Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 286: Playing the violin brain


   Lu Xin drove the car steadily, and at the same time took out the pistol, and accurately solved the two lunatics for the front of the car. My sister's little hands kept holding on to him, making him shoot while driving, just as simple as holding chopsticks in one hand and a mobile phone in one hand.

   And at this time, I can see the excellent performance of my motorcycle.

   The head of the car, Gao Ting almost desperately, playing heart-piercing music, rushing at a speed that could cause car crashes at any time.

But Lu Xin can easily keep up with her, and feels a lot of energy, even he has a certainty, if he really let go of the speed of the motorcycle and twist the accelerator, then he should be able to easily Leave the front of the car behind.

   "You are amazing..."

   After rushing through the most dangerous section, the front of the car took a look at Lu Xin.

   slightly surprised Lu Xin calmly said, "Where is the violin?"

   Lu Xin distinguished slightly, and said, "At ten o'clock... Have you seen the intersection ahead? Turn left..."

"it is good……"

   The front of the car agreed and squeezed the accelerator again.

The motorcycle under her screamed angrily, and flames almost burst out of the exhaust pipe. After a few seconds, she drove to the intersection, and then she almost did not slow down, and she was about to touch the ground, anxiously He turned around, then straightened the handlebars, and accelerated again. At this time, she looked back and saw Lu Xin's silver motorcycle, still following steadily.

   This strange calm and composure made the front of the car take a breath and said, "You..."

   But before she finished speaking, she stopped suddenly.

   She found that Lu Xin was looking up and raised her eyebrows slightly, seeming a little surprised.

   This kind of expression may be very common on other people's faces, but when it appears on this young man's face, it seems very unexpected.

   She also hurriedly turned her head and looked forward, then her hands softened and she almost fell down.


   Just now, she had been asking Lu Xin where the violin sound came from.

Because there was a thrilling tenor on her motorcycle, even if there was a violin, she couldn't hear clearly. Until this time, even in the noisy and loud music, she told her before hearing Lu Xin. Yes, the sound of the violin.

   In other words, she saw the person playing the violin directly.

  ...If that's a human!

   turned into this street and saw the front, about a hundred meters away, there was a piece of meat hanging.

At first glance, it was only more than 20 meters high. It was the flesh and blood hanging in the middle of the street. The bright red flesh was full of ravines. It was suspended at a distance of seven or eight meters from the ground, with countless blood vessels extending out. , Entangled the buildings, telephone poles, trees, etc. on both sides of the road, bright red blood dripped from time to time, and piles of pus piled up on the ground.

   That is a brain.

   It seems to be formed by the fusion of countless blood and flesh, and there are many stiff hands and feet on the surface, shaking and shaking.

   It just hung in the air quietly.

  Below it, there are several blood vessels hanging down, curling up a violin.

   It's playing the violin in this way.

   The sound of the piano is quiet, melodious, with a kind of ethereal, relaxing and quiet feeling.

   drew out this tune, but it was the huge, abominable, and even indescribable brain-shaped monster.


"what is that?"

   Sister Gao, with a trembling voice, asked in a low voice.


   Hearing her voice, Lu Xin suddenly turned his head and looked at her, a little surprised: "Can you see?"

   Sister Gao at the head of the car took a deep breath: "I'm not blind..."

   Lu Xin frowned and looked at the monster on the street again.

He was not very surprised just now, because he thought it was just a monster he saw. After all, he has seen a lot of monsters. It is not surprising to see what kind of monsters, but when he finds that the front of the car can also be seen , I was a little surprised, because if she could also see it, then it means that the monster she sees now is real?

   Moreover, Lu Xin looked intently and quickly determined.

   This is not even the same as the red apostles that everyone saw when they were in the main city of Qinggang.

   At that time, people in Qinggang could see the Apostle in Red because everyone was polluted by it.

   This one is real now.

   In other words, there really... there is a blood-red, terrible brain.

   It's even playing the violin!

And I asked my sister just now, but my sister doesn’t know where she went. At this time, she was next to the brain. She was wearing a little black dress, stepping on a pair of blood-red high heels, carrying a small bag, quietly Stood in front of the monster.

   seems to be listening carefully to its performance.

   There is a strong contrast between the elegant woman and the indescribable brain monster.



   The sound of slamming brakes came, and the front of the car and Lu Xin stopped the car at the same time more than 50 meters away from the piece of meat.

   "What exactly is this... on earth?"

   Sister Gao at the head of the car suddenly spoke, and there was a clear panic in her voice.

Lu Xin felt that she was already pretty good. After rushing through so many lunatics for so long, she suddenly saw such a huge piece of meat. She was still sane and not mad without being scared. This courage was already very great. Not bad.

   "This should be the performer we are looking for."

   Lu Xin explained patiently: "I think as long as we clean it out, the problem will almost be solved."

   There are other doubts, he didn't say it.

   Why did mother appear here, and still listen to this monster's performance so seriously?

   Listening to Lu Xin's words, the front of the car suddenly turned to look at him.

   seemed to have countless questions to ask, but what he blurted out was: "Are you...are you not afraid?"

   Lu Xin glanced at the front of the car and said, "Of course I'm scared."

   The expression on the front of the car was even more speechless: "Are you afraid of it?"

   Lu Xin was startled, and some did not know how to answer, so he had to say seriously, "I'm afraid."

   Chatou Gao Jie gave Lu Xin a deep look, then suddenly retracted her gaze.

   She forced herself to look at the brain that was hanging from the street and playing the violin, and gritted her teeth slightly.


   At this time, there were already invisible lunatics gathered behind them, and they were crazy to catch up.

These lunatics are faster than ordinary people, but they are still a bit of a waste of chasing motorcycles. However, since they are called lunatics, they naturally have their terrible side, that is, they do not know to stop, and they have been desperately trying to stop. Hurry up behind.

  The crazy and terrifying look makes anyone feel shocked when he sees it.

   "Huh, no matter what..."

The front of the car inhaled, twisted the handlebars, and the engine made a deep roar, as if it was accumulating power: "Since we can be sure that those lunatics are controlled by this violin sound, then just get rid of this stuff. Is it all right?"


   Lu Xin glanced at this woman in surprise again, she was quite fierce, this woman...

   "Fuck his uncle!"

   "No matter what it is, I don't believe it is not afraid of bullets..."

Just as Lu Xin was thinking about this problem, Gao Ting, the front of the car, already spit out fiercely, and suddenly squeezed the throttle, and with a bang, the motorcycle directly raised the front of the car and rushed towards it under the tremendous power. After passing by, at the same time, she had already raised her gun, and the bullets that flew from the muzzle seemed to be carrying her fierce strength and rushed straight ahead.

   "It's so ruthless..."

   Lu Xin thought, took out the revolver from his pocket, and then pushed the special bullet into it.


   When the lunatic chased him behind him, he also violently twisted the handlebar and rushed forward.


When the bullet fired from the front of the car rushed to the brain-like monster, the blood-red surface gully of the brain, traces of granulation squirming continuously, their squirming caused the distortion of the surrounding air, as if forming a Layer isolation.

   The bullet hit this isolated area, and it was suddenly distorted.

   I only saw sparks splashing twice, and then I didn't know where it flew.

   "Sure enough, this kind of real monster can't be killed so easily..."

   Lu Xin summarized in his heart, and at the same time took out another gun from his bag.

   This is a jet-black gun with a complicated Q pattern on the gun body. With a capacity of fifteen rounds, it was heavy and heavier than his own revolver. Similarly, both the precision parts and the smooth body of the gun are much taller than the revolver.

   This is the gun that Minister Shen gave to himself when he was in Qinggang. Because it was so beautiful, Lu Xin was usually not willing to use it.

   But he didn't rush to shoot at this time.

  The gun is filled with special bullets, one is less for one, and each one is very expensive.

   can only get close, find the flaw, and shoot it again.


   and rushed to the front of the car, Gao Jie, obviously regardless of this, while rushing to the monster, she shot frantically.

   Lu Xin saw that after seeing that the bullet was useless, she directly took out a small green apple...


But before she raised her hand and threw it out, suddenly the motorcycle wheel under her seat turned and fell to the ground. This kind of impulse fell, and she fell very hard. Lu Xin was suddenly a little surprised. This woman Her car skills are very good. It is obvious to all that she came here on the road. Even if she kept shooting with one hand, she even went to grab a small apple, but she shouldn't be a wrestling.

   "Hey hey..."

   Before a thought passed, he suddenly saw the front of the car that had fallen to the ground, and suddenly raised his face.

   There was a weird smile on her face, and the corners of her mouth grinned to both sides.

   is that kind of crazy smile...

   "Is this the difference between a monster with an entity and a monster without an entity?"

   "Obviously I didn't see any pollution by this but she was already polluted?"

   When Lu Xin thought about it, he also felt dizzy.

   In his ears, Xu could already hear the violin clearly because of the closer distance.

As if his own blood has accelerated its flow all of a sudden, wild horses are running wildly in their own veins, rushing into the brain desperately. At the same time, their hands and feet are a bit weak, obviously very steady, but they seem to be Stepped on the empty space.

  Legs, feet, and body all seem to have their own lives, not listening to the commands of their own brains.

   In other words, the brain is occupied by the sound of the piano, and it is separated from the body by a layer.

   "Hey hey..."

   Lu Xin heard a sneer sound nearby, and then realized that it was him who made this kind of laughter.

   The ground is approaching, and he is falling.

   "Can't fall down!"

   There was such a consciousness in Lu Xin's mind.

  ...Otherwise the car will be scratched!

   He suddenly loosened his hand holding the accelerator, and put one foot on the ground, barely controlling his body.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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