Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 136: 3rd gun

"You...what are you talking nonsense?"

After hearing Lu Xin's words, the sheriff's face was obviously red.

It's not like anger, but like...angry into anger?

The sheriff could perceive that there seemed to be a lot of strange eyes around him looking at him...

But in fact, there were a lot of surprised eyes around at this time, but they all looked at Lu Xin. They all thought it was a little weird. How could anyone be so serious about the sheriff who was famous in Heishui Town? Saying this sounds like a provocative humiliation, but the other person’s calm expression also seems very serious...

This kind of strong contrast gives people a funny feeling.

"Is this man crazy?"

"Why don't you just kill it..."


Slowly, someone started to clamor. The sheriff usually likes bathing with his brothers the most. How could it be possible?

Of course, there are also many people who react quickly. At this time, a chill has been born.



"Hurry up and shut up!"

As the sheriff scolded, he winked at his men, holding the gun tighter.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, as if he wanted to give it a try.

Even if he knew that these two people were from Qinggang City, he still wanted to shoot the two people here indiscriminately.

"Swearing is bad..."

Lu Xin looked at him earnestly, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and said earnestly: "If you say it again, I will be angry."


He was telling the truth.

It stands to reason that the sheriff was influenced by others, and he was not guilty of death.

But if he really wants to provoke a riot, he can only kill him before the riot.

Judging from the response of the sheriff, he was affected at this time, but it shouldn’t be long yet, not reaching the level of distortion and greed. That’s why he said so much to himself and the gecko and only thought about it. Take away the man in the red suit first, and then release him in private. At this moment, his awe of Qinggang City has not been overwhelmed by the idea of ​​"love".

However, if you don’t stop him, he’s not sure if he will do something irrational because of "love" in the future. This will probably cause them to have a relationship with Heishui Town. Unnecessary trouble between. After all, Heishui Town also has a lot of armed forces. If there is a real disturbance, even if he and the gecko can retreat, things will become very tricky.

This is something that needs to be distinguished, Lu Xin distinguished.



It was also at this time that the gecko, who had been behind him and was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, quickly changed his face.

He already understood what Lu Xin meant.

Seeing that the sheriff had raised the gun, he suddenly laughed, attracting the attention of others.

"Haha, look at your top five and three rough, this hobby is quite unique..."

When he said these words, he put down both hands naturally, and did not know what he did, gently stretched out to the two sides, he had already snatched the guns from the hands of the two closest people, and then took a step forward. , Stretch out your arms and point in two directions.

One pistol was pointed at the tall sheriff, and the other made of earthen spray was pointed at other people.

The earthen spray iron sandblasting has a wide radiation area and is easy to cause group injuries.

"Okay, no kidding."

The gecko smiled at them and said, "Brother, whether you are controlled or you really love him, now, stop it..." Anni Novel Network

"Please turn on coordination mode!"



This sudden scene shocked everyone around.

Even the person who was robbed of two guns had no idea how his gun got into the opponent's hand.

The sheriff was even more shocked.

Facing the muzzle of the black hole, I felt a little guilty in my heart, but after all, he was a murderous man who fought in the wilderness. He still said cruelly: "Scare who, bastard, this is in our turf. You two broken guns , Just want to scare us all?"

Listening to what he said, the other subordinates who were in a daze also took a step back in a hurry, and at the same time raised their guns and pointed at the gecko.

At this time, there were a lot less people who still cared about Lu Xin.

And being pointed at by so many guns, the gecko looked a little excited, and said: "Do you really think I have only two guns?"

The others have a tight face, and no one wants to cooperate with him in jokes at this time.


But at this moment, there was a heavy engine noise not far away.

Everyone was a little surprised, not knowing where this movement came from.

Before he could react, he suddenly heard a "crash" and the wall next to him was smashed.

The dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, and saw a steel monster, heavy along the smashed wall, rushing to the crowd, and then on the roof, the metal plates on both sides shrank inward, a black frame The multi-barrel revolver automatically ejects.

With a sound of "Ka", the muzzle of the black hole pointed at everyone.

Behind it are two walls and a row of wooden houses that have been smashed in succession from the parking lot to here.

Heavy body, dazzling lights, six-barreled machine gun barrel full of danger.

It was like an angry steel monster, staring at everyone present at this time.

All the people who were pointed at stopped breathing.



Only then did Lu Xin understand why the gecko was caught by these people.

With his ability, even if they could not persuade these people, they would not be able to force him over like a hostage.

Co-author, he was already thinking of hitting this car...

The garage is very close to the parking lot, in fact it is only two walls away.

Moreover, this car is equipped with Qinggang City's newly developed autonomous driving and defense system. Although Lu Xin did not expect to use it in this way at the beginning, Gecko obviously knew it. He even thought of the deterrence of this car. Stronger...

With this car, you can threaten an entire sector, all enemies.

If you really encounter a situation, you can immediately take the man in the red suit into the car and rush out of town.

I have to admit that the deputy captain did a good job...




The brawny man reacted, a little panicked, and a little angry:

The gun in his hand almost stopped moving, so he could only hold on and shout: "What...what do you want to do?"

If there were only two people, Gecko and Lu Xin, even if they both had guns, he would not be afraid.

But as soon as that car appeared, it seemed to reflect the gap between the people who came out of their Heishui Town and Qinggang City. It was also a gun, but a multi-barreled revolver machine gun held by one person, and a The ones that popped up from the car were not on the same level.

Deterrence is even greater, I don't know how much.

"Brother, a man will only affect the speed at which you draw your gun!"

The gecko smiled, took a gun and patted the fat on the face of the fat sheriff, and smiled: "I know you now feel that you have met true love, but if you think about it, this is the person we want in Qinggang. If you dare to hold on to it, you really don’t worry about it..."

"While lying on the bed with him, suddenly a missile fell from the sky?"


The words behind him have been very heavy, and there is no joking expression on his face.

The tall and strong Heishui Town Sheriff's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

He glanced at the man in the red suit who was sitting on the motorcycle without saying a word, and the muscles on his face trembled.

The look in his eyes seemed a little sad.

...It's the kind of sadness in the 300-episode large-scale sadomasochistic romance!

And the people around who even had torches and soil guns were even more frightened by the steel monster at this time.

People with guns in their hands often have the illusion that they are very powerful.

Especially when they have so many people and so many guns.

But at this time, being watched by these two young people, they faintly felt like they were completely suppressed.

It's as if he's just a monkey running in the wilderness with his bare buttocks, people are the big people with confidence and strength.



"you guys……"

The sheriff's throat was dry, his eyes closed slightly, and then opened.

His face seemed to become a little calm, put down the gun, and said: "Okay, I'm stubborn, don't you take people away quickly?"

Gecko smiled and glanced at him.

I saw him talking about acknowledgment, but his eyes were still sneaking at the man in the red The expression in his eyes seemed a little bit determined...

"Love is in my head, it's hopeless..."

Gecko smiled helplessly, and said, "Let's go through the program."

While speaking, he glanced at Lu Xin and sent a request to the captain.

Lu Xin didn't know what his eyes meant, but he believed in the gecko, so he nodded.

In fact, he also feels a bit tricky at this time.

The real fight is actually not terrible, what's terrible is this kind of thing that involves dealing with a lot of people.

Even if the problem is pointed out, he can refuse to admit it, and others may not believe it.

What if they insist on blocking themselves?

Kill them all?

Although it's not impossible...

...No way, too much!



Then when he thought about it, the gecko stretched out his hand and took something from the sheriff.

It was a blue and white electronic loudspeaker. After turning on the switch on it, there was a harsh noise.

The gecko raised his horn and his face became a little serious.

He began to shout to the people around him, or to the darkness of the town, which was shrouded in shadows:

"We are the Qinggang City Task Force. He is the captain and I am the deputy captain. We are ordered to go out of the city to catch the most wanted criminal."

"Before leaving the city, I have obtained the highest emergency response authority and can independently determine whether a threat is encountered."

"The Special Operations Squad, just outside your town, has a one-hundred-thousand-weight super-range plasma missile aimed at your town."

"So, if you don't want to see a brilliant firework before you die..."


Take a breath, and immediately amplify the voice: "Just **** let the person who can make the decision come out and speak!"

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