Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Fifty Seventh Alien

Seeing Ye Zhou shaking his head, Xu Chang spoke directly.

"Interstellar pirates... In fact, to be precise, they cannot be regarded as pirates, but the regular army of a certain civilization."

"The story is very simple. In a certain universe, superluminal travel technology is a technology that all civilizations can master in the early stages of development. They have discovered the jump technology even before gunpowder was invented."

"You can understand him as a kind of magic, or some kind of magical power. In short, it does not need to rely on strong technical accumulation, nor does it need productivity as a basis, as long as you learn it, you can use it all the time."

"As a result, all civilizations in the entire universe began to develop in a deformed way. They used their own transition technology to expedition between various galaxies, plunder the resources of other planets, and expand their power."

"However, the development of leapfrog technology takes up a lot of resources, and these civilizations use all the materials they plunder to build new leapfrog engines, while other basic sciences are stagnant."

"----In fact, they also don't need the development of basic science. Whoever's jump engine is faster and more flexible will have a greater advantage in war."

"If things go on like this, the so-called 'Interstellar Pirates' will appear."

"They use backward weapons and equipment, and even use cold weapons, and they drive very poorly sealed spaceships made of iron and wood, but they can travel across tens of thousands of light-years to another galaxy."

"Their territory is constantly expanding, and their enemies are destroyed one by one, because their enemies are like them, and their war technology is not much better."

"We call this civilization system the 'jump civilization'."

"The journey of the leap civilization lasted for thousands of years, until one day, they came to the earth."

"Heavy artillery, missiles, fighter jets... After the initial fear, the humans devastated their fleets and got their jump engines."

"It was only at this time that human beings realized that what they had embarked on was actually a wrong path."

"In other words, the leap civilization has gone astray."

"However, in any case, with the super-powerful firepower and the jump engine, humans have no rivals in the entire universe - at least in the territory of the jump civilization system."

"This is the story of interstellar pirates."

Ye Zhou nodded dazedly, he vaguely remembered that this story came from a certain science fiction called Alien Mistakes.

Or rather than calling it science fiction, it's a fable, which exposes the principle of the "new technology trap" with blood and blood in an extremely extreme and mean way.

But obviously, such a situation will hardly happen in reality.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"It's a good story, but it's also just a fable with too many holes."

"Think about it, thousands of years of war, no matter what, the transition civilization will accumulate a huge amount of resources. As long as a very small part of these resources flow into basic scientific research, it is enough to promote the qualitative change of their technology."

"What's more, the starry sky and the universe are extremely magical things for civilization. The more stars you see, the stronger your desire to develop."

"The stars are the key to unlocking civilization and technology. No civilization will defile the sea of ​​​​stars with a stinking wooden ship... The most likely situation is that the leap civilization is driving a super warship, carrying the The space weapons developed by technology will destroy the human beings who are still using gunpowder in just one face.”

Xu Chang nodded and replied:

"If you go by the context of this story, it is likely that this is indeed the case."

"But the question is, aren't we talking about adjacent dimensions?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, and asked with some doubts:

"What's the meaning?"

"Will the water pump technology be the leap technology? Will the adjacent dimension civilization be a kind of leap civilization?"

"Ye Zhou, do you know the first axiom of war between adjacent dimensions?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"When a civilization in any dimension develops to control the energy exchange across dimensions, they will give priority to absorbing the energy of the adjacent dimension at all costs, until all civilizations in the adjacent dimension perish due to energy suffocation."

"Or to put it more simply, unless the material exchange barriers are broken, there is no possibility of peace between dimensions, and civilizations will only destroy each other."


Xu Chang gave a light high-five, and then said:

"Think about it, what is the safest way to ensure the destruction of civilization in another dimension?"

" enough pumps."

"That's right! So now the problem comes, it's a paradox."

"In order to ensure that they can destroy another civilization in the competition, they are destined to build a large number of pumps, and these pumps are 'disposables' that can't do anything but pump water."

"That is to say, the water pump itself actually reduces the energy endowment of one dimension."

"Or in other words, the number of pumps built actually determines the technical upper limit of a dimension, but any civilization has to build, and ultimately, a relative dynamic balance is reached."

"In this case, what do you think is most likely to happen? Obviously, after they master the pump, the development of other technologies will definitely be seriously hindered!"

"It is very likely that they will not exceed us too much in other basic technology fields!"

"That means..."

"This means that our confrontation with the adjacent dimension is not actually a dead end."

Ye Zhou interrupted Xu Chang, who nodded in satisfaction and continued:

"Yes, of course it's not a dead end, but that's not what I want to tell you."

"What I want to say is that if our test is successful this time, then we will likely destroy a large number of already built water pumps. At that time, it is not they who are blocking our technology, but we are blocking They are..."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

This is indeed a very possible direction, and judging from the movement laws of adjacent dimensional channels, in addition to the "pumping machine" itself, the technical level of the other party also seems to be within the scope of human understanding.

But the question is, among the hundreds of millions of civilizations in the entire universe, is there really no other civilization that has tried to use this method to break through the oppression of adjacent dimensions?

Or, they died before they were able to counteract?

The answer is unknown, but at least, because of this inference, there is a strong hope in Ye Zhou's heart.

Regardless of whether humans can achieve a counterattack against adjacent dimensions in the simulation, at least in reality, humans definitely have a greater certainty.

Because he will promote human technology to achieve leapfrog and faulty development that ignores the rules, which will buy human beings plenty of time.

He took a deep breath and said:

"This is perhaps the most optimistic estimate."

"Actually, the most likely scenario is that we can hit them a little bit, but it's nowhere near the point of turning things around."

"But in any case, this operation must be successful, otherwise, all subsequent plans will be empty talk."


Xu Chang nodded in agreement, and then the two looked at each other, parted ways in the passage, and rushed to their respective jobs.

At the same time, the 18 crew members of this huge spacecraft are all ready, and in two hours, they will begin to perform the re-orbiting operation with the carme inverse planetary group, and after the "Zheng He" for the pilot mission is in place , began to push the carme satellite orbit change.

This is a complicated job. There are 22 asteroids in the carme constellation, the smallest of which has a radius of only 40 meters. The motion laws of these satellites are extremely difficult to predict. If they happen to be in collision orbits, they will cause significant damage to the spacecraft. threaten.

Therefore, they must complete the movement from orbit synchronization to docking as soon as possible, and only when they stick closely to the 40-kilometer-diameter satellite can they gain temporary safety.

After completing this series of forward operations, if you want to return safely, the 12 propulsion engines on each spacecraft become the key.

The power they can provide will determine the success or failure of the entire mission.

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