Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 566 Nuclear Bombs Build A Dam

At the same time, above the plateau, in Doka Village, a fierce quarrel was going on.

"I've said it countless times that economics must be considered when building a dam. The surrounding point of Zhiba Lomba, Chidan and Xana is our best choice, and to build a dam here, we can directly build the dam on the Chidan platform. To build a pumping station, both soil conditions and transportation conditions can meet the requirements.”

"You are now telling me to bypass Chidan Mountain and go to Qamuna to build a dam. The difficulty and cost of the project are incalculable!"

"Not to mention the extra amount of engineering and time we need to detour, which delays the overall situation of the Tongtianhe project. Who of you should take this responsibility?!"

It was Qing Hao who spoke, and his eyes were wide open at this time, and a solid wood table was slapped loudly.

And beside him, in addition to Zhang Fu, who has been following the survey team and gradually began to assume important responsibilities, there is a relatively unfamiliar face, that is the village head of Doka Village.

The village chief glanced at Qing Hao in embarrassment, sighed and said:

"I also know that the overall situation is the most important, but your plan... Not only me, but also the leaders of the district and county can't accept it!"

"Bomb the mountain with a nuclear bomb to create a dammed lake, Captain Qing, do you know what this plan means?"

"What does it mean? It means that we can build the dam with the highest efficiency, it means that we can complete the confluence within three months, and it means that we can start building the pump station as soon as the snow melts next spring! "

"If we don't do this, our project will have to be postponed until August next year, and the pumping station will have to be stopped halfway through the repair. This delay is a whole year!"

Seeing Qing Hao's stern expression, Zhang Fu, who was beside him, hurried up and patted his hand lightly, then said:

"Brother Hao, don't get excited. The plan has to be discussed step by step. It's not unreasonable for the village chief to worry."

"Now for our plan, the focus is not on building dams, but on nuclear bombs."

"Think about it, the ancestors have lived for hundreds of years, and suddenly someone told you that a nuclear bomb is going to come and blow up the nearby hills. Who can easily accept this?"

"If you can't accept it, you have to accept it! The project can't be finished, and many people will die! Don't they know?"

"I know for sure, but the question is..."

For a while, Zhang Fu didn't know how to persuade him. In fact, the appearance of this problem caught everyone off guard.

When they first planned, they had already finalized the plan of blasting with a nuclear bomb. This plan is the most safe and efficient. With the current technology, the residual nuclear radiation pollution is almost zero.

However, considering the acceptance level of the nearby villagers, they still kept the plan secret, but they were on guard against the gossip.

A non-professional member of the survey team heard the news that the mountain was going to be bombed with a nuclear bomb, and he didn't know how to tell the information after getting drunk. After the news spread, the villagers of Doka Village immediately jumped. They protested, and even contacted many residents in the nearby area through the Internet, insisting that the official give a statement.

What can the official say? Originally, the plan was still in the discussion stage and had not yet reached the actual implementation stage, so the only answer that could be made was a realistic "this is not the final plan", but such an answer made them even more dissatisfied, and the situation intensified. In order to be foolproof, the villagers have raised their demands from "no nuclear bombs are allowed to bomb mountains" to "no bombing mountains".

The "leak-mouthed" team member received serious accusations and investigations. The continuous review lasted for nearly a month, and it was finally proved that he really just had a poor sense of secrecy.

After all, the survey team has absorbed a lot of social forces, and the confidentiality education these people receive is far less than that of professionals. It is a matter of time before this type of leak occurs.

But things have already happened, and there is no point in pursuing responsibility. The most urgent task now is to persuade the villagers of Doka Village to find a way to break the situation.

The village chief opposite took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out two and handed them to Zhang Fu and Qing Hao, then said:

"Leader, things have developed to this point, in fact, we have nothing to do."

"But in my opinion, it's better to have it happen sooner than later."

"You guys wanted to go straight up without telling the truth? Let me tell you, if you do that, things will be even bigger!"

"On our side, the education level of the villagers is a bit low, but they all have mobile phones, and all of them can use the Internet. When the nuclear bomb explodes, can it still be kept secret?"

"As long as there is information on the Internet, they can know it."

"At that time, if they find out that you are actually bombing a nuclear bomb next to the village, do you believe that the dam that has been built will be digged for you?"

Hearing the village chief's words, Qing Hao frowned tightly, and then asked:

"How dare they? This is a national key project. Except for problems, everyone must be responsible!"

"They know what responsibility is? Shengdou Xiaomin sees one-third of his own land. This is a natural instinct, and it is also their wisdom to settle down."

"If basic survival is threatened, can they not jump up and bite?"

"But we didn't affect their lives at all!"

"But they don't know!"

The village head is also excited. Unlike Qing Hao, he has been the village head in Dowa Kacun for nearly ten years. From the very beginning, he came here with the poverty alleviation work group, and later he was selected as a cadre. Appointed to the village as a village official, over a long period of time, he gradually integrated into this small village under the snowy mountains, and also understood the life and people here.

Therefore, compared to Qing Hao, he could better understand the thoughts of the villagers, and he knew better how to communicate with them.

After a moment's pause, he continued:

"Leader, now let's focus on the problem first."

"Look, the request of the survey team is to build the pumping station by the end of next year, that is to say, the construction of the dam will be completed this year, so I won't say anything about the detour plan proposed before, just skip it. ."

"What about the request of the villagers? It is not allowed to use nuclear bombs, which they see as dangerous."

"Then our plan is actually very simple. Either convince the villagers and tell them that nuclear bombs are not dangerous, or find something to replace nuclear bombs."

Qing Hao shook his head and replied:

"Bombs can also be used, but the yield is too high and the cost is too high - I don't understand, why can't you accept nuclear bombs if you can accept bombs?"

"Nuclear bomb is one of the cleanest means of blasting at present. There is no radiation residue at all, and the explosion procedure is also short. It will be blasted on the same day and will have the least impact on life. Isn't that enough?"

"As long as there is a 'nuclear' word, it will not work."

The village chief said firmly.

"It's not a technical issue, it's a ... propaganda issue."

Qing Hao sighed. He is not the kind of stubborn and extreme stunned Qing. After the initial anger, he has gradually understood the concerns of the villagers, and also knows that they are advertised as terrorist weapons. With natural fear.

However, if other alternatives are used, both the cost and the cost-effectiveness ratio will be greatly deteriorated, and it will definitely not be a good thing for the project itself.

Just when the two of them were silent about this contradictory situation, Zhang Fu suddenly said:

"You say it's a publicity issue, but I think it's on point."

"To solve this problem, we really have to start with publicity."

"I have an idea that may be useful for our current situation..."

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