Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 285: I have to love when I die

   "Don't **** talk nonsense."

   Amidst the noise, the front of the car made a cold face and yelled angrily. Everyone was frightened to silence.

   "Listen to me, there is no other way now."

   The front of the car slowed down slightly, and said: "The madmen rushed in together, everyone is still going to die, it is better to give it a try..."

   "But if everyone rushes over together, something really happened and there is no room for regret."

   "So, I will accompany him to solve it. You are here to wait. Whenever you have a chance, you will rush out..."


While talking, she frowned and thought about everything quickly: "If you can escape from this place, immediately use all means to the surrounding high wall city, even the knights, in short, use all means. Send a message to everyone..."

   "There are lunatics in Baita Town, this is a big deal..."

   "No matter who raises the lunatic, we never want to let this news be exposed, so we just spread it to him..."

   "As long as it spreads out, it will give me revenge, and the brothers who died here will get revenge..."


When she finished speaking these words as quickly as possible, the tape had already wrapped her around her whole person. Out of some worry, the two followers obviously wanted to wrap her up a bit more, but she waved her hand impatiently. Then he took a submachine gun, checked the bullet, put it on his back, took a pistol, and stuffed it between the tightly wrapped tire skin on his left leg and the gap between the thigh.

   Finally, she took a black backpack and placed it in the front of the car.

   "Car front, I'll go with you..."

   Xiao Zhou's face flushed, he suddenly stood up and shouted. .

"go to hell……"

   The head of the car cursed with a cold face, and his eyes quickly swept across their faces, and slowly said: "Money is not as important as life, survive."

   A group of old drivers were all dumbfounded at this time. Some of them had their faces flushed, and some of them even had red eyes.

   "Don't cry, old man, my old lady hasn't died so easily..."

   But the front of the car was obviously a little impatient, and it turned the car so suddenly and pointed it at one of the glassless windows.

   Next to the window, there was a slanted wooden board, which was used to set up a gun just now. She lifted the front wheel of the car and rushed to the wooden board.

   Then, with the help of speed, he rushed out directly from the low window of this abandoned supermarket. At first glance, it looked like he was flying.

   Everyone mentioned their throats.

   Before I could say anything, I suddenly saw a motorcycle with a silver body rushing to the window with a whistle.

   He didn't even use the wooden plank, he just mentioned the handlebar, and leaped out of the window, closely following the front of the car.

   "Brother Lu, bring back our car..."

   "We don't want anything returned from the search, we will give you everything..."

   Zhou Xiaomao yelled from behind, but his voice was quickly left behind.


"So, in fact, you don't think I must be right, so you dare not let them take the risk, just come out under the guise of believing me. In this case, even if my intelligence is not necessarily right, you can still take this opportunity to lure them. Driving a lunatic?"

   Lu Xin's motorcycle easily caught up with the car's high sister, and asked with a smile.

   "Know that you still have to follow up?"

Sister Gao turned her head and glanced at Lu Xin, and said, "I don't want to cause you too much trouble. You can choose to split with me here. Just point me to the location of the violin sound, and I will turn away. After these lunatics, go over and help!"

"no need."

   Lu Xin smiled and said, "Your method is quite good, I didn't think of it just now."

   The head of the car, Gao Ting, was silent for a while, and suddenly looked straight at Lu Xin: "Why are you willing to help us like this?"

   "When we first met, didn't you say that?"

   Lu Xin smiled and looked at her, and said, "If you are in the wilderness, please help if you can!"

   The head of the car took a deep look at him and said, "I was to sleep with you."


   Lu Xin was a little embarrassed, then smiled and said, "Your starting point is wrong, but what you said is quite right."

   "Is there really someone like you in this world?"

The front of the car sneered, fell silent, and suddenly asked with a serious face: "Just now, Sun Gouzi suspected that you had gotten into our motorcade. It was really wrong, but what he said also made sense. You kept watching me in secret. , What is the purpose?"


   After weighing the situation, Lu Xin decided to keep it secret for Lao Zhou Xiaozhou.

  Lao Zhou Xiaozhou asked himself not to tell the true purpose of their inviting themselves to come before the front of the car was cured.

   This is equivalent to a non-disclosure agreement, so we should try our best to observe it.

   "Oh, don't say it, forget it, I will assume that you have been greedy for my body..."

   The front of the car sneered, but stopped asking, took a deep breath, and she violently flipped the alarm device on the motorcycle.

The piercing alarm sounded all of a sudden on the empty street. The lunatics gathered in the supermarket, like ghost shadows, staring at the supermarket with a sullen smile. The piercing alarm sounded, and they suddenly became anxious. Uneasy.

   But it seems that the forces affecting them are also increasing. They are in chaos, but they are still not completely out of control.

   "The volume is still not enough..."

   Lu Xin drove to the point of keeping pace with Gao Ting, and said curiously.

   "It doesn't matter, I still have preparations..."

   The head of the car turned his head and glanced at Lu Xin, with a faint smile on his face.

   Then, she placed a blue and white speaker on the front of the car, turned the volume to maximum, and turned on the switch.

   "If you die, you must love..."

   "If you don't get the most out of it, you can't be happy..."


  In an instant, the high-pitched tone pierced the heart, arrogantly stimulating this abandoned town.

If all these lunatics are now under the control of the looming violin sound, forcibly suppressing their impulse to pounce, waiting for the gathering of the number of people, and then all the people in the convoy will be wiped out, then in this arrogant music In the middle of the game, they were immediately irritated and could no longer hold back, and they all rushed towards the motorcycle.

   is like a big river bursting its bank. Some lunatics aroused the mania of more lunatics, and rushed forward in batches.

Behind the motorcycles of Lu Xin and Gao Jie suddenly seemed to be following a torrent of people, and in front of them, on the floor, and behind the empty windows, there were also lunatics showing their heads from time to time, flaring their teeth and claws towards the two of them. Pounced.

   But their faces did not change much, they just turned on the accelerator.

   Lu Xin understood that the original purpose of this locomotive was this.

She shouldn't be sure if what she said is true or false, or that she can't completely believe in herself. She just thought of what she said when she said the sound of the violin, and through experiments, she found that these lunatics are very sensitive to the sound. Sensitive, so she immediately made a decision in her heart.

   It seems that she wants to find the source at all costs and get rid of the one who controls the lunatic.

   But in fact, what she might want is to divert these lunatics away.


   faced a madman who leaped in front of her. She twisted the handlebars fiercely, dodged, and then raised her hand for a few shots.


   In the front corner, two newly exposed lunatics were shot several times by her.

   This woman's marksmanship is pretty good among ordinary people.

   Although she didn't hit the madman in the head, she was able to make a hit in the fast movement, which is already very impressive.

   Lu Xin praised in his heart, and squeezed the accelerator forcefully.

   Although this car is tall, the marksmanship and driving skills are already very good. Her skill should be considered top-notch among ordinary people, which also proves that her body coordination is not a problem, but she should write a fortune in her little notebook...

However, no matter how you say it, she is still an ordinary person. At this time, on both sides of the road, in the aisle, on the roof, in the broken windows, the heads are surging. I don't know how many madmen rushed over. It seems that the two sides of the road are almost straight. It was like laying dumplings, rushing straight ahead like her, no matter how fast the car was, she couldn't get rid of all the lunatics, and she had already experienced several dangers within a few seconds.

   If it weren't for her body, arms, and legs, there were thick rubber and tape wrapped around her, she would have been injured by this time.

   "Sister, don't you want a moving and screaming toy?"

   Lu Xin held the handlebar with both hands, and said softly to his sister who was squatting on the handlebar.

   My sister raised her face in a dazed manner: "How did you promise me now?"

   "These are monsters after all."

   Lu Xin looked at her and whispered softly: "And I feel you are a little unhappy."

   My sister seemed to be in a Then her eyes gradually lit up, and she suddenly jumped up and fell on Lu Xin.

   "Brother, you are the best..."

When   's voice was still ringing in her ears, she had suddenly jumped out.

   Her little hand was still on Lu Xin's shoulder, but her tiny body flew in the surrounding air, and all the madmen who approached Lu Xin were touched by her little hand. The hands and feet suddenly became convulsive, as if they were stumbling on each other, and fell to the ground, looking abnormally fierce, struggling desperately, but just couldn't get up from the ground again.

At this time, Gao Ting, the driver of the car, was engrossed in driving the car in such a dangerous situation and had no time to turn her head to look at Lu Xin, so she did not see this scene either. Lu Xin rode the car steadily, and countless lunatics rushed over. However, it was as if there was a strange energy field around Lu Xin. All the madmen who approached him somehow fell to the ground, struggling and roaring.

   In this chaotic street with pale heads surging, Lu Xin didn't care about anything.

   He just held the handlebars with both hands and drove smoothly.

   No matter how many lunatics rushed out around, they just screamed and screamed, and they couldn't pose a threat.

   is the lunatic behind him. At this moment, there is a torrent of torrents, and the tide is chasing him up.


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