Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 304: Cute big eyes

   The air suddenly became extremely depressed.

   When Lu Xin said those words, his attitude was still very calm, and his tone was the same as when he spoke.

   It’s just that, maybe because the expression on his face was too light or even absent when he said these words, so it gave people an inexplicable gloomy feeling.

   The grandson, Xiao Zhou and others in the room shuddered inexplicably, feeling that the temperature had dropped a few degrees.

   The atmosphere suddenly seemed to freeze.

   Lu Xin didn't try to look at the rest of the people in this room. He even closed his eyes and leaned against the door frame.

   seems to be resting. .

   But in this room, everyone has a gloomy feeling of being stared at by something.

That's my sister, she has already started to move at this time, her small body is constantly on the walls and ceilings in the room, on the pillars supporting the roof, on the bedding, and Xiao Zhou and his grandson. He crawled over his body lightly, like a little beast wearing a white dress, observing the smoke floating in the room, looking here, turning over there, with a gloomy breath, looking for the invisible monster.

   The skinless puppy wandered out of nowhere, and tried to get close to Lu Xin quietly.

   But when Lu Xin glanced at it, it immediately backed away with its tail sandwiched between it.

   Its responsibility is to help Lu Xin ease some emotions, but it can see it, and now Lu Xin doesn't want to ease it.


   For a long time, for a long time, no one spoke.

   No one moved.

   After a long time, no one disappeared again.

   In the extremely tense atmosphere, there suddenly appeared a constant feeling, which was uncomfortable.

Just in the atmosphere like the tensioned strings, in the yard, a strong **** smell suddenly floated over. The **** smell, extremely pungent, not the smell of fresh blood, It's a smell that has been put on hold for a long time and has begun to rot and deteriorate.

  The smell is getting stronger and stronger, filling the whole room, as if something is approaching.


   Suddenly, a string of coughs sounded in the silent yard.

   This coughing sound is extremely abrupt, making people horrified.

In this room, whether it was Sun Gouzi or Xiao Zhou, they all turned their heads subconsciously and saw that in the dark and wide yard, there was already an extra person at some point. Her face was white, her lips were bright, and she was apathetic. Seeing, people have a kind of creepy feeling that the whole body is blown up. But when I looked intently, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

The lady of the hotel came here, she was wearing a pink down jacket, she was fat and big, her face was covered with thick powder, she was snow-white and her lips were painted with bright lipstick, she was so fat, she walked on the road Come, there is no sound.

   "What are you doing together?"

   The lady boss walked over slowly, tilted her head and looked into the Chase shop: "I heard you shouting here from afar..."

   Xiao Zhou and Sun Gouzi stopped talking.

   They all wanted to scold the boss, when did they come over to be scary?

   But considering that Lu Xin was next to them, they held back.

   They are used to obeying the front of the car, knowing when to speak and when to listen more.

   Lu Xin also opened his eyes at this time and turned to look at the boss.

   There is no expression on his face, just watching it so quietly.

   He looked at the fat lady boss of this hotel, slowly twisting her waist, and came to him.

  'S expressions and expressions seem to be very normal, but it faintly makes people feel a sense of stiffness.

   This is just a feeling, and there is no evidence, so Lu Xin is not in a hurry.

   just looked at her carefully, thinking about where the weird feeling on her came from.

   There are no mental monsters on her body, so it should not be contaminated.

   So, is the capable person affected her?

For Lu Xin, this is very different. He can directly see the spirit monster, but it also depends on the situation. When the spirit monster is hidden in the body of the contaminated person, he cannot see it. In addition, it seems that there are also The pollution of some capable people is extremely secretive in itself, not to mention that you can't see it, even with some extremely sophisticated instruments, you can't find anomalies.

   At this time, relying on intuition, and...inquiry.

   So after Lu Xin was silent for a while, he whispered, "Are you in a group with this monster in the house?"

   The lady boss listened, her face was incomprehensible: "Why are you?"

   "I have a husband..."


   Lu Xin showed some smiles on his face listening to the boss's wife.

   He seemed to be a little curious and asked: "Why do you even hook up with Lao Zhou if you have a husband?"

   The face of the lady boss suddenly became a little weird: "I...have it?"

"you have not."

   Lu Xin said: "Lao Zhou's waist is not good, no one will be hooked, but you have already exposed..."

   "The real proprietress will directly curse..."


   When his words fell, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to suddenly become more solemn.

   has entered the winter season, and suddenly a cold wind blows.

  The wind poured into the room of Datongpu, and suddenly blew the light bulb hanging from the roof.

   Because of the shaking of the light bulb, the shadows of all people have undergone strange changes, such as large and small, shifting and elongated.

   Lu Xin's shadow is the same.

   He sat by the door, and the shadow under his feet swayed with the light bulb and stretched suddenly, blending with the darkness outside the house.

   This seems to be a natural thing.

   What is unnatural is that when the light bulb swayed back, Lu Xin's shadow did not come back.


  If you distinguish carefully, you will find that in the darkness outside the house, there is a shadow that is obviously darker than other places.

   It swims in the darkness, stretches in an instant, and rushes toward the boss’s wife.

"Ha ha……"

   But just then, there was a weird laugh outside the house.

   The laughter came from the proprietress, but the proprietress was obviously trembling at this time and did not speak.

Her somewhat fat body slammed to the side. It was dexterous and scary. It easily escaped the shadow's pounce, and landed firmly on the ground. A voice rang: "You are indeed a capable person. , Is still a very capable person."

   Lu Xin frowned, looked at her, and found that she was not talking, the voice came from behind her.

   "Really weird..."

   Lu Xin spoke slowly, still sitting firmly at the door.

   After all, he has to guard this door, and can't let the monster inside escape.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

   If you say it, you have to do it.

   But the shadows under his feet suddenly became scattered, clinging to the ground, and seemed to make a sneer.


   "Don't you talk about it?"

The fat lady boss kept sounding behind her, and her fat but flexible body was constantly moving and jumping. The speed was surprisingly fast. Especially, Lu Xin felt a strange feeling, that is, she seemed to always She can leave one step faster than her own shadow. Every time the shadow pounces past, she has already dodged in advance and is extremely flexible.

   This is the first time that my own shadow can't get rid of her opponent because it can't catch her.

   In that case...

   Lu Xin thought to himself, then stood up.

The moment he stood up, his body almost covered the light bulb behind his back, and his shadow instantly became bigger. In an instant, like a black tide, it directly flooded the proprietress, who screamed, almost retreating. A few tens of meters away, his fat body slammed on the front of a car, jumped directly into the air, then turned around and landed firmly on the ground...


   There was a crisp noise from her ankle.

  ...Although the movements are flexible, my physical fitness is still a little bit unable to keep up, and my ankle is twisted under the pressure of huge weight.

"Ha ha……"

   There was a smile on Lu Xin's face, and the shadow jumped forward directly.

The face of the proprietress showed a painful and flustered expression. Under the control of a certain force, she seemed to be able to ignore the pain and continue to dodge. However, her foot injury affected her movements after all, and it was impossible to avoid the shadows anymore. Slammed.

   Seeing the black shadow, he wanted to climb on top of her, drowning her.

   But at this moment, Lu Xin suddenly turned around and raised his hand to hold the light bulb that kept swaying.

   The light bulb was held on, and the shadow suddenly stopped shaking.

   has rushed to the shadow in front of the boss lady, stopped instantly, and quickly spread back.

   The lady boss seemed to choke something in her throat, and she made a lot of noise, then she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

   Lao Gao with **** push.

   Behind her, a tall and thin figure appeared, quietly watching Lu Xin.

   Only then can I understand how the weirdness of the boss lady came from.

   She seems to be alone, but behind her chubby body, she has been following someone.

   This person's every move is exactly the same as the boss's wife, using her to block him.

   Just now, even if Lu Xin killed the proprietress with the shadow, he could not actually be injured, so he took the shadow back.

   This person also seemed to know that Lu Xin had discovered him, and the proprietress’s foot was injured, so he no longer controlled her.

   The two people were separated by a distance of more than 20 meters and looked at each other quietly.

   "You are a kind don't like hurting the innocent, I like people like you."

   The tall and thin figure said in a low voice, "Then why don't we stop and have a good chat?"

Lu Xin looked at the person in the dark quietly. He stood outside the light emitted from the room, but with the faint moonlight above his head, he could barely recognize his appearance, and saw that he was dressed in a straight line. The man in the suit was tall and slender, and in the darkness, he could feel his bright gaze... it was indeed an extremely bright gaze, nothing brighter.

   Because there are no facial features on his head, only a vertical eye.

   That eye is twenty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide. The pupils are pitch black, and the whites of the eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes.

   The rest of the head is completely composed of the left and right eyelids, and the red and wrinkled flesh and blood constitute the whole head.

   no hair.

   Such a weird existence, in this dark night, seems indescribable.


"what's the topic?"

   Lu Xin looked at this man for a long time, before his body shook slightly undetectably.

   has a weird expression: "You look so cute..."


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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