Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 563: The Universe Broadcasting Project

Ye Zhou exited the simulator, then immediately exported all the information of the "Tai Shang" nuclear fusion structure, and went to Chen Hao's residence late at night as usual, and handed the technical documents to the latter.

Chen Hao was still in a state of awakening from his sleep. He had long been surprised by Ye Zhou's late-night visit, but he had never been able to adapt.

Before, he had tried to adjust his biological clock so that he would fall asleep after three o'clock, but Ye Zhou's actions were too unpredictable, sometimes he would come to him twice a week, and sometimes for several months. If you don't look for it once, it's really not worth it to change the life you've long been accustomed to for such irregular interruptions.

In the end, he could only rewind everything, and the only thing that changed was that he bought himself a sports bracelet, so that, at least when Ye Zhou called in the middle of the night, he didn't have to wake up his wife. .

"What is it this time? Artificial intelligence? Medical? Or nuclear fusion?"

"Nuclear fusion is the complete structural parameters of a large-scale nuclear fusion device. According to this document, we can skip the exploration period of Shenguang-4 and directly enter the application period."

Hearing this, Chen Hao showed a surprised expression on his face, and then asked:

"Are there any difficulties in the technical details? How about the resource usage?"

"There are many difficulties in the details. It is estimated that your general technical office will have to work overtime to coordinate. I have concluded that there are many new technologies in materials, structure, and metallurgy. The list is on the first page. You have to assign these tasks first. If you go down, you can break through, and the device will be able to land."

"Is it difficult?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he replied:

"It's not too difficult in theory, but it's about worker training... Speaking of which, how is the progress of the industrial worker application project of bci transmission technology?"

Chen Hao took down his work computer from the bookshelf beside him, clicked on the email and searched, and found the latest report from it.

"Currently, the success rate of transmission is close to 95%, and a small number of people are unable to transmit due to severe rejection. The knowledge solidification rate is about 80%, and some information cannot reach the long-term memory range. We don't know why."

"Chen Li speculated that this part of the information may be strongly related to muscle memory, and it still needs to rely on long-term training to achieve."

"In addition, the forgetting period is about 3 months - this data is relatively good. Compared with the natural memory process, the forgetting period is extended by more than 40%."

Ye Zhou nodded and asked:

"That means, the effectiveness of the bci transmission technology has been fully verified?"

"So to speak—are you going to continue to expand the scope of applications? In the manufacturing of your latest fusion device?"

"Of course, why not use good things? This technology can't be strangled in our hands, and universal promotion is the ultimate goal."

"Understood, I'll arrange it. Besides this? Is there anything else to explain?"


Ye Zhou adjusted his sitting position, removed the tea cup in front of him, and then said:

"I have a plan for containing adjacent dimension channels, which is very risky and expensive, and it is not executable at this stage."

"...You don't want to wash the earth with a nuclear bomb, do you?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao in surprise. What he was surprised was not the question raised by the other party, but the fact that the other party didn't mean to question after hearing him say "there is no enforceability".

"Don't you ask me, why don't you say it if there is no enforceability?"

"What's the question?"

Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou in confusion, and then continued:

"You said it yourself, there is no enforceability at this stage, not forever. It can be done one day, right? No matter when that day comes, we should start preparing immediately— Even the bare minimum of preparation."

"All right......"

Ye Zhou sighed lightly, organized a moment of language and said:

"The nuclear bomb washes the ground. From the results, it can indeed curb the attack of adjacent dimensions. Human civilization has been destroyed, and they will not continue to extract."

"But it's no different from suicide."

"That's not what I'm talking about—although my plan does resemble a nuclear bomb."

"What is it?"

Chen Hao asked curiously.

"In space, wash the ground with nuclear bombs."

"In other words, in space, man-made explosive and huge energy releases are poured back into adjacent dimensional channels, thereby causing damage to the other party's 'water pump' equipment to some extent and slowing down the progress of energy extraction. ."

Ye Zhou explained to Chen Hao the inversion plan from beginning to end, including the huge engine needed, the spacecraft as the target, the careful plan to push the satellite...and so on.

After listening, Chen Hao shook his head helplessly and said:

"You really don't have any enforceability. I originally thought that your plan was at least within our technical territory, and you can reach that on tiptoe."

"In the end, you're good. This inversion plan is estimated that we won't have a chance to implement it in 50 years, right?"

Ye Zhou hummed and replied:

"Actually, it may not take as long as 50 years. You know, the 'Luanniao' project has begun to be accelerated on a large scale after the Golden Crow. This project will bring us a huge amount of technology accumulation."

"Luanniao is originally an integrated aerospace mothership. If it is extended on its basis, the difficulty of building a large spacecraft is actually not as high as you think - we can even assemble it directly on the space station. "

"It's the use of space docks. This saves the trouble of launching large ships."

"It's possible, but this future is still too far for us... Is there an alternative?"


Ye Zhou answered briefly, and Chen Hao was not surprised by this.

"I knew you had something to do. Come on, what's the alternative?"

"It's simple."

Ye Zhou picked up the cup and took a sip of water, then said:

"We can't do it, but there must be other civilizations in the universe where humans are slightly ahead of us that can do it."

"We can broadcast to the entire universe, export our 'backflow plan' plan, and let them execute it for us."

"Impossible. According to the adjacent dimension axiom, priority exposure means priority elimination. Which civilization is willing to take such a risk?"

Seeing Chen Hao's unbelievable expression, Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I worry about that too, but the question is, do we have a choice? Do they have a choice?"

"A capable civilization can choose to sacrifice itself to save the universe, or it can choose to die slowly with other civilizations. The advantages and disadvantages of these two options are actually clear at a glance."

"If the other party is rational, then I think....we should have a chance."

"Besides, we're not worried about being exposed in our own universe, it doesn't pose much risk to us, so we have to give it a try."

Chen Hao pondered for a moment, and finally accepted Ye Zhou's statement, but another problem quickly surfaced.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I have no idea."

"This is not my area of ​​expertise. I think, this matter has to be done by astrophysicists."

"However, isn't the Ugly Country already working on the Galactic Broadcasting Project? If necessary, we can use their facilities..."

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