Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Five Hundred And Fiftieth Ix Unexpected Visitors

Ye Zhou pressed the start button, and the 12 working medium engines on the Weiqing entered the working state. Compared with the ultra-high overload of the Zhenghe, the acceleration of the spacecraft was much gentler.

It was even so mild that he could hardly feel the spaceship moving. However, the bright blue flames ejected from the 12-planet engine on the video screen clearly showed that this might be the most daring plan in human history. The curtain has already begun.

How much force does it take to move a star?

Ye Zhou once thought about this issue, and without precise calculations, he subconsciously thought that it might require hundreds of millions of tons, or even billions of tons of power.

But in fact, the answer is that it only takes the strength of one finger.

If the satellite is not completely affected by friction, and the satellite is stably revolving in orbit, even a small force is enough to change its orbit, and the effect may take a long time, but it is absolutely effective.

However, how much force is required to move a celestial body of 1.7x10 to the 17th power kilogram to move 26 kilometers in the direction of its revolving planet in 1 hour and 57 minutes?

The answer is 4.7 million tons of thrust.

Only this thrust can generate enough acceleration in a short period of time. At the moment when Zheng He passed the target impact point, Io 11 collided with Io, and the huge energy generated by the impact was poured back into the adjacent in the dimensional channel.

The numbers on the screen keep flashing. From the visual data, the single-engine thrust of the 12 propelling engines on the Weiqing has risen to 40,000 tons. After 9 minutes, the Weiqing will enter the 1-kilometer range of the Io 11 carme. inside, and used the landing gear at the front of the spacecraft to directly contact Io to push it out of its original orbit.

The entire acceleration process will last 16 minutes, and the two steerable non-working fluid engines have to undertake the role of angle adjustment and static maintenance, which is also the key to the success of the promotion.

An hour later, Ye Zhou's line of sight was already covered by the huge body of Io Eleven. He was watching the engine data nervously, for fear of any problems in any of them.

"Entering the landing area, Dangyang, you can land, pay attention to the state of the engine, and avoid affecting the state of the carme orbit."

"Dangyang received it and began to land."

In the vast starry sky, a huge cone-shaped spaceship approached its target silently. On the huge buffer device on the head of the spaceship, four giant claws made of high-strength materials had stretched out. After a while, the giant claws touched it. The surface of Io, then like a probe, penetrated deep into the soil and rock.

The locking device was activated, and when Yang was firmly fixed on the surface of the satellite, after a brief tremor, the navigator of Yang issued a "landing successful" reply.

Afterwards, the Changping and Humen landed one after another, and finally the Weiqing. When the Weiqing's hull, which was over 1 km in diameter, collided with the Eleven, Ye Zhou's heartbeat also jumped.

The huge sound of the collision did not spread even one meter in the vacuum environment of the universe, but inside the Weiqing, the drum-like sound had beaten the drums of war for everyone.

"The push ship landed successfully, 110 seconds away from the target push time, and the countdown starts now."

The icy numbers jumped on the screen. Ye Zhou used the last time to check the working status of the engines. Then, when the 60-second push countdown ended, with his instructions, all 48 push engines entered a saturated load state.

The hot plasma burns in the furnace, and the gases and reactants are sprayed violently. In the wake of the four spacecraft, a small amount of space dust and the small-diameter meteorite fragments that unfortunately fell into it were even directly evaporated.

"The thrust of the single machine is 80092, and the acceleration is in progress. It is expected to reach the peak thrust in 20 seconds."

Ye Zhou calmly reported the state of the engine to the commander, and then locked the engine thrust at 99,000 tons.

"Thrust peaked, thrust locked."

"Received, the spacecraft accelerated normally, and passed the first orbital intersection after 30 seconds. Dangyang and Changping, turn on the reverse thrust of the engine, reduce the acceleration, and avoid the orbit of Ganymede 38."

"Dangyang received."

"Champaign received."

After a short pause, each of the two spacecraft turned on 6 thrusters to reverse thrust, and dust spread on the surface of Io 11. An unprecedented sandstorm was blowing on this old satellite.

The acceleration of Io immediately slowed down, and two minutes later, it passed Io at a distance of 6 kilometers.

"Assessing Tidal Force Effects."

"The direction is deflected by 0.3 degrees. When the Yang has turned on the steering engine, it is expected that the adjustment will end and the countdown will be 10, 9, 8..."

The orbit deviated by the tidal force belt generated by Io 38 was corrected in a blink of an eye, the reverse thrust of the engine ended, and Io continued to approach the prograde orbit of Io under the impetus of the four spacecraft.

Everything is going extremely well, the engine is working fine - there's even more power left.

This made Ye Zhou a little relieved. The situation he was most worried about did not happen. The divertor was working normally, even if the furnace temperature had reached an astonishing 200 million degrees Celsius, even if the rate of ashes had exceeded that of human beings in any The volume observed in a fusion reaction, but the powerful divertor still holds up the pressure.

"Push the countdown to the end for 10 minutes. There is no intersection in front of you, and everything is going well."

The voice of the navigator of the USS Washington came. They still stayed on the original orbit, maintaining a safe distance where they could intervene in time, and monitoring the danger behind the four Huaxia spacecraft.

"Understood, push the countdown for 10 minutes, and the thrust is locked at 99,000 tons."

Everyone in the fleet relaxed slightly, and for them, the hardest part of the whole plan was actually over.

As long as the landing is completed, as long as the engine is pushed to run smoothly, as long as the orbital intersection of Ganymede 38 is avoided, then the road ahead of them will be smooth.

It is true that it is not difficult to control the satellite with a diameter of more than 40 kilometers to precisely crash into the moving target dragged by the Zheng He. However, with the assistance of quantum computers with terrifying computing power, accidents may occur. Sex is actually extremely low.

"It seems that this mission has been completed. After I go back, I will go to tokyo to soak in a hot spring."

"tokyo? It's better to go to Huaxia."

The navigators of the Washington and Dante spaceships who stayed behind were chatting easily on the communication channel, and the navigator of the Weiqing immediately interrupted:

"Don't chat in public channels, stay vigilant, our mission is not over!"

Ye Zhou felt helpless about their behavior, but from another angle, it was probably their nationality.

Even under extreme pressure, they still dealt with it with a lightness that was almost cynical.

This kind of character also has a good side, such as being very resistant to pressure, but at the same time, the probability of problems will greatly increase - especially when doing work that requires high concentration and high level of precision.

"Don't be so nervous, everything is easy next, don't worry, I'm looking at your ass."

The USS Washington navigator joked, and after a pause, he continued to report:

"Everything is normal in the orbit. The propulsion engine has disturbed the original satellite orbit, but these disturbances will not be transmitted until they complete one revolution. By then, we will have already evacuated to a safe area."

"Understood, start detecting unlocking device."

"The unlocking device is normal. After 6 minutes, the Yanghao starts to unlock."

"Received, unlocked in 6 minutes."

"USS Washington, start thrust engines and prepare for emergency intervention procedures."

"The thrust engine has been started, the current load is 40%, and you can intervene at any time - but I don't think you don't need it."

Ye Zhou looked at the location information that kept flashing on the screen, and couldn't help but repeat in his mind:

Yes, it should not be necessary.

However, just as his thoughts flashed, the exclamation of the navigator of the USS Washington suddenly came from his earphones.

"Shit! The distance is 1,700 kilometers, and Io Eighteen is approaching! It is expected that the orbital intersection will occur in 21 minutes!"

"It's going to hit the carme!"

"what happened?"

"It's the disturbance of the Zheng He! Its engine turbulence has changed the orbit of Callisto. Unlike what we calculated, Callisto's tidal force was captured by Callisto, and its orbit is rising!"

"Understood, decision in two minutes."

The voice of the navigator of the Weiqing was still calm, but at this moment, Ye Zhou's expression was already icy cold.

At this moment, they have no choice.

If they continue to travel at the current acceleration, after 8 minutes, all the propelling spacecraft must leave the carme, then they will be powerless to the impact of Io 41.

And if the deceleration operation is performed like avoiding Ganymede 38, it means that they will start to accelerate again, and the acceleration process will be forced to extend for more than 20 minutes, that is to say, all four Huaxia spacecraft will lose their escape. window.

"This is the Weiqing, and the following is the decision order."

"Dangyang, Changping, and Humen, turn on the engine to reverse the thrust and perform deceleration."

Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief, he understood the meaning of this order.

These four Huaxia spaceships cannot go back.

He put his hand on the button on the screen to release the thrust lock, but just as he was about to press it, the voice of the navigator of the USS Washington came through the earphones again.

"Don't worry."

"You continue to execute as originally planned."

"This is the USS Washington, and we will intercept Io XVIII."

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