One day less group to send one hundred red envelopes



The stars are forever, and the human race is forever.

Familiar subtitles appeared in front of Ye Zhou's eyes, but Ye Zhou would have a different feeling every time he saw it.

This should have been an extremely grand proposition. If he went back a few years, he couldn't even imagine what kind of connection he would have with it, but now, "Xingchen" has become a proposition that everyone is concerned about.

Will our stars go out?

According to the inference of the adjacent dimension theory, when the energy stealing progresses to the mature stage, even the energy of the stellar level will be lost. Although this loss cannot achieve the so-called "extinguishing" effect, the temperature and heat are greatly reduced. For humans who rely on light and heat to survive, it is indeed no different from "extinguishing".

Ye Zhou sighed softly and entered the simulation selection interface. According to his plan, this time, the simulation related to the divertor is to be carried out. After this simulation is completed, the human control of nuclear fusion will enter a new stage. , super-large-scale nuclear fusion becomes possible, and mankind will be enough to open the door to stellar-scale fusion.

Of course, the so-called stellar level is actually just a romantic title. It represents giant, high-energy fusion, rather than actually creating a star.

To achieve this step, human beings still need to go a long way.

After entering the simulation selection interface, Ye Zhou opened the simulation plot about the divertor without hesitation. The title of the plot is called "The Furnace", and the introduction is only one sentence short:

"Fire the hearth until the house is warm."

Ye Zhou didn't understand the real meaning of this sentence, but he could probably guess that this simulation should be related to temperature, or climate.

In his last simulation, he saw a drop in global temperature due to the intrusion of adjacent dimensions, and the only way to change that was to generate new high-temperature heat sources.

Humans need more and larger fusion devices. As for where these fusion devices are set, we have to really go into the simulation to see.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and chose the simulated plot. Then, everything he saw disappeared, and the two characters "furnace" appeared in the darkness.

Opening his eyes again, Ye Zhou found that he was still in darkness, with only the stars twinkling in the distance.

He realizes he's lying on some kind of bed that fits his body perfectly, with the restraint straps around his chest, almost instantaneously, before the flow of information starts coming in.

This is on a spaceship----the light I saw just now is the starlight outside the porthole, or the starlight outside the spaceship displayed on the projection screen.

Ye Zhou subconsciously wanted to untie the restraint belt on his body, but as his thoughts flashed, the restraint belt automatically disengaged, and he also felt a small area on his left temple that was slightly numb.

As the data stream slowly came in, he gradually understood all this.

This is an extension of bci technology. In this era, the connection between human beings and tools has been strengthened to the extent that they are almost omnipotent. Except for those actions that are necessary or habitually more suitable for hand completion, all other things are It can be done by the combination of bci system and machinery.

The lights gradually came on, and the voice of artificial intelligence echoed in the empty spaceship.

"Good morning, Ye Zhou, you slept for 7 hours and 12 minutes yesterday. The quality of sleep has been declining in recent days. I detected that you have many brain activity signals during the night. Are you having nightmares?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, then answered:

"I didn't have nightmares because I've been exercising less recently and my sleep needs have dropped. Start resuming your daily exercise program today, turn on the gym's air circulation system, and pump in air."

In order to avoid unnecessary wear and tear, let the artificial intelligence have set all the idle space in the spacecraft to unmanned mode, the air is drained, the energy is all turned off, and it will only be activated when needed.

"Understood, the oxygen injection is expected to be completed in three hours, and the power will be restored after entering. Also, do you need me to prepare breakfast for you today?"

Ye Zhou waved his hand.

"No need to prepare, I'll just drink some milk."

"Understood. Your protein intake has been drastically reduced recently, and overall muscle strength has dropped by 1.7%. It is recommended to start protein supplementation."

"talk later."

Ye Zhou didn't respond too much, so the artificial intelligence could only send a signal to the central warehouse according to his request. After he got up and walked a few steps, the screen in the corridor sank into a palm-sized hole, and a cup of heated milk appeared in the hole. , the composition information of the glass of milk appears on the screen above the hole.

He took out the milk and put the cup back into the hollow after drinking it in one gulp. A subtle mechanical sound rang out, and the screen returned to its original state again.

Ye Zhou did all this naturally, just like he was used to it, but in fact, this is just an instinctive reaction formed by this body during the long voyage, and Ye Zhou's consciousness itself is still full of this Curious about the futuristic scene.

He reached out and touched the screen again, and the hole opened again. This time, he carefully observed the structure of the hole, only to find that it was actually a convenient design with a little caution. The back of the screen was directly connected to the warehousing and logistics track, which was hidden behind the screen. , as if it appeared out of nowhere.

From this point of view, this is not a technology beyond his cognition, but a further squeeze on the existing technology of mankind.

It seems that the invasion of adjacent dimensions has indeed greatly limited the development of basic science - and this seems to be excusable in the context of struggling to survive.

After walking out of the rest cabin, Ye Zhou came to the public space of the spaceship, but unexpectedly, the overall structure of the spaceship was much smaller than he expected-he originally thought that a spaceship with a gym should have complete The living system is right, but in fact, everything here seems very crowded, I am afraid that even the gym is only to maintain the basic health of the crew.

All this made him a little uneasy, because it was against the basic rules of long-distance sailing.


Just when he was confused, someone behind him tapped him on the shoulder to greet him.

Ye Zhou turned his head back and smiled in return.

"Morning, have you finished your shift?"

Standing in front of him is the navigator of the spacecraft. According to Earth time, he is flying the "night shift" - of course, in this piece of space at the edge of Jupiter's orbit, there is actually no clear day and night. conceptual.

"It's over. There are still the last two hours to fly before we reach our scheduled rendezvous point."

"Zheng He is also approaching the rendezvous point, just received the news that they have started orbiting, the 'stove' is working well, and the adjacent dimensional channels have begun to enrich, from the earth to here, the channel loss rate does not exceed 2%."

"This proves that our strategy is effective, and those things on the opposite side can only make very rudimentary judgments on energy categories."

"The Zheng He is about to take a slingshot flight, and it is estimated that it will arrive at its final destination two days in advance."

"Next, we have to see the actual effect of the reverse irrigation plan."

Ye Zhou nodded, while the information flow continued to flow in, but he already knew the mission of this spaceship, or the 12 spaceships that accompanied it.

They have used the Szilard enrichment effect to gather a small number of adjacent-dimensional channels that appeared on Earth near the orbit of Jupiter over a period of nearly one year. "Pour it into the "pump" on the opposite side, and try to burst the pump!

No one knows what the end result will be, but in the only experiment conducted on Earth, a megaton nuclear bomb did successfully close several adjacent dimensional channels and caused apparent channel confusion.

For up to two hours, the distribution of adjacent dimensional channels on the entire earth showed a disordered state, with a large number of channels gathered on the energy valley, and fusion power stations, large cities, Near the beacon device, the adjacent dimension passages almost disappeared without a trace.

This shows that the energy backflow should have a certain impact on the layout of adjacent dimension civilizations - at least, it can interrupt the full range of energy stealing in a short period of time.

The opponent's pump is obviously a matrix. When a unit in the matrix has a problem, the entire matrix needs to be shut down for maintenance.

So, is there a possibility to use the absolutely abundant energy to directly blow up a water pump on the opposite side?

Thus, the backflow scheme came into being.

Humans first thought of using the power of stars, but soon they found that with the current level of human technology, the stellar heat energy they could use was "progressive", that is, even if the spacecraft can use the mobile beacon device to convert the phase. The adjacent channel is attracted to the vicinity of the sun, but the gradually increasing high-energy response will also make the enemy on the opposite side aware of it, and they will actively close the channel or divert the target to avoid danger.

What human beings need is explosive energy, such as nuclear bombs, such as hydrogen bombs.

However, even if it were to gather all the power of human beings, it would still be too difficult to create enough nuclear weapons to cause sustained strikes on adjacent dimensional channels.

The equivalent level of these nuclear weapons is like a candle and a large pond in front of the vast adjacent dimension passage.

Therefore, there is only one choice left for human beings.

Potential energy, or gravitational force.

The initial solution was actually very simple, that is, let a spacecraft land on other planets, gather space channels to the surface of the planet, and then push the small satellites to the surface of the planet by other spacecraft, causing a big explosion, which is released in a short time. Huge amount of energy.

But this plan was quickly rejected. Although the plan itself has indeed achieved the effect of "four taels", the problem is that even these four taels, humans can't come up with it.

Therefore, this plan was further upgraded, and humans were eyeing Jupiter.

In Jupiter's orbit, there are more than 12 retrograde planetary groups, and these star groups themselves have the risk of colliding with the forward planetary groups. All humans need to do is to join their retrograde orbits and impose a small, as a driving force for disturbance.

The carme, valetudo, and carpo retrograde planetary groups entered the human field of vision in turn. After a series of calculations, the carme star group was finally selected, and the target he needed to hit was the most violent one in the Galileo star group.

Io, Io.

That's why the ship's living system is so rudimentary.

Because all its space has been occupied by a huge fusion engine, its only function is to use its own body to push the satellites in the Carme satellite group that are generally more than one kilometer in diameter, so that they fall into the surface of Io in the heat of purgatory.

The energy released in that instant will exceed the combined yield of all human nuclear weapons - to be precise, it should be hundreds of times as much.

It's a crazy plan.

If this plan can bear fruit, then it is very likely that the human counterattack against the adjacent dimension will start immediately.

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