Simulation: Great Power Technology

Five Hundred And Fiftieth Chapters Phobia Of Giants

After saying goodbye to the navigator, Ye Zhou walked out of the centrifugal chamber along the gangway. The sudden disappearance of gravity caught him off guard, and his brain felt a little chaotic. Float forward in a gravity-free environment while observing everything around.

Obviously, this area is the main body of the spacecraft. The huge hull is surrounded by 12 working medium engines for propulsion. These engines are not ignited at this time, and they stay so quiet, as if lurking giant beasts.

The two powerless fusion engines at the back end of the centrifugal living cabin are really responsible for the power of the spacecraft. It was these two-day engines that allowed the spacecraft named "Wei Qing" to cross a distance of 800 million kilometers from the human mother planet. On Earth, I came to this completely unfamiliar galaxy.

Ye Zhou touched the wall beside him, and the holographic screen lit up. As his thoughts flashed, the screen began to follow his vision, showing the scene outside the spaceship. Soon, Ye Zhou found his target.


The moon is the most volcanically active object in the solar system, with a diameter of more than 3,600 kilometers and a surface dotted with more than 400 active volcanoes.

Due to the gravitational and tidal pull of Jupiter and other satellites, the stratum of Io is extremely distorted. Under the constant friction, the volcano erupts violently without interruption. The eruption height can reach 480 kilometers above the surface, and the temperature can soar as high as 1800c.

It Io seems to be a terrible purgatory.

Silicates, sulfur, sulfur dioxide, etc. make up the surface riddled with holes, coupled with weird and bright colors, even if you look at it from a distance, you can feel a sense of suffocation that seems to come from the power of the ancient times.

Now, the distance between Weiqing and him is only 150,000 kilometers.

On a cosmic scale, this distance can be said to pass by.

Ye Zhou couldn't understand the so-called "giant phobia". He felt that those things were just a little bigger, and there was nothing to fear. After all, who doesn't like big things?

However, when Io gradually occupied the entire porthole in the holographic simulation video, he suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations.

That feeling of being shrouded and swallowed is probably the real "fear of giants".

"What are you doing here?"

The person floating behind interrupted Ye Zhou's thoughts again. When he looked back, the information flow immediately revealed the identity of this person.

This person's name is Xu Chang. Like himself, he is also an engineer of the Weiqing working medium engine. In future operations, he will work with him to control the work of the fusion engine and provide the spacecraft with enough power to shake the asteroid.

"No, I just saw Io pass by, it's a little shocking."

Xu Chang nodded and replied:

"I've seen it twice. It's really scary. Although I know that we are still outside its capture distance, every time it passes by, I can't help shaking... It doesn't feel that way in Earth orbit."

Ye Zhou smiled and said:

"Can this be the same? It's a livable environment on Earth, and it's the hero when it hits the ground. This Io... If we hit the ground, it's estimated that there won't be even ashes left."

"That doesn't mean that the material of the fusion engine is resistant to high temperature, at least the engine can leave a whole corpse."

"...There's really no need for this kind of rigor here, right?"

"Hahahaha, just kidding. How about your side, is the divertor working normally?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou shook his head, he didn't forget the task he was going to perform in the simulation.

"Everything was normal in the last inspection, and the pilot fire was also normal. I just don't know if it can withstand high temperature, high pressure and radiation shock in extreme environments."

Xu Chang frowned and said hesitantly:

"It shouldn't be a problem, right? The ground test and the space test went well, and there's no chance that something will go wrong in the actual operation... Why, you're not confident?"

In the simulation, Ye Zhou was the chief designer of the divertor for the entire fusion reactor, and if he said he had no confidence in the divertor, it would have a major impact on the entire program.

But even so, Ye Zhou said cautiously:

"We've never done a full load test, and the time constraints were one thing, but the necessity was also one thing."

"According to the design parameters, 48 ​​engines are more than enough to drive the carme, and it will not reach full load."

"But the problem is, we don't have the chance to try again. Once we start, we have to go all out."

"I estimate that when the implementation really starts, our group of four spaceships will all enter full-load mode—you know, many of the propelled ships in this group have no intention of going back alive at all. ."

"If this happens, it will be a big test for the engine, especially the divertor."

"If the furnace can hold for one more minute, our success rate will increase by one percentage point."

Xu Chang nodded, patted Ye Zhou's shoulder and comforted:

"Don't worry too much, didn't the immersive simulation pass? Trust our craftsmanship and technology."

"Besides, the full load test is really too dangerous. You can't blow up a bunch of people before the earth is out, right? This is also a consideration above."

"Also, those of us may be reckless, but they are not mindless people. They will consider what needs to be dealt with in any situation. We just need to provide technical support."

Ye Zhou sighed deeply and didn't answer, Xu Chang was speechless when he saw his expression.

After a while, he suddenly laughed inexplicably, Ye Zhou looked at him in confusion and asked:

"why are you laughing?"

Xu Chang shook his head and replied:

"I just think it's quite cola... Think about it, the neighboring dimension invasion, the advanced civilization, we are now using such primitive means to deal with their attack, and it is actually useful. . . "


"Sure enough, explosion is the source of all things... By the way, have you ever thought that the overall logic of adjacent dimension invasion would be so simple?"

The "simple logic" mentioned by Xu Chang is actually aimed at the Szilard enrichment effect. According to this theory, the space channels invaded by adjacent dimensions will be enriched in high-energy regions, and will continue to follow the energy source. transfer and transfer.

This theory has been verified for hundreds of years without any problems, and this also proves one point:

The so-called "higher civilization" on the opposite side does not seem to be that advanced.

At least, their access to the "information" of the dimension in which humans are located is actually extremely limited.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou replied:

"The logic is crude, but it works - it's more than anything else."

"No matter where they are in the development of civilization, at least they have a water pump, and we don't have it yet. That's the key to the problem."

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Xu Chang shook his head again and again, and then continued to ask:

"I want to say, do you have a feeling that maybe, the civilization on the opposite side, their development path, is deviating?"

"Wandering? What do you mean?"

Ye Zhou asked suspiciously.

Xu Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"Have you heard the story of interstellar pirates?"

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