Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 561: The Disappearing Star

The twelve propulsion engines of the Washington burst into hot flames. Under the huge thrust, the orbit of Io 41 changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just three minutes, it had left the wood. The gravitational range of Wei Si, then, began to fly rapidly in the direction close to Juicy XVIII.

The pushing process is not over yet. The structurally fragile parts of the Washington have begun to creak, but fortunately, the core compartment has not been affected. Compared with the previous overload of up to 30g, this process is much easier.

"The club has been hit, everyone!"

The high-pitched voice of the navigator came from the communicator, and then the Washington turned on the reverse thrust, and the flames shot on the surface of Io 41, sending it on its final journey.

"The engine is in abnormal condition, the power is dropping - but that's okay."

Ye Zhou stared at the data on the screen, showing that under the extreme load state, the divertor in the fusion core could not hold up after all.

The ultra-high temperature plasma even began to run around uncontrollably in the reaction core, and the local temperature difference of the divertor even reached 30 million degrees Celsius. Such a temperature caused the divertor to be rapidly deformed and brittle, and its functionality was greatly affected.

A few minutes later, 6 of the 12 propulsion engines shut down, the self-sustaining state of the fusion reaction was broken, and the reaction was terminated instantly.

But at this time, the Washington has completed the deceleration action, relying on the operation of the two non-working medium engines, it stabilized the state of the hull, and returned to the retrograde orbit of the carme.

However, at this time, the Washington was already at the forefront of the fleet.

"Dante, tracking the state of Io forty-one in real time, is the impact track correct?"

"The impact track is correct, and the countdown to impact is expected to be 120 seconds."

"Weiqing, how is the carme situation?"

"The orbit is normal. If Io 41 can knock Io 18 away, then everything will go according to plan... Now it's just the last step."

While talking, the four Huaxia spaceships have already started to decelerate. They can no longer keep up with them. The operation window has been closed. There is no point in continuing to keep up, and it will only increase the risk.

The spacecraft glided slowly in space until it returned to the orbit of Jupiter. At this time, the four Huaxia spacecraft entered a prograde orbit. To meet Washington again, they needed to orbit Jupiter for nearly a year.

Everyone stared nervously at the screen, watching the two satellites that were about to collide.

Counting down 20 seconds, Ye Zhou felt that his heartbeat had almost stopped, but obviously, there was no suspense about the collision.

In the silence, Io 41 was pulled into the tidal range by Io 18, and the mass of the two satellites was not large, so before Io 41 completely collided with Io 18, it was completely It did not disintegrate, but maintained its original shape.

"This is really space billiards......"

Ye Zhou said with emotion.

Afterwards, a huge cloud of dust surged up, the fragile Io 41 disintegrated into pieces, and the orbit of Io 18 was immediately deflected.

It remains intact, but perhaps only for a very short time.

At that time, the broken Io eighteen will continue to orbit Jupiter under the influence of gravity, until it becomes several new moons.

"Orbital change detected, carme is safe."

The tone of the Weiqing navigator carried a hint of imperceptible joy, and his nerves that had been tense for more than ten hours finally got a short rest.

At this point, there are still 6 minutes before carme collides with Io.

Zheng He is flying around Io's low-Earth orbit at a very fast speed. It is like a moving target, and the projectile shot from 100,000 kilometers will be about one millionth of a million. With one precision, focus the void behind it.

After two minutes of countdown, Carme entered the gravitational range of Io, and its trajectory pointed directly to the North Pole.

"Prepare to start accelerating disengagement, Zheng He, enter full load state."

"Received, entered full load state, ready to eject."

"The state of the adjacent dimension channel is normal, the power of the beacon device is normal, and it is ready to be decoupled from the beacon."

"Received and started to decouple. The power of the beacon device has entered a critical value, and the range of entropy increase and jump is expanding. I can already see the edge of the jump zone. There is no light there, like a black hole."

"To be precise, there is also light around the black hole... Enter the decision window, Zheng He, and start ejecting."

"Understood, start ejecting."

The voice fell, and the huge beacon device and 10 propelling engines behind the hull of the Zheng He were thrown away, and the mass of the hull suddenly decreased. Then, under the action of the four propelling engines and the two non-working medium engines, the Zheng He suddenly accelerated. , the overload soared to 90g in an instant, all the redundant structural parts of the hull were abandoned, and the Zheng He began to escape the predetermined collision zone at the limit speed.

The collision countdown is 60 seconds, the Zheng He is still accelerating, and the distance between Carme and Io has shrunk to the limit.

Carme's speed is unaffected by the extremely thin atmosphere of Io, the Tevasta volcano group, just ahead of it.

In an instant, clouds of dust appeared.

Hit the bullseye.

The carme that was not completely disintegrated swiped on the surface like water, and then immediately disintegrated. Most of the matter was decomposed into the most basic particles under the instantaneous burst of energy.

This collision is completely different from the previous "space billiards". Carme dragged out a dust belt of tens of thousands of kilometers. Lightning, firelight, and electromagnetic pulses filled this dust belt, releasing vigorous energy beyond human reach. .

And the "target" of this impact, the adjacent dimensional channel that is enriched, has absorbed this energy in its entirety.

----Or, this is not absorption, but pure "injection"!

From the video footage, Ye Zhou saw a strange light flashing in the core of the collision zone. He couldn't describe the color of the light in his own words, but he knew that there must be something unusual happening there. occur.

A few minutes later, the dust cloud generated by the collision began to roll back under the gravitational effect of Io, and a prototype of a star ring appeared. Maybe decades or hundreds of years later, when Io's shape stabilized again, Around it, a halo like Saturn's rings will form.

---- But, it doesn't seem to have this chance.

Just as everyone was nervously waiting for the detection result of the adjacent dimensional channel, the area suddenly fell into silence at an alarming speed.

Darkness, as dark as a black hole.

In the darkness, the light like a spark gradually expanded.

Ye Zhou's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly realized what was about to happen.

But before he could give a warning, the light began to expand at a speed far exceeding his cognitive limit, and the accelerating Zheng He was instantly swallowed up, followed by the entire Io.

Singularity explosion.

A word flashed in Ye Zhou's mind.

Everyone stopped in silence, they had nothing to do.

After a short while, the scope of the flash expanded to cover the entire Jupiter.

Ye Zhou saw with his own eyes that many satellites were decomposed into elementary particles under that pure energy. To his surprise, his consciousness could still be preserved.

He looked back, and behind him, the position of the largest planet in the solar system was empty.

In the human sky, there is a star that has disappeared.


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