Look at Zhong Li’s look.

Very serious, obviously the words of praise are from the heart.

Lin Chen nodded and said with deep conviction: “Indeed!” ”


Zhongli was suddenly silent.

He stared at Lin Chen like this, making Lin Chen’s scalp numb, and felt as if there were ants crawling all over his body.

Zhongli also did not speak.

To be honest, he didn’t know what to say.

He was praising Lin Chen, and the storyteller Tian Tiezui almost blew the sky.

As a result, Lin Chen came to a sentence.

Put it another way.

It was as if Lin Chen was praising the Yan King Emperor Niu Pen, and the storyteller was also boasting about the Yan King Emperor.

As a result, Zhong Li said: Yes, the emperor is so bullish.

It’s a bit tough.

At least Zhongli felt a little tough.

Don’t you know how to be humble?

“Don’t you think so?”

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

“That’s it.”

“The achievements of the Dao Ancestor are indeed there.”

Zhongli had nothing to say.

Because no matter how much it blows, it is completely in line with the facts.

Because there are many things that are completely indescribable in words.

Open a new avenue for all sentient beings!

What a merit?!

Zhong Li thought that it would be difficult to do it in his whole life, but the smiling man in front of him did it, and he succeeded!

“Recently, the hall master misses you very much, and has asked me many times if I can find your traces, when do you plan to return to the Hall of Life?” Zhongli suddenly asked.

Although Zhong Li changed the topic very bluntly, Lin Chen still smiled and said, “Let’s go back together later, I haven’t seen the hall master for many days… Hope to coax well. ”


Seeing that Lin Chen’s face also flashed a distressed look, Zhong Li felt very happy.

There are few characters in the world that can make Dao ancestors feel headaches.

And just right!

Walnut is one of them!

After laughing.

Lin Chen thought of Traveler Ying.

At the time of his simulation, Ying was already preparing to go to Inazuma.

In fifty days, according to Ying’s normal mobility, he may have already reached Inazuma Island, or he has further reached Inazuma City.

I wonder how she is doing?

At this thought, Lin Chen asked, “How long has the traveler been leaving?” ”


Zhongli recalled and replied 07: “It’s probably early January, and judging from the itinerary, she may have already arrived in Inazuma, but I don’t know if she has seen Narugami now…”

Speaking of Narugami.

Zhong Li’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice gradually weakened until he disappeared.

“There are many people here, there are ears on the wall, let’s go first.”

Zhongli obviously had something else to say.

He didn’t give Lin Chen a chance to drink tea, and hurriedly settled the bill with a straight face.

Lin Chen naturally did not refuse, and walked on the street with Zhong Li, which was the direction of returning to Shengtang.

After a long time, I arrived at the Hall of Past Life.

After inquiring, she learned that Hall Master Hu was temporarily not in the Past Life Hall, and was still busy with her career outside.

The two came to the backyard of the Past Life Hall.

Pool gazebo.

Lin Chen just sat down.


Zhongli slapped the stone table.

He looked angry and looked furious.

“Even if you are a Dao Ancestor, I have to ask!”

“Why did you leave them behind and go to Inazuma?!”

“Leave them behind for a thousand years!”

“Your purpose is for Narugami?!”

“A few days ago, I was still wondering why the Dao Ancestor Divine Power Avenue is also circulating in Inazuma, and it is still a formation Dao inheritance!”

“In human terms, you are such a negative and womanizer!”

“Not only to live up to their love for you, but also to provoke Narugami!!”

“What would she think if you and Narugami were finally known? Have you ever thought about these things?! ”

“For a thousand years, if you hadn’t firmly believed that you were strong and did what you said, perhaps the immortals would have thought that you had passed away!!”

“The result?”

“The result is good, Inaruto God looks good, right?”

“It’s really sad, even the Dao Ancestor with great powers can’t even protect his own woman!!”

6,000 years of experience and city government.

The rock god Morax has long been cultivated into a mood that does not show joy or anger.

But now, Zhongli was really angry.

Not only angry, but also with a thick disappointment in his voice.

Lin Chen could understand him.

In other words, if his sister’s sweetheart leaves her sister and runs away to provoke her elsewhere, he will also be angry.

I can’t wait to tear this scumbag by hand!

But on the other hand, this scumbag is himself!

Zhong Li’s words and words pierced into Lin Chen’s heart like a knife.

That sentence could not even protect his own woman, and it made Lin Chen breathe rapidly, his palms clenched, and his breath was like a volcano about to erupt.

Seeing Lin Chen’s complicated face, he was silent.

Zhong Li was even more annoyed, patting the table and roaring lowly: “Don’t think that you are a Dao ancestor, with great powers, I don’t dare to make a move with you!” ”

Lin Chen was even more ashamed when he heard this, and hurriedly explained: “I know you are in a hurry, but don’t worry, you always have to listen to my explanation, right?” ”


Zhongli snorted coldly.

Having known Lin Chen for thousands of years, Zhong Li can be regarded as knowing Lin Chen better.

Except for the time when he was in Aidao, Lin Chen was very easy to get along with most of the time, so the two were more familiar with each other.

He wanted to listen, how should Lin Chen explain?!

“The hall master picked me up in Wuxian Po, do you think this matter is fake?” Lin Chen asked.

“Isn’t it fake?” Zhongli looked puzzled.

Why did it suddenly come here?

“I’m from out of nowhere.”

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he said again: “You also know some about my hometown, so I won’t say more… As for my arrival to Tivat, from when and where to land … Wu Yue Po is, Liyue Ancient Barbarian is also, Inazuma Narugami Island, the same is… Dao Ancestor, His Highness Lin Chen, it’s all me! ”

“I naturally know it’s all you!” Zhong Li said angrily.

“I mean…”

“I have traveled through the history of Tivat, and I have been present throughout history… I appeared in Inazuma, before the outbreak of the Battle of Canrea, and there was still a gap of nearly five hundred years between the time I did not appear and the time when Daozu left! ”

Zhong Li raised his eyebrows when he heard this, a little surprised.

“I am in these long rivers of history.”

“But I am different in strength and weakness in each period, otherwise do you think that with the magical power of the Dao Ancestor, how can I not protect my own woman?” Lin Chen asked.

Zhong Li was silent when he heard this.


If it is Daozu, then the battle of Canrea will be quite easy.

Narugami will definitely not be seriously injured either.

“You mean… The Dao Ancestor six thousand years ago was only one part of you… In the more distant time and space, you have divided yourself into countless parts, walking in various historical time and space to understand the unknown road? Zhongli seemed to understand a little.

Seeing this, Lin Chen nodded.

Although I don’t know what Zhong Li’s brain made up, he just answered it directly.

“I see.”

Zhong Li didn’t say much.

He glanced at Lin Chen with pity, and then said, “I don’t want to say much about your own family affairs, but out of the position of a friend, I still want to advise you to be careful of the fire in the backyard.” ”

Backyard on fire?

Does it mean that in the end, you have to fight with Raiden?

Unlikely, right?

Lin Chen rubbed his chin and thought.

Stop. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Don’t really say it.

It’s not impossible!

Although they are all his Lin Chen’s wives, without knowing it…

Lin Chen thought for a long time, he decided to write down the statement he said with Zhong Li today, and explain it one by one when the time came!

I believe that the wives will understand him!


After explaining, Zhongli was not so angry.

He said leisurely, “Let’s think of a way to save Naruto first, and then coax them well… I’m afraid you’ll be torn apart. ”

As he spoke, Zhong Li’s expression became subtle, as if he was looking forward to that scene.

This eldest brother seems to like watching Lin Chen’s fun!

“Just don’t arch the fire.” Lin Chen said.

Zhong Li glanced at Lin Chen, “Don’t worry, it won’t cause you trouble… Just one thing I’m curious about. ”

“What’s going on?”

Zhong Li asked very seriously, “How many avatars did you have in that long river of time?” ”


Lin Chen pondered.

For now.

The present self is himself, the source of all incarnations.

Michisu is himself, and the companion of His Highness Inazuma Naruto is also himself.

Throwing away the open source head, then there are two in total.

And when the simulator’s simulation number is obtained is unknown, more like a random appearance.

How many times in the future, Lin Chen himself can’t say well, he can only prevaricate: “It’s too long ago, can you remember clearly?” ”

Zhong Li asked thoughtfully, “You won’t be worn out, right?” ”

Zhong Li still remembered Lin Chen and his description of the nature of wear.

Wear and tear is a terrible thing.

Even if the Ruoda Dragon King had Lin Chen’s blessing and the help of the immortals, he had been suppressed for many years.

A great creature like the Ruoda Dragon King that can be called immortal will also have a memory loss and distorted emotions due to wear and tear, not to mention Lin Chen, who may have lived longer than the Ruoda Dragon King!

Come to think of it.

Even knowing that Lin Chen was very powerful, Zhong Li couldn’t help but worry.

He didn’t want to lose a friend who could spit out his deep troubles, nor did he want his sister to lose her husband.


Lin Chen shook his head.

“Then you don’t remember?”

Zhong Li’s expression was like a subway old man’s mobile phone.

It’s not worn out, and you can’t remember what you did?

“The memories are divided into countless parts, how do I know which part of the force?”

“Don’t worry, wait for the return of the self, and naturally remember.” Lin Chen said very mysteriously.

Zhongli understood, but not completely.

Think about it, when Lin Chen was a Dao ancestor, his sermon was tall, and ordinary people couldn’t understand it at all.

Now it’s normal to say something you don’t understand.

In short, knowing that Lin Chen was fine, Zhongli let go of his heart.

After letting go of his heart, Zhong Li only felt relaxed, he glanced at the clear sky, and leisurely spoke: “Reunion after a thousand years, should there be food and wine to accompany?” ”

Good, good, I want to let Daozu have a treat, right?

Lin Chen said solemnly: “The Dao ancestor left for a thousand years and crossed time and space to this era… Shouldn’t you wash the dust for the Dao Ancestor? ”

Zhong Li was stunned.

That really makes sense!

“In that case, let’s go to the Ten Thousand People’s Hall.” Zhongli sighed with emotion.

“No, buddy.”

Lin Chen’s gaze at Zhong Li was a little wrong.

Heartbroken, bro.

You invite others to dinner to go to Xinyuexuan, so why don’t you invite Daozu to go to Wanmin Hall, right?

After seeing Lin Chen’s gaze, Zhong Li shook his head indifferently, with a little disappointment.

“Shallow, I never thought that Dao Ancestor was such a narrow person.”

“Wouldn’t it be beautiful for Marcius to be in the Hall of All Peoples now, and you, me, and his three old friends are reunited?”


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Chen: “Don’t talk about it, hurry up.” ”


Manmin Church.

“Huh? Is it Mr. Zhong Li and Mr. Lin Chen? ”

“Want something to eat today?”

The legendary weapon master and the little chef Xiangling who is not as good as the pot greeted the two very warmly.

“Hmm… This, this, and this. ”

Zhong Li ordered, pointed out a few things in a row, and then returned the incense 833 ling.

“Is that all? Please slightly…”

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Li said, “Don’t want these things, let’s get a copy of the rest!” ”


Xiangling people are stupid.

Looking at Zhong Li and then at Lin Chen, he tentatively asked, “Are there still guests?” ”

“No, as far as we’re concerned, he can eat better.” Zhongli shook his head in denial.


Xiangling nodded.

The guests said so, and did as requested.



Around the corner, a mysterious creature rushed towards it.

It seems that when I turned a corner, I slipped a little and almost fell.

It rushed over, bouncing up its hand to greet Lin Chen and the two.

“Pot ba?”

Xiangling wondered.

Although I have seen it a few times, the pot is not so familiar with them, right?

“It seems that the Xiangling guys are still very good, let’s see.”

Lin Chen squatted down and reached out to pat the sides of Guoba’s waist.

Good guy, this body of Guoba is really round!

“Exactly, Xiangling.” Lin Chen looked up at Xiangling and smiled: “We are familiar with Guoba, this meal is quite a lot, so please ask Guoba to help eliminate some, don’t delay you anything, right?” ”

“Is that so?”

Xiangling thought for a moment and nodded, and then said, “Then I’ll go to the back kitchen first!” ”

After Xiangling left, Lin Chen and the two came to the private room with the pot.

Manmin Hall takes the public route, there are not many private rooms, and the decoration is not very luxurious.

But with old friends around, it is exceptionally warm.


Guoba shook his head, humming a song in his mouth, and he looked very happy.

“Already completely ignorant, is this the life he wants now?” Lin Chen sighed.

Zhongli nodded: “Since it is his choice, we don’t need to interfere, seeing his happy appearance now, I still enjoy it.” ”

Lin Chen nodded, patted the pot and said, “Drink some later, can you?” ”

The absence of intellect in the pot does not mean that there is no spirituality.

Hearing Lin Chen’s slightly questioning voice, Guoba stood directly on the stool and patted his chest, looking at that look seemed to say: You can just wait and see!

Soon, after Xiangling served the dishes, the two of them pushed cups with Guoba to change lamps.

Chatting and talking.

Zhongli said about the traveler and said: “I forgot to tell you something, yesterday I met the traveler, she came back through the teleportation anchor, took a commission to find miners, and there should be a lot of things to do in the next few days.” ”

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Worthy of a traveler!

While doing the main story, while doing the legendary quest.

I think that’s what I did.

“That is, you went to work for travelers?” Lin Chen asked.

“It should be said that the traveler gave me a part-time job, and the destination of this trip… It should be the Dragon King of Joda. Zhongli looked complicated.

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