Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 137: Everyone is reasonable

Everyone present was shocked by the words of the gecko.

The person who had just had a hippy smile and didn't look fierce at all, suddenly seemed to be another person at this moment.

That confidence is something people in Heishui Town have never had before.

These desperadoes also trembled inexplicably in their hearts. Not only did everyone's face change drastically, but the gun suddenly fell to the ground.

Niuzi, who was hiding in the crowd, was glanced at by the gecko, and took a step back suddenly, a piece of crotch was already wet.




At this time, the sound of a car with full horsepower sounded. Immediately, dazzling lights were lit from all directions. Seven or eight cars that had undergone various modifications were approaching this location at the same time, illuminating this place. It's bright.

In the car, there are a group of armed forces holding guns in their arms, pointing their guns at everyone in the middle.

They came quickly.

It can be seen that Heishui Town seems chaotic, but in fact the person in charge is also observing all the movements in the town.

This is not surprising. People who know how to spread rabbits outside and observe intelligence can't react so slowly.

In the southernmost car, the door opened, and a plump figure walked down. Because of the light on her back, she could barely see her outline. She was wearing a black cheongsam and a pair of white shoes on her feet. On high heels, holding a lazy black cat in his arms, two people followed, one holding a gun, and the other holding a transparent umbrella for her.

...Unexpectedly, she was a slim and plump woman.

"Master Snake..."

"It's Lord Snake who is here..."


Seeing this man, everyone was shocked, especially those who followed the sheriff, who hurriedly lowered their heads.

"All put down their guns, the people of Qinggang are not our enemies."

"Of course, we are not the enemy of Qinggang either..."


The plump woman holding the cat came slowly, with a lazy but majestic voice.

It was not until she stepped out of the range of light that she could see clearly. She looked beautifully born, but she looked a little older and looked a little listless, but when she raised her eyelids to look at people, her eyes appeared very sharp.


The members of the security team listened to her and immediately put down their guns.

But the gecko still held the gun, pointed it at the tall and strong sheriff, smiled and turned his head and said, "Hello, Lord Snake."

His eyes quickly and secretly glanced at this woman, and his smile suddenly became brighter.

"Two, what's the matter?"

The woman named Snake raised her head to look at the gecko, then turned to Lu Xin, and slowly said, "If you want to come in and arrest someone, at any rate you should let us know. You can even tell us who you want to arrest. The people who helped you catch it..."

"Why do you need to engage in such a big battle?"



Gecko smiled, as if wondering how to explain it.

He also did not expect that this fierce Snake Master was actually a woman, and he did not know whether Qinggang City’s intelligence had been missed, or whether they didn’t know, but it was more likely that Qinggang had never expected that he would before. Came to Heishui Town to arrest people. Annie Novel Network

"I'm really sorry, Lord Snake."

At this time, Lu Xin spoke in advance. Facing the leader of the other party, he also showed a certain degree of respect and explained in earnest: "Before we came to investigate in advance because we were worried that we might startle the snake, so we didn't say hello to you. This is indeed our fault. We understand the rules in the town. Just now my friend fired two shots and a fine of 1,000 for each shot. We will pay as much as possible."


The snake master seemed a little surprised, tilted his head slightly, and glanced at Lu Xin.

At this moment, the gecko, who had just hit a haha, whose mouth hadn't been closed, looked at Lu Xin in surprise at this time.

"However, the facts have proved that we are still right to be careful."

Lu Xin looked at Lord Snake earnestly, and continued to explain: "Just now you can find that the person under your hand did have some problems. He has now been affected by a special kind of influence. He will protect us at all costs. The catcher..."

"So that fine..."


"Master Snake... Master Snake don't believe him..."

Before Lu Xin could tell his true purpose, the sheriff had already screamed in panic.

The muscles on his face trembled unnaturally, he turned around and yelled to Lord Snake: "He is talking nonsense..."


Lord Snake waved his hand, and he closed his mouth immediately.

But her expression was a little curious, and said: "What is the impact?"

Lu Xin thought for a while and decided to answer intuitively: "He loves him!"


Master Snake was a little surprised. He glanced at the sheriff and the man in the red suit, his eyes were a little weird, and said:

"He likes this tune? Why don't I know?"

Lu Xin said sincerely, "You can try it!"

Lord Snake nodded with interest and winked at the person next to him.

The people around him knew, and immediately drew the gun, and pointed at the man's head.


The sheriff seemed to believe that Snake's men would dare to shoot.

He suddenly yelled, as if frightened, and kept begging for mercy: "Master Snake, don't hurt him..."

"I beg you, because I have served you for so many years, please let him go..."


The man in the red suit sighed slightly, his face was a little awkward, and he explained in a low voice: "Actually I am straight..."

Lu Xin turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Are you worthy of him for saying that?"

The man in the red suit stopped talking.

On the other side, Lord Snake saw the sheriff's performance, his expression was obviously more exciting.

"So there is such a fun thing..."

She petted the cat in her arms slowly, and laughed softly: "But this matter is too hanging, I have to investigate it carefully."

"When I ask you clearly, then send him to Qinggang City, okay?"


"this is not good."

Lu Xin still showed sufficient respect for the leaders of Heishui Town, and seriously explained: "This person is definitely going to be taken home. And for safety, we won't let him come into contact with him again until we have determined something. anyone."



Snake's face seemed a little unhappy, she rubbed the cat in her arms and glanced at Lu Xin.

He looked a little lazy, and said: "Then what exactly did he commit? You can always tell me, right?"

Lu Xin thought for a while. He was a little embarrassed, but he explained: "We have a confidentiality agreement. We can't disclose it to before we disclose it to the outside world. If you want to know, I You can consider going back and sending an application to the headquarters. If the above agrees, I will tell Lord Snake... I hope Lord Snake can forgive us for our difficulties. Everyone is reasonable and things will be handled much easier..."

Lord Snake frowned, turned his head and glanced at the gecko.

The gecko was standing blankly on one side. Seeing Lord Snake's eyes, he hurriedly raised his chest and said, "I listen to the captain."

"Ha ha……"

Lord Snake stopped speaking, his expression seemed a little unhappy.

What she held in her arms was a plump orange cat, with her hair smoothly combed. She was leaning comfortably on her chest at this time, with her eyes half-closed and half-open, as if she was a little curious. Looking at the strange man in front of me...

And Lu Xin, looking at Lord Snake's eyes, just happened to sweep his body at this time.

One person, one cat's eyes, inadvertently touched in the air.

If there is a sound from the collision of the eyes, then there should be a "sizzling" sound of electric friction at this time.

"This cat is so fat..."

Lu Xin thought to himself.


The cat in Lord Snake’s arms was uncomfortable with her rubbing. He suddenly screamed, with his neck straight and struggling directly from her arms. Because the movement was too intense, his paws caught the snake directly. On the plump arm of the father, blood was flowing out.

This movement was too sudden.

Those around who pointed their guns at this place felt a dangerous breath.

Row after row, behind the dazzling lights, you can hear the shaking of all the broken guns.

That was the sound of many people opening the insurance, and shooting at them immediately after Lord Snake uttered a word.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

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