Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 565 The Progress Of The Tongtianhe Project

"The beacon of cosmic scale?"

Ye Zhou pondered and repeated Lin Ling's words, and he quickly understood what the other party meant.

She wants to use the most primitive way of electromagnetic wave broadcasting to transmit information, and then let other civilizations spread gradually in the form of "beacon fire" until the information spreads to the entire universe.

But the problem is that this kind of spread is still too slow.

On the cosmic scale, the propagation of electromagnetic waves is measured in ten thousand years, and the speed of the destruction of the earth under the impact of adjacent dimensions is calculated in months.

According to optimistic estimates, from now on, it is estimated that there will be only 600 months left until the adjacent dimension completely destroys the earth. In such a short period of time, electromagnetic waves cannot even get out of the Orion support arm of the Milky Way.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said:

"No, the speed is too slow to meet our requirements."

"It seems that this plan is still too far away, and we can't put too much energy into this direction."

"The most important thing now is to speed up the pace of technological change as soon as possible."

"It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself..."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"How about your side? Has there been a breakthrough in theoretical research on quantum ghosts?"

Lin Ling shook his head and replied:

"No. The current direction has converged on string theory. If there is no breakthrough in string theory, it will be difficult for us to explore further."

"However, there is still progress in application, at least we can stably solidify the quantum pair, and this technology is still very good for communication."

"Isn't there a new connection with that quantum ghost?"

"No, the other party probably hasn't recovered from the last collapse----I don't know if they can recover."

Lin Ling's tone revealed deep concern. After all, judging from the current situation, the fate of the so-called "quantum ghost" is her future fate. If the other party disappears, it means that she will be in a certain place. The time points are also annihilated.

This is definitely not an easy thing to accept.

Seeing her expression, Ye Zhou comforted:

"Don't think about it so much, we haven't studied the quantum field ourselves, and we don't know the causes and characteristics of quantum ghosts - maybe it's not a probability cloud form at all?"

"Have you seen the super body? Maybe you will become Scarlett in the future, not necessarily."

Lin Ling laughed, stood up from the sofa, moved the display screen on the coffee table back to the desk, and then clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, it's time for me to go back to sleep, what do you say, let's go together?"

The residences that Chen Hao arranged for the two of them are in the Huawuyuan Park. When they go back from the office, the direction is also on the way. Occasionally, when the off-duty time is close, the two often stroll home together, which is also the reason why their relationship is slowly getting closer. one of the reasons.

Ye Zhou looked at the messy notebook on the coffee table, and after thinking for a while, he also stood up.

After some communication, he has found that the cosmic broadcasting plan is not as simple as he intuitively judged at the beginning, and it is meaningless to spend energy now, it is better to go back and have a good rest.

"Let's go, go back first, the broadcast thing...I'll think about it."

As he spoke, he turned off the lights in the office, and walked out of the Huawuyuan Building side by side with Lin Ling.

At this time, it was already late autumn and winter was about to enter. Even in the middle of Shu, the night wind was frighteningly cold. Lin Ling rubbed his hands and said with some emotion:

"I read on the news a few years ago that summer was the coolest of the next decade - because of global warming."

"At that time, I was quite worried. If the trend of global warming really continued to deteriorate, would we have to face more problems caused by extreme weather."

"Now it seems that it's not just me, but everyone is wrong."

After a few seconds of pause, she continued:

"Maybe in another ten years, everyone will want to be hotter and hotter."

Ye Zhou nodded silently. He knew that Lin Ling was talking about the impact of the invasion of adjacent dimensions on the global temperature. When the adjacent dimensions appeared on a large scale, the average temperature on the entire earth would drop by more than 10 degrees.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be frequent snowfall in June in the middle of Shu.

"There's no way around it. The speed of our energy technology development is unlikely to catch up with the expansion of adjacent dimensions, so there will always be a tough time."

"However, our efforts now are to make this difficult period shorter."

"Even if it's just shortened from 10 years to 9 years and reflected on ordinary people, that's a huge improvement."

Lin Ling nodded, holding a dry wooden sliver pulled from the flowerbed in her hand, and while shaking it unconsciously, she continued to ask:

"If the temperature really drops that much, can our food hold up?"

Ye Zhou made a rough estimate in his mind, and then replied:

"At present, our grain storage is probably enough for the whole country to last three years without any grain output. This is already a limit number. If there is more, there will be no problem in production, but whether it is storage costs or financial pressure, it is Can't stand it."

"So, our buffer period is actually these three years -- or three years of food."

"After the temperature drops, there will be a gap in our food supply every year. According to the estimates of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the largest gap will even reach more than 50%, and this gap has to be filled with stored food."

"With an average annual supplement of 30%, three years of grain storage can support 10 years. We must bring grain production back to a balanced state within this decade - no matter how bad the conditions are."

"So this is the fundamental purpose of the Tongtianhe project? I have always heard voices saying that the Tongtianhe project is unnecessary. Using the vast mountains in the south to develop terraced fields, the usable area will not be smaller than that in the northwest. "

"That's because they didn't take into account the issues of environmental ecology and soil carrying capacity. Experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences do not eat dry rice. This strategy has already been proposed and calculated. According to the data, even if we turn the entire South into terraced fields , and it’s simply not enough to feed everyone.”

"Light and heat, soil, ecology, and even water, are all problems."

"Someone has come up with a more extreme solution - they want to knock that down directly."

"Can you fight?"

There was a hint of hesitation in Lin Ling's eyes. She didn't expect war, but if the solution to the problem of "let the Chinese people live" was only war, she would use her own strength to go all out.

"What if they fight? They can't kill all their people, right? This is actually a false proposition. The real plan is agricultural cooperation."

"When I went to Hailan before, I met a little girl named Xu Lei in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Now she is in Punjab, working on digital farmland and high-yield wheat projects. The progress is very good. So far this year, the wheat production in Punjab has increased. 20 percent."

"If we continue to push forward, it will not be a problem to double within three years."

"So exaggerated?"

Lin Ling opened his mouth in surprise.

"It's not too exaggerated. This result is not because of how powerful we are, but simply because Yindu is too bad."

Hearing Ye Zhou's ridicule, Lin Ling smiled silently, and the two walked forward side by side. After a long time, Lin Ling continued to ask:

"What about the Tongtianhe project? Where is the progress now?"

Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened his mailbox and flipped through it for a while, and said:

"From the report, they have basically completed the preliminary line survey and planning. The next step is to start the river reconstruction and pump station site selection."

"This was the hardest part of the whole project, hope they.... all the best."

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