Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 560 Full Load, Go Forward!

"Io 18 has a diameter of 21 kilometers. I have seen the orbital data. You have no interception window. If a frontal impact is carried out, the Washington will be directly smashed into pieces."

"Reject the request, please stay on the current track and stand by."

The tone of the navigator of the Weiqing was so calm that it could be called indifference. He gave instructions one by one, pushing the process of solving all resets. After a while, everyone saw the new results.

According to the new propulsion process, the four propulsion spacecraft will disengage 34 minutes before the collision, which is still a relatively sufficient disengagement time in principle.

But the problem is that the propelled spacecraft must undergo a deceleration process of up to 20 minutes after separation, and during this deceleration process, the impacted Io will still continue to move, and its gravity will soon capture the powered spacecraft, and The electromagnetic shock and dust cloud generated by the explosion will also completely cover the entire deceleration area of ​​the power.

In that area, no ship could escape.

"Do you need me to slow down and cooperate?"

The voice of the navigator of the Zheng He came, but the Weiqing immediately responded:

"No, in that case, you will be swallowed by the adjacent dimension channel. If there is a loss of power and you can't reach the scheduled impact site, then all our plans will be over."

"Obey the order, Ye Zhou, lift the thrust limit and push the engine to full load."

Ye Zhou frowned, he was still hesitating, for him, this was a simulation that could be repeated over and over again, but if the correct solution was not found, it would be meaningless to do anything blindly.

Whether it's the Washington or the four propelling spacecraft including the Weiqing, all they think about is sacrificing themselves, but is there a way that everyone can survive?

He was still thinking, but the Washington has responded:

"I'm going to get out of the chain of command, Weiqing, your decision is wrong."

"You can't take a chance with the lives of 80 people on four ships, you have to accept the given loss."

"Right now, the Washington is that given loss."

His voice fell, and on the screen in front of Ye Zhou's eyes, the bright spot representing the USS Washington was separated from the joint command system, and then, Ye Zhou saw a cluster of bright blue light lit up from a distance----that was the USS Washington turned on Push the engine sign.

Those engines were originally designed to propel an asteroid, but are now being used to propel the spacecraft itself.

The navigator of the Weiqing watched silently at the Washington, which was gradually sailing away. A few seconds later, he issued an order to execute as originally planned.

Yes, he can't gamble.

This fleet represents the hope of mankind. What they have to do is not only to complete the task, but also to retain as much experienced fire as possible and bring back as much data as possible.

Therefore, the four spaceships involved in the promotion must be kept.

And the Washington....they are really sacrificial chips.

In the public communication channel, Ye Zhou heard that the navigator of the USS Washington was still chattering about the endless sky.

"Maybe our spacecraft can withstand the impact, not necessarily..."

"The acceleration is too fast, the overload will reach 12 g, I have a black eye, but it's okay..."

"If it goes on like this, the retina will fall off."

"Will we be the Guinness Book of Records for the longest high overload time? I remember the current record is 69 seconds at 20g?"

"After going back, tell my mother that I buried my necklace under the tree..."

"No, don't drink coffee, give me some milk..."

The words of the navigator of the Washington were gradually confused. This was a symptom of extreme brain ischemia. From the star map, the overload of the Washington at this time had reached an astonishing 23g.

small book booth

The crew members above are all flesh and blood without any modification!

Ye Zhou watched all this anxiously. If the situation were to be allowed to develop, it was very likely that the Washington could only slam into Io XVIII according to the designed orbit, and use the impact of the fusion engine explosion to temporarily slow down Io XVIII. , to win Io through the window.

In that case, the Washington would lose all maneuvering space.

How to do?

There is no way - no, there is a way!

A thunder suddenly flashed in Ye Zhou's mind, he cut into the main communication channel, and shouted to the navigator of the Weiqing:

"There is a way! Take over the Washington urgently and slow them down, they don't need to hit them themselves!"

The navigator did not hesitate. He completed the authorization to Ye Zhou in just 10 seconds. Then, Ye Zhou remotely controlled the Washington to turn on the reverse thrust. After two minutes of deceleration, the navigator of the Washington regained consciousness.

"What's going on?! We're ready!"

He asked angrily in the public channel, but Ye Zhou ignored it and said directly:

"Now, change course, Washington turns to Io 41, use your reverse thruster to push Io ​​41 to change its orbit, and let it hit Io 18!"

"We don't need to stop Io, like Io, we just need its orbit to deviate a little! 5 kilometers! Enough!"

After he finished speaking, the navigator of the USS Washington exclaimed as if he had just woken up from a dream. Then, a series of instructions were issued, and the orbit calculation was executed immediately. After a few seconds, he replied:

"No, we don't have enough thrust, we need Dante to pick up—it's too can't get through."

"No, you don't need to."

Ye Zhou shook his head calmly.

"Open the full load, the maximum thrust of the engine can reach 120,000 tons, and the total thrust of 1.44 million tons, plus two non-working-substance engines, you can definitely push the Jupiter 41!"

"Full's dangerous."

"Better than going straight to death!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, the navigator of the USS Washington stopped talking. After a while, the USS Washington began to change its orbit, and 6 minutes later approached Io 41 at a very high relative speed.

At this time, the four Huaxia spaceships have begun to gradually disengage.

The windows of opportunity were all locked, and almost all the hopes of this "backflow operation" were placed on the USS Washington.

"Ready to start pushing.... We can't make a soft landing."

"Then hit it directly. The Washington can handle this speed."

The navigator of the Weiqing issued a decision order. The four Huaxia spacecraft did not slow down after disengagement, but continued to maintain an escort state. If the Washington failed to crash, they would continue to implement the backup plan—at the cost of four ships. The ship, and everyone on board.

"Understood, prepare for a hard landing."

The Washington navigator's voice was serious for a second, then cynical again:

"This is a real space billiard....Ye, help me check the status of the propelling engine."

"The temperature is 260 million degrees Celsius, the thrust is 123,000 tons, and the loss rate is 27%."

"The hearth is already hot, you have... 19 minutes."


"I can already feel the temperature of the hearth."

After a short silence, the Washington completed the turn with a shocking acute angle. The huge g value made the navigator vomit blood, but he did not move at all, but looked directly at the approaching Chi Chi. Jupiter forty-one, shouting loudly in the public channel:

"USS Washington! Full load, go! Go!"

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