in this world. Merchants and envoys from the whole continent gathered there, and the exchange of civilization and technology reached its peak... It seems that now the same?"

"I remember a sentence in the book saying that the clothes of 10,000 countries are gathered in Chang'an. The original sentence of this sentence is..."

Having said this, he paused, then looked at the staff as if asking for help, the latter also looked at him, and then replied:

"All nations wear their crowns and pay their respects."

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