Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 562 Broadcasting And Sacrifice

Ye Zhou's vision gradually darkened, and when it lit up again, he found that he had returned to the void, and in front of him, the subtitles of the simulation results were emerging.

[The four-stage plot simulation of "Little Sun" ends]

【Achieve the ending: The Furnace】

[Score for this simulation: a]

[Reward: Taishang No. 4 fusion structure (final reward)]

[Reward: Large-scale non-working fluid engine technology (engineering male reward)]

[Reward: 120 energy points]

【The ending can be watched】

Ye Zhou's eyes stayed on the two-line subtitles of the final reward. He thought that the reward brought by this simulation should be a simple divertor structure, but in fact, what he obtained was the structure diagram of the entire large-scale fusion device.

This also means that in his world, the use of fusion devices by human beings will directly cross the stage of exploration for decades, or even hundreds of years, and enter a new era in which fusion energy can be used on a large scale.

This is a huge surprise. Although it will take a relatively long time from the theoretical technology to the actual installation, the "longness" here can be measured by the "five-year plan".

In two five-year periods at most, large installations can be built -- or, with a lot of resources poured in, maybe not even the first five years.

In addition, the large-scale non-working medium engine technology in the engineering male award is also very practical. He has obtained the non-working medium engine technology before, but the thrust of the propulsion device based on electromagnetic force is too small, and it is only suitable for long-distance voyages forever. The slow acceleration also cannot really propel a large spacecraft.

And now, the availability of this technology fills that gap.

After reading the simulation summary, Ye Zhou jumped directly to the ending summary interface, and he eagerly wanted to know the final ending of mankind.

According to basic astronomical theory, Jupiter is the shield of the entire solar system, blocking a large number of asteroids close to the earth.

In the entire solar system, the sun's gravitational influence has a range of more than 10 billion kilometers. Therefore, whether it is the eight planets or the Kuiper belt outside the eight planets, they are all pulled by the sun's gravity. In the Kuiper belt, the moving speed cannot compete with the sun's gravity. Experience the ever-shrinking distance from the sun, brought from Kuiper to the land of the eight planets.

However, Jupiter's huge gravitational pull prevented the asteroids from continuing to approach the sun, pinning them in the asteroid belt. Only a few asteroids broke away from Jupiter's gravity and could cross Jupiter's orbit and come to the vicinity of the earth.

If Jupiter is gone, more than half a million asteroids will cross the orbit of Mars and come close to Earth, which will be a major threat to the existence of Earth—no, human existence.

If this happens, the situation facing humanity is likely to be that even if the crisis in the adjacent dimension can be resolved, the crisis of the asteroid group will happen again.

After clicking on the ending summary, lines of subtitles appeared in front of Ye Zhou.

[The inversion plan has been proved to be effective. The huge energy generated by the collision between Io's eleventh carme and Io poured into the adjacent dimension channels, permanently destroying a large number of channels]

[The impact of the energy inversion seems to have had a huge impact on neighboring dimension civilizations. Although humans have not fully clarified the fundamental principle of the so-called "energy stealing", the singularity explosion during the inversion process provides relatively clear information for human beings. research direction]

[Subsequently, the exploration of theoretical physics entered a new stage, human beings saw the hope of breaking the situation, and the last fire of escapeism was extinguished]

[With the destruction of adjacent dimensional channels, the frequency of entropy increases and jumps affected by human beings decreases, and resource pressure decreases]

[Science and technology continue to develop, and ideological liberation will follow. Human beings who have been suppressed for a long time have burst into great potential. In just 50 years, many basic technologies have made breakthroughs]

[For the first time, the human aircraft has exceeded 0.2 times the speed of light, and the territory of civilization has moved beyond the solar system]

[In the Kuiper Belt, humans have established a large collision base with a space span of 0.4 light-years, named the "Gonggong" base, while Westerners call this base a "space pool table"]

[In this base, an asteroid collision occurs on average every 40 Earth days]

[These collisions not only continue to curb the expansion of adjacent dimensional channels, but also remove a large number of asteroids that threaten Earth]

[Since the establishment of the Gonggong Base, human beings have officially entered the era of stars]

Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief after reading the summary of the ending. He did not expect that the problems he was worried about would be solved in this way.

It is true that in the face of hundreds of thousands of irregularly moving asteroids, the scale of the collision bases established by humans is still too small, and it can only block those that pose the greatest threat to the earth and are very likely to collide in a short period of time. Asteroids, but, that's enough.

Humans don't need to solve all problems at once, all they need is time.

The development of science and technology has entered an explosive stage, and every 50 years of winning, the level of human civilization will leap a big step.

And every time it crosses, the threat of the asteroid will decrease accordingly.

This is a sustainable path - the only question is, is the crisis in the adjacent dimension really lifted?

Objectively speaking, Ye Zhou couldn't accept the so-called "mistaken star" theory. He didn't think that a civilization that could build a large-scale water pump would be wiped out by several high-energy shocks.

The most likely situation is that the other party is extremely efficient in the process of energy extraction, and most civilizations have been stifled in the early stages of development. They have not encountered any decent resistance, so they are so negligent about the human counterattack.

When they finally turn their attention to mankind, a very threatening opponent, the pressure that mankind will face will be unprecedented.

Humans can rely on the Big Bang to export energy to adjacent dimensions, can't they?

Although judging from the results of the singularity explosion, this is a lose-lose strategy, but the opponents of mankind are all civilizations in the adjacent dimension, and the opponents of the other...


Ye Zhou suddenly realized that even in his own dimension and universe, the opponent's opponent is definitely not only human.

As embodied by the axiom of adjacent dimensions, civilizations in the same universe are natural allies, so while discovering countermeasures, humans should broadcast strategies to the entire universe at the fastest speed!

In this way, even if the current level of human technology cannot create a super big bang to hit adjacent dimensional channels as in the simulator, other civilizations that are slightly ahead of humans can do it.

And they will buy time for the entire universe.

Ye Zhou felt a shudder all over his body. He had never felt so truly connected to the universe.

Those stars in the sky, those civilizations that he has never seen or understood, have a common goal at this moment.

A precise, executable goal.

----However, human beings, how to broadcast?

How to convince those civilizations that are capable of big bangs to really create such a big bang?

This is a contradictory choice. If no one makes the explosion, then the entire universe will enter into a slow death, but the civilization that makes the explosion first will definitely reveal its position to the enemy in the adjacent dimension, thus triggering the highest priority level of revenge.

Those extraterrestrial civilizations....will they sacrifice for this universe?


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