Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 154 I will be a saint in the future, Taoist priest! The secret of the Zombie King!

Chapter 154 - I will be a saint in the future, Taoist priest! The secret of the zombie king!

"Awei, tell them to be careful later, don't lose their lives."

Uncle Jiu reminded Awei. The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer. Compared with the horse thieves, these people were still a little inferior, not to mention that the other party was protected by witchcraft.

Although this information gap could be used to catch the other party off guard, the subsequent horse thieves would definitely not be careless after reacting, and he did not want too many casualties.

"I know, Master, don't worry."

Awei made repeated assurances, and at the same time, his eyes unconsciously glanced in the direction of Bai Ye, feeling that there should be no accidents with Bai Ye around, right?

I just need to ensure the safety of cousin Tingting, and this is an opportunity, maybe I can use this opportunity to be a hero to save the beauty.

He thought, even if she had practiced with Bai Ye for a while, she would not be too powerful, right?

"Daoyou, remember to leave a living person."

After Uncle Jiu reminded Awei, he reminded Bai Ye again.

In the past, when Bai Ye took action, it was either lightning or fire.

He was really afraid that the demon girl would not be able to bear it and would be killed by Bai Ye. At that time, it would not be easy for them to get information.

"Don't worry, brother, I will pay attention!"

Bai Ye nodded in response. When did he become a person who did not know the importance of things in Uncle Jiu's heart?

Bai Ye naturally understood that leaving Wang Po alive, after all, he would have to learn something from her later, but even if she died, it was not a solution for Bai Ye.

It was just to expose the soul-calling flag.

"It's here, everyone pay attention."

Everything was ready. When the horse thieves arrived in the trap, they began to set up the traps that had been prepared.

The horse thieves fell off their horses one after another, and then the people behind them blocked the way back.

Seeing this scene, the horse thieves did not want to run. Even if they knew they were ambushed, they were not afraid. They were not ordinary horse thieves.

There was even a desire to tease them. After all, these people had no idea what kind of enemy they were facing!

But as the militiamen's knives fell on their necks and easily cut off their necks, they immediately realized that the other side seemed to know what kind of enemy they were facing and was even prepared.

But there was no chance for them to regret.


Wang Po shouted immediately when she saw this. The horse thieves gang was a team she had accumulated with great difficulty. This group of people had followed her for a long time, and most of them had practiced with her.

It was not easy to train such a group of people. Wang Po originally thought that she would go down the mountain like before, but she didn't expect that the other side was actually prepared.

But she had never heard that there was a Taoist priest here.

Generally speaking, once other Taoist priests came here, others would notify them to be careful, or whether they could find an opportunity to kill the other party.

"Don't let her run away!"

Xuehua released the poisonous insect in her hand. After she was sure that the person in front of her was the one she wanted to catch, Xuehua was not going to hold back.


Wang Po's sharp voice spread throughout the forest. There was actually a witch here today. Could it be that the Miaojiang side had discovered it?


Why didn't that guy notify me!

Or was she abandoned?

Wang Po was thinking about it, and in an instant she was surrounded by insects. She didn't have time to think about it, and threw out all kinds of poisonous insects. She had no way to save other horse thieves.

Now for Wang Po, she could run if she could, and then see if there was a chance to come back.

"You can't run away!"

Xuehua shook her arms, and the sound of the bell gradually had a rhythm as Xuehua's arms kept shaking.

Her poisonous insects were much more powerful than Wang Po's. Wang Po's poisonous insects had little resistance in front of Xuehua.

Seeing that she was about to catch Wang Po, Xuehua felt proud, and even relaxed her mind to control the bell.

It seems that she is not very powerful!

Xuehua thought Wang Po would be very powerful before, but she couldn't even block one of her moves!

Seeing this, Wang Po tapped her abdomen with her thumb, and then a stream of acid water gushed out of her throat, and then spit it towards Xuehua.

The overwhelming brown-green acid water, accompanied by a rotten smell, almost made many people around vomit directly.

Seeing this scene, Xuehua could not help but stand still for a while without dodging.

"It stinks!"

A flame burst out from Bai Ye's mouth and nose, and the Samadhi True Fire instantly burned the acid water in the air.

This is because Wang Po lives with poisonous creatures day and night, and eats the poison of poisonous creatures and brews in her body. Once infected, she will die.

It may not dissipate for a long time after falling on the ground, so Bai Ye decided to get rid of this thing first.

"Lions fight rabbits with all their strength. Don't relax until the opponent is completely dead."

Bai Ye walked forward, glanced at the stunned Xuehua and reminded him.

Although Wang Po's strength is not as good as Xuehua, her combat experience is definitely beyond Xuehua. How can a person who has not fought much be a match for an old man?

"Yeah, actually I'm not afraid of poison."

Xuehua weakly defended herself, saying that she was not afraid of poison. She was stunned just now because she did not expect that she would become poisonous.

After all, although everyone played with Gu, it was rare to play like this.

Even if the poison fell on her, Xuehua was not worried.

However, after being taught a lesson by Bai Ye, she felt a little weird in her heart. She always felt like her grandmother, who always liked to teach her a lesson every time she encountered something.

Damn it!

She has grown up!

"So you want these disgusting things to fall on you? Then I shouldn't have taken action just now."

Bai Ye's words made Xuehua a little unsure of how to answer.

It seems to be the case.

When she thought of the brown-green poison falling on her, accompanied by a foul smell, Xuehua shuddered.

If it really fell on her, she would want to rub off the skin on her body, right?

"Master, I don't mean that. I just think you shouldn't educate me like this. I'm already grown up!"

"Did your family educate you like this before?"

"My grandma always says"


I've heard of mama's girl, but never heard of this thing.

My grandma always says it.

A black line flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and then he waved his hand and didn't want to continue talking to Xuehua.

Turning his head to look at Wang Po, as the horse thieves were constantly killed, Wang Po gradually felt that the situation was over.

"You will not die well, and I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

As she said that, Wang Po stared at several people with her eyes, and drew her sword to commit suicide.

The fire just now was Samadhi True Fire, and she knew who was coming.

She also knew that there were people from Miaojiang here, and all her methods were useless in their eyes.

She was ready to commit suicide after she drew her sword. She had a way to turn into a fierce ghost after death, which could increase her chances of winning, or at least she could run away.

"Want to die? It's not that simple."

Bai Ye rubbed several lightning swords in his hands, and then threw them at Wang Po's limbs. The lightning swords instantly fixed her, and then the paralysis effect of the lightning was transmitted to Wang Po's whole body, leaving her with no power to commit suicide.

"Is it that simple?"

A trace of joy flashed in Uncle Jiu's eyes. He didn't expect Bai Ye to be able to play with thunder like this?

I thought that all kinds of means might not work.

Now it seems that I think too much!

"Hey, what are you evil doing?"

"Damn Taoist, do you think I will tell you! !?"

Wang Po stared at Mamadi angrily, and then stared at Bai Ye with resentment and said: "You have repeatedly destroyed our plans, and one day you will pay the price!"


Bai Ye muttered, as if he had only done a few things.

"Once for Master Ren, once for Royal Zombie, and once for Nintendo?"

Just three times, they didn't do it all, right?

Listening to Bai Ye's words, Wang Po did not deny it, which made Bai Ye speechless. It turned out that all the zombies in this movie were created by you.

"Why did you turn my grandfather into a zombie?"

"And my grandfather!"

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu clenched their fists. They could not calm down about their grandfather turning into a zombie.

It would be fine if they did not practice Taoism. Since they entered Taoism, they also knew what zombies were. Once they became zombies, there would be no possibility of reincarnation.

"Hehe, if your grandfather was not greedy, how could he be refined into a zombie?"

Wang Po flashed a sneer on her face. The reason why Ren Weiyong was turned into a zombie was because Ren Weiyong was too greedy.

Originally, the Feng Shui master was going to bury himself there.

People are ready to die, but you took away their good cemetery. If that's the case, he can only refine the other party into a zombie and fall into the devil's way.

Feng Shuixian has lived for most of his life, saving money and trying to live, but Ren Weiyong used his power to snatch the cemetery he prepared. How can he not hold a grudge in his heart?

As for Ren Zhuzhu's grandfather, it has nothing to do with them.

After all, it was done by a foreigner. They just saw the effect and wanted to try it, but after being dealt with by Bai Ye, they no longer had this idea.

"It's impossible to get information about the organization from me."

"No, in fact, some things don't need you to say."

Bai Ye shook his head, then put his hand on Wang Po's head, and he saw a lot of Wang Po's memories.

This is Wang Po's inner heart, some plans about the evil ways and some things to come.

Just as Bai Ye was about to continue exploring, a ban in Wang Po's mind seemed to be triggered. Before Bai Ye could react, Wang Po's soul was shaken into powder in an instant.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, this group of evil ways doesn't seem to be good!"

Bai Ye always thought that this group of guys should not be very strong, after all, they were hiding behind.

But this method also made Bai Ye realize that he really underestimated these guys!

"Daoyou, she seems to be dead."

Her soul is gone.

Uncle Jiu was a little surprised. Bai Ye's method just now seemed to be a soul-searching technique?

"Well, there is a restriction in her head. It seems that a certain switch has been touched, but now I roughly know their plan."

Bai Ye nodded. Maybe there were some more secret things that he didn't know, but Bai Ye also learned a lot of evil secrets.

"They will directly detonate the zombies in Tengteng Town in the future. It seems that the zombie town needs to be dealt with as soon as possible."

Tengteng Town was originally a town where many people lived, but overnight, all the people in the town died, and the dead people inside turned into zombies not long after.

There is even a zombie king inside.

This kind of weirdness naturally attracted the attention of evil spirits.

"There is a formation underneath, and it seems that someone deliberately raised it!"

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

How is it possible to turn into a zombie overnight, and how can a zombie king be born?

Later, through Uncle Jiu's understanding, he knew that there was a formation below, that's why it was like this, but what kind of formation it was, Uncle Jiu didn't dare to investigate.

After all, there is a Zombie King there, and it's not like they, Maoshan, haven't discussed how to deal with the situation in Tengteng Town.

But in the follow-up, they couldn't even think of a solution. There were too many zombies and they couldn't deal with them at all.

In the future, you may have to rely on the cooperation of other people to kill these zombies.

And it’s different in Tengteng Town. The zombies are more powerful in Tengteng Town. It’s easier to deal with them if they leave. But how do you make the zombies leave?

That basically became the base camp for zombies!

What's more, there is a zombie king among them, and you might really die if you go in there.

"I know everything from her memory."

Bai Ye pointed at Wang Po, then waved a flame to burn it, and then waved his hand: "Bring all those corpses here, and then I will burn them all!"

These people are ignorant and have no skills, and they are very likely to become ghosts later.

In movies, there are unlucky people who are possessed by ghosts.

Dispose of all the corpses directly here and burn them all with a mouthful of Samadhi True Fire.

The moment it was burned by the fire, the body seemed to be wailing, and then what frightened the people around was that the souls of the deceased began to struggle crazily, but they could not escape from the true fire of Samadhi.

The body and soul were burned by Bai Ye. Uncle Jiu on the side also couldn't bear to ask: "Fellow Taoist, is this a little too cruel?"

No matter what, they are still on the right path. If they just burn the other person's soul directly, they will not even have the chance to reincarnate.

"These people will not go to the underworld after death, they will only become ghosts and cause trouble to the world."

Bai Ye shook his head. Generally speaking, Taoists would not do things so perfectly, and they would put the other person into reincarnation no matter what.

But Bai Ye knew very well that the final result of these people would be to turn into fierce ghosts and harm others, so it was better to just kill them.

"That's right, Lin Jiu, you'd better keep your good intentions. I've traveled all over the country for so many years, and I've seen too much about such extremely evil people. After they die, they will only turn into powerful ghosts and harm others!"

Momati echoed from the side. He thought Lin Jiu's kindness was a bit superfluous.

"I understand. By the way, fellow Taoist, what is everything you know in your memory that you mentioned before?"

Uncle Jiu was silent for a while, and then he realized that he seemed to be a bit of a woman.

After all, keeping them would only harm people, and Bai Ye did nothing wrong.

"Let's talk somewhere else."

It's not the right time to say anything here. Just when a few people were about to leave, Xue Hua pulled Bai Ye's sleeves eagerly and asked weakly: "You burned her, how can I go back?"

She was so fascinated by what Bai Ye said just now. She wanted to know so much that she forgot the last sentence of Bai Ye for a moment.

After Bai Ye reacted, he burned Wang Po with a fire.

Then there is no body, not even a token, so how can I go back and explain?

"Well, how about you take the ashes back?"

Bai Ye was a bit embarrassed. You didn't want it when it was burning, but now you feel more energetic?

"No, no, grandma won't believe it. Taoist Priest, you don't want me to become a saint, right?"

Xuehua looked at Bai Ye pitifully, feeling a pain in her heart.

Obviously he has completed the task, but he can't bring back the token, so he really can't explain it.

"What do you want to do?"

What does it have to do with whether she becomes a saint or not?

"Master Taoist, would you and I go back and prove it?"

He is the leader of the Shenxiao Sect, and he is very powerful. With Bai Ye going back with her to prove it, she believes that her grandma will believe it.

"Me? Prove?"

Is the little girl too naive?

Bai Ye murmured in his heart, wouldn't it be a simple matter to go back and ask them to find out if Wang Po was dead?

But Bai Ye always felt that the little girl seemed to have some other thoughts.

"to be honest."

Obviously, Snowflake must have other little thoughts.

And this little girl doesn't know how to control her expression at all.

She obviously meant what she said.

"I just..." Xuehua hesitated, then looked at everyone and said, "I just think you are my friends, and I want you to participate in the ceremony for me to become a saint."

She has been training to become a saint since she was a child, and she has no friends. She thinks that if she has a group of friends when she becomes a saint, she should be very happy, right?

Although they only knew each other for a short while, Xuehua also regarded them as her friends.

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