Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 554: New Deterrence Direction


In the office, Ye Zhou fondly held the Jinwu model that Shu Fei specially made for him, and carefully placed it on the desk.

It has to be said that due to the internal manufacturer's craftsmanship, the work of this aircraft is a bit rough, and even the surface paint is unevenly painted, but this does not affect Ye Zhou's view of it as a treasure.

After waiting for 6 years, from the start of the Nantianmen project to now, the Golden Crow has finally lifted off, and it has achieved brilliant results in its first mission.

Under its wings, the deterrence of the Allied countries was established in an all-round way, with a large number of members withdrawing from the alliance. The Ugly Kingdom remained silent for an unprecedented time, and the turkey chicken, which was "killing the chicken to warn the monkey", completely fell to China.

"The deterrent power of the Golden Crow is much higher than we expected."

Chen Hao on the side said with a sigh.

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"In fact, it is not just the Golden Crow, but also the upgrade of electronic warfare technology, the improvement of the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers and fighter formations, the establishment of an integrated air-sea anti-missile system... and so on."

"The Golden Crow is the last piece of our global strategy, but we can't give it all the credit."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao smiled and said:

"You're young, you should show it up when it's time to show it. Jinwu is your own son, and you must affirm its contribution."

"No matter from which point of view, the Golden Crow is the most important and crucial part, and you don't need to be so humble."

"Damn, I have nothing to be humble about."

Ye Zhou corrected the model that had been set up, and then continued:

"I'm not really a plane maker either. If you want to talk about publicity, it should also be their business - they built the Golden Crow day by day, night by night, the military exploits are theirs, and it has nothing to do with me. "

"It's hypocritical to say that!"

Chen Hao poured Ye Zhou a cup of tea angrily, but did not continue to struggle with this topic.

He understood Ye Zhou's psychology. As the responsibilities on his shoulders became heavier and heavier, he began to become more and more cautious. In many cases, even in the face of extremely small decisions, he was as cautious as walking on thin ice.

After sitting down on the sofa, Chen Hao asked:

"What are your plans for the Golden Crow afterward? Which area are you planning to fly to?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned and asked:

"Shouldn't I be asking this question? I'm just a techie and don't have much say in strategic actions."

"I'm asking you to make suggestions, but it doesn't mean that it will be adopted in its entirety. In the end, the person who knows the most about this aircraft is you. Since you can design it, you must have your own considerations for its use. "

"How about it, talk about it?"

Ye Zhou slowly walked to the chair and sat down. In fact, the question Chen Hao said was exactly the question he had been thinking about for the past few days, that is, what responsibility does the future Jinwu have?

According to the initial design, the main role of the Golden Crow is to achieve secondary deterrence against other countries, ensuring that Huaxia can maintain a strategic advantage for a relatively long time in the future and win more development time.

However, the design of this purpose did not take into account the problem of the invasion of adjacent dimensions. It is aimed at the background of "hegemony" without external interference, which also leads to its highly targeted function.

Now, relying on many technologies that surpass the times, Huaxia has in fact completed the establishment of strategic advantages. Although the deterrent force of the Golden Crow has not decreased, it has to be admitted that its marginal effect is decreasing.

This also means that it must be given more responsibility in order to achieve a self-sustaining cost-effectiveness ratio.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the project will gradually decline due to the high cost - just like the b-2b project of the ugly country.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"Judging from the current situation, the biggest threat we face is no longer the blockade and military threat of other countries, but the endless 'heretic' activities related to the invasion of neighboring dimensions in the world."

"For example, the typical nature sect, and this Ark."

"I think that for a long time in the future, the struggle with them will be the mainstream, so the main work of Jinwu should also move closer to this range."

"Its deterrent power should be shifted from officials to illegal organizations, but how to achieve this shift is something you need to consider."

Ye Zhou paused for a moment, then continued:

"If it were me, I would probably lean towards doing it indirectly."

"Which country has the signs of fleeing, it will be managed by which country. If the management is not in place, let the Golden Crow fly to them."

"However, if you do this, the backlash will inevitably be violent. How to make various countries accept this plan is also a big problem."

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"Isn't it a big problem.... You are trying to train officials from other countries to be our spokespersons. Even if the officials can agree, the people may not accept it."

"I can imagine what the public opinion will look like in the future, 'Chinese people build colonies in a new era', 'global officials become Chinese puppets' or something."

Ye Zhou smiled slightly and replied:

"Isn't it good? Since they always go the wrong way, why don't we push them forward."

"Although the process is a bit painful, at least the result is good."

"That' there a defined country range?"

"Of course, let's start with those countries that jumped very well in the early stage... If they don't pay the price, how can they realize that their previous touches were wrong?"


In the next two hours, Ye Zhou and Chen Hao initially drew up a list, which delineated the list of all the countries that the Golden Crow would fly over, and at the same time delineated a few initial focus countries.

For a period of time to come, the Golden Crow will fly over these countries in a routine vigilant attitude, casting its shadow on the heads of those traitors who go against the true path of mankind.

Maybe Ye Zhou and Chen Hao don't know yet, their plan will soon be fully rolled out, and during the implementation of the plan, a call sign will be born that will be recorded in the world aviation history archives.

Of course, this is something else later, and now Ye Zhou is most concerned about the next simulation.

After the golden black sky, Huaxia is about to usher in an unprecedented development window. He must hurry up and complete a series of follow-up simulations, the first of which is the nuclear fusion divertor technology.

Only with a breakthrough in this technology can Huaxia's large-scale nuclear fusion really fall to the ground, and the goal of the Fiberhome project can be truly achieved.

After saying goodbye to Chen Hao, Ye Zhou returned to his room. He glanced at the time, closed all the curtains, tapped the bracelet, and entered the simulator.

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