When Lin Chen knew that the traveler was entrusted with finding a few miners, he knew the final destination.

In the original development.

Both the good and evil thoughts of the Dragon King will leave the sealed place due to loosening of the seal.

His good thoughts will possess the mortal Kunjun, and eventually guide the traveler and Zhongli to the seal of the Dragon King, preventing the Dragon King’s evil thoughts from controlling the body to break the seal.

Speaking up.

When doing this legendary task at that time, Lin Chen could really feel Zhong Li’s helplessness.

It is clear that the two sides are comrades who can fight side by side, but in the end they fight because of wear.

Even the Dragon King had forgotten his friendship due to wear and tear, and he began to hate his former best friend.

Lin Chen put down the bowl and chopsticks, and his fingers tapped on the table and thought.

Wear and tear on the Dragon King is inevitable.

But it was easy to put an end to the difficulties that the Dragon King was now encountering.

“I see.”

Lin Chen continued, “Just let him remember it. ”

“Is it really that simple?” Zhong Li’s eyes froze.

If the Dragon King can recall everything, it is naturally the best!

“Of course.”

Lin Chen nodded.

When the true spirit is worn out, it means that the memory is gradually lost.

Wear and tear cannot be avoided, but it can avoid the disappearance of memories!

Thinking of this, after talking to Zhong Li in general, Zhong Li also showed joy.

“Then wait for the traveler, it just so happened that she contacted me yesterday, maybe this afternoon will start to leave, after all, the miner is missing, it is a matter of life, not a trivial matter.” Zhong Li said.

Lin Chen nodded: “I’ll take a look at the situation then, if the hall master doesn’t come back, I’ll go with you, if the hall master comes back… When you get to the Dragon King, it’s never too late to call me again. ”


Seeing Lin Chen like this, Zhong Li completely let go of his heart.

Guoba didn’t know what the two were talking about, and they ate happily.

Lin Chen and Zhong Li are not people who waste food, since they ordered so much, they naturally have to eat it.


Noon has passed.

The two said goodbye to Guoba and returned to the Hall of Past Life.

As soon as I came back and walked on the way to the pavilion to drink tea, I saw a figure in the pavilion.

The girl sat bored on the stone bench, her ponytail swaying slightly in the wind as she drooped behind her head.

The girl’s white legs kept shaking, her toes kicked the stone bench next to her, and her hands seemed to be still counting something.

Footsteps were heard behind him.

Walnut turned his head.

Those plum blossom eyes flashed with anticipation.

When a longing figure was reflected in the depths of his eyes, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

“Lin Chen, Keqing~”

Hu Tao’s eyebrows curved, and he ran over in three or two steps, jumping and hanging on Lin Chen.

Watching the girl rush and smell the plum blossom fragrance in the air, Lin Chen only felt panicked.

Hall master, hall master, can we usually eat more nutritious?

“Hall Master, it’s like three autumns in one day!”

“Calculate carefully, fifty days and nights.”

Lin Chen patted Hu Tao’s shoulder, and after finding that she was unwilling to come down, he and Zhongli looked at each other.

As if he didn’t see the helplessness in Lin Chen’s eyes, Zhong Li walked to the pavilion and sat down.

This big brother is useless!

Lin Chen secretly slandered.

Then he dragged the walnut to the gazebo.

The walnut also jumped down.

The joy on his face quickly converged and he became serious.

She pressed one hand on the tabletop and the other on her waist, leaning against the edge of the table.

Because it is standing, it is condescending.

This is invisible.

It made Lin Chen feel very strange.

It was as if he was about to be judged.


“Lin Chen, Keqing!”

“Why don’t you personally ask the parishioner for leave?”

Hu Tao’s tone was very light, but Lin Chen felt that if he didn’t answer well, this Hall Master Hu might …

Nothing else is clear.

Wages are definitely going to be deducted!

The grand ancestor was deducted his salary, which could make Morax laugh to death.

“Hall Master, I’m really sorry.”

Lin Chen lowered his head, as if he was repenting, “I was really anxious at that time, so I couldn’t ask the hall master for leave in person, sorry’!” ”


Hu Tao continued to ask, “What I said to the hall master at the beginning, is it still a word?” ”

“Of course!”

Lin Chen quickly nodded and said, “Fifty stories, they have already been prepared, just wait for the hall master to come and listen to them when he has time!” ”

“Well, let’s save it first, the hall master will listen slowly in the future, and slowly accumulate…”

Can’t you listen to it all at once, otherwise what if the guest runs away?

Our hall master is clever.

“Good, good, good.”

What can Lin Chen do?

The hall master is so cute that he can only be spoiled.

“Okay, okay, if you two have nothing to do, you will go to buy immortal incense for me.”

Hall Master Hu took out the boss’s style and began to arrange things for Lin Chen and Zhong Li.

“What do you buy immortal incense for?” Lin Chen was puzzled.

“You’re stupid~”

Hu Tao said reasonably: “Today, thousands of years ago, is the day when the Dao Ancestor preached for the first time, of course, I have to pay tribute to the Dao Ancestor, do you understand?” ”

“Oh, got it.”

Give me incense and thank you.

Understood, understood.

Lin Chen nodded.

“Daozu has passed away for many years, and now this tradition is more like commemorating what Daozu did for Liyue.”

“Thank you to the Dao Ancestor, may the Dao Ancestor protect all sentient beings in Liyue in the spirit of heaven.”

Zhongli suddenly stood up with a solemn expression, praying sincerely and sincerely.

Lin Chen slowly turned his head to look at him.

Some time ago, he also teased Zhong Li, and he will take revenge now!


Your Morax’s gratitude to my ancestor has received!

“Go quickly, just record the account on the account of the past life hall, I can find Bai Shu to settle it when I have a decisive time, and I have to prepare others.”

Saying that, Walnut ran away.

Looking at her solemn appearance as she spoke, she obviously admired the legendary Dao Ancestor very much.


Lin Chen shook his head and smiled and went out with Zhong Li.


Bu Bu Lu.

This is the largest medical center in Liyue Port.

Not only because of the excellent medical skills of the owner of Bu Lu, Bai Shu, but also because there are enough varieties of medicinal materials here and the quality is high enough.

Lin Chen and Zhong Li just walked in.

Because it was just after noon, no one came to buy medicine, and no one was guarding here?



An ethereal, lifeless voice came.

Suddenly, it was as if the surrounding temperatures had dropped by a few degrees.

Lin Chen came to the counter and looked down.

Sure enough, a little guy who wasn’t tall enough at the counter also looked up at him.

This little girl with a hat, a talisman on the hat, and a pale face like paper is seven seven!

Thinking of Qiqi’s tragic experience, Lin Chen sighed in his heart.

However, he could sense that Qiqi had majestic mana in his body, but these mana were very silent, in a state where he could not move without an edict.

And the talisman on this little guy’s head is the key.

“This talisman structure is quite interesting, who made it?” There was no one around, and there was no need to cover up, Lin Chen directly turned back to ask Zhong Li.

“It’s the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Moon.” Zhong Li replied while casually talking about the events of that year.

Qiqi, this little guy strayed into Wonderland on the way to collect medicine, and then accidentally broke his right leg.

When she hurriedly dodged and bandaged her wounds, there was a loud noise, and the cave collapsed, covering Qiqi.

Between the near-deaths, she bursts out with a strong will to survive, perhaps the gods responded to her expectations and lowered the eyes of God.

The appearance of the Eye of God caused the evenly matched fairy and demon sides to tilt the scales, and finally the immortals won. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because he couldn’t bear the encounter of Qiqi, the immortals joined forces to treat, and in the middle of the treatment, he found that this little girl seemed to have the talent to walk on the Daozu Avenue, so he brought it back to the mountains to teach.

Unfortunately, however.

“She is between life and death, and she forgets a lot, and a lot of knowledge is forgotten as soon as it is taught.”

“What’s more, the mana in her body will riot because of this, but she can’t calm it down by herself.” Zhong Li shook his head slightly and said, “Finally, Lishui Mountain True Monarch sealed her in amber. ”

Until here, has it returned to the original development?

Lin Chen thought thoughtfully.

And Qiqi, who listened to the two recounting their experiences, fell into a daze.

These two are talking about her, right?

Why can’t I remember?

Qiqi opened his immortal body’s practical treasure book for home travel.

This is not the case.

But deep down, I faintly agreed with what this man said.

This left Qiqi in a daze for a long time.

“Alas, what a poor child.”

Lin Chen sighed slightly, and then stretched out his hand and pointed at Qiqi’s eyebrows.


Qiqi looked at Lin Chen blankly, not knowing what he was going to do.

And with the influx of the mighty power of Lin Chen’s divine thought, he soon found the true spirit of Qiqi.

Sure enough.

Qiqi’s true spirit has long been crippled.

No wonder she can’t remember anything.

If this is missing more, I am afraid it will be a vegetative person.

Lin Chen immediately made a move, and a force surrounded Qiqi’s true spirit, and then he withdrew his hand and said with a smile: “In this way, she will slowly get better in the future.” ”

“Incredible means.” Zhongli sighed.

“Ah, you are…”

Seven or seven two small hands covered the talisman on his head.

With dazedness and memories in his eyes.

The power deep in her mind allowed her true spirit to slowly repair.

It’s slow, but it’s very secure, and it’s incredibly reassuring.

Several memory fragments flashed in Qiqi’s mind, and she blurted out: “You… Road… Daozu? ”


Lin Chen made a silent gesture, touched the little guy and said, “Let’s get down to business first, and we also have to buy things.” ”


Zhong Li said, “Come and buy immortal incense.” ”


Qiqi nodded dumbly.

Then she dragged the small bench, searched for a while, and then stood on the small bench and took out the so-called immortal incense from a box.

“Here you go.”

Qiqi handed the immortal incense to Zhongli, and then spread his hands: “Mora.” ”

“Recorded in the account of the past life hall.” Zhongli replied.


Qiqi nodded, and then ignored the bell leaving, and she turned around and ran to the door behind the counter.

“This kid is so relieved of us?” Lin Chen wondered.

While speaking, he saw Qiqi running out again, seemingly holding something in his hand, and tiptoed to hand it to Lin Chen.

“Daozu… Drink coconut milk. ”

“Good, good, so good.”

Lin Chen nodded gladly, took the sip, not to mention, the taste was very right.

“What about me?”

Zhongli pondered.

“Reluctantly… Here you go. Qiqi shook his head.

“Hahaha, this kid is true and sincere.” Lin Chen laughed when he heard this.

Zhongli was helpless and wanted to laugh.

Give the Dao ancestor good food, don’t give it to the emperor, right?

But Zhong Li doesn’t blame Qiqi, after all, people don’t know him.

“Okay, the immortal incense is in hand, let’s go back first.” Zhong Li couldn’t see Lin Chen’s mocking look.

“Okay, okay, let’s go.”

Before leaving, Lin Chen instructed: “Qiqi, remember not to expose the identity of the Dao Ancestor!” ”

“Seventy-seven… Got it. ”

Qiqi nodded heavily, and then opened the book and carefully remembered – Daozu said, don’t expose Daozu’s identity.

Lin Chen pondered.

If others saw Qiqi’s book, wouldn’t they be exposed?

But think about it.

It seems that it is exposed and there is nothing to be said.

He is not Zhongli, and he still needs to govern Liyue!

The only concern was whether Walnut would think he was deliberately lying to her if he knew about it.

After all, he is now in Hall Master Hu, but he is an interesting person from another world.

“Forget it, let it be.”

Lin Chen walked away with his hands on his back.


As soon as he returned to the Shengtang, he saw Ying and Paimon in a hurry.

“Wow, it’s Lin Chen!”

Paimon saw Lin Chen immediately fly back to say hello.

“Long time no see, looks like a fat circle?” Lin Chen quipped.


“Paimon starves with travelers every day!”

“Traveler is also wanted in Inazuma! If it weren’t for the dust song pot, I would really be starving and freezing now! ”

Paimon was bitter when they met.

“Eh…” Ying said, with a look of embarrassment.

Then remembered the business, and hurriedly said (Qianqian’s): “Let’s talk about these things later, Zhongli, remember the commission I told you yesterday, let’s go quickly, human life is at stake!” ”

“Good.” Zhong Li nodded and handed the immortal incense to Lin Chen, “You go back to the Shengtang first, I’ll go with the traveler.” ”

“Okay, see you in a few days.”

Lin Chen separated from them.

When I returned to the hall, I saw that Hu Tao had already set up incense burners in the lobby, as well as all the props.

Directly above hangs a painting, showing a Taoist man with an unreadable face sitting in the mountains talking about something, and below there are spiritual objects of different shapes, doing quiet listening.

“How? According to the ancestors, this painting is still from the hand of King Yan. Walnut asked.

Lin Chen looked at it seriously, and wanted to say so, but after thinking about it, he still praised: “It is worthy of being the Rock King Emperor!” ”

“This is the heirloom of our Past Life Hall!”

After Hu Tao finished speaking, his expression slowly became serious, and said, “Dao ancestor once said that there is a boundary between life and death, and you can’t arbitrarily interfere in the matter between life and death… Later, the first hall master of the Past Life Hall shouldered the task of maintaining the boundary between life and death, and until now, the hall master has taken over this job! ”

Can’t meddle in matters between life and death at will, this is what I said?

Lin Chen really wanted to say don’t be embarrassed.

He never said that.


Hu Tao looked solemn, lit the immortal incense, and while stuffing it into Lin Chen’s hand, he patted him on the shoulder and said: “Lin Chen, quickly kowtow to the Dao Ancestor, I hope the Dao Ancestor can bless your life in Tivat!” ”


No, who knows the family!

This is the first time that I have kowtowed to myself!

Lin Chen couldn’t hold back.

“Quick!” Walnut urged.

“Good, good, good.”

Step on the horse, open up.

Before there was Zhong Li to take a selfie with the grave, and after there was a Dao ancestor kowtowing to himself!

The whole thing is a job!

ps: Thanks for the monthly pass of the [Can’t think of a nice name] big guy!.

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