Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 305: Disappeared monster

"Uh...thank you!"

The figure didn't seem to expect Lu Xin to see his reaction like this. He thanked him with a strange expression.

...Of course, there is no way to see his expression intuitively. It can only be distinguished from the only eye on his face. The pupils shrank slightly, and the eyelids on the left and right sides were slightly wrinkled like ordinary brows.

This seemed to indicate that his evaluation of Lu Xin was unsure whether it was truth or ridicule.

However, his manner was very elegant. He gently took out a white handkerchief, wiped the corner of his eye, and then a soft-spoken word came out: "I hope we can talk first. All have great kindness."

Lu Xin noticed that his voice came from the lower abdomen.

"So you are real too?"

Lu Xin distinguished it carefully, only to find that there was also a faint shadow under the person's feet. .

He frowned slightly.

It feels that the brains that this person and Baita Town encountered are of the same nature, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a human or a monster.

Facing a polite person, he is also polite: "Let’s talk about it?"

The person with only vertical eyes on his face, his eyes were slightly bent, and they looked like they were smiling, and the voice came from the lower abdomen: "Before you did something bad for us, of course, we even more I am willing to believe that this was a misunderstanding. You killed many of us. Of course, this can also be a misunderstanding, but the most important thing is that you took away a piece of more important information..."

He paused slightly, and said: "If you are willing to return and keep it confidential, we will be very grateful to you. Or, someone who is capable like you can also consider becoming one of us. In this way, we will be You feel more at ease..."

"Become one of you?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised when he heard this, and was silent for a moment, and said, "How much do you pay?"

The man with only one eye on his face was speechless, as if he hadn't expected Lu Xin to ask this question.

He paused and said, "Money shouldn't be a problem for us, it's just a number."

Lu Xin sighed, "At least it must be an annual salary of one million to have the confidence to say this..."

The other party was silent again, the only eye on his face was squinted, as if it was a bit incomprehensible.

Then he whispered: "Your pattern is low."

Lu Xin also seemed a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "No way, I have to raise a family..."

Then he couldn't help asking: "What do you want me to do for joining?"

The other party said sincerely: "We don't even need you to do anything, we will only help you experiment with dreams, all... dreams!"


Lu Xin was slightly taken aback, and said sincerely: "To be honest, you sound like a scam!"


Some people with only one eye on their face can't take it anymore.

After a while, he sighed softly: "I really sincerely invite you to join, can you be a little sincere?"

Lu Xin was taken aback, then shook his head, and said, "I am actually very sincere, and what I said is true. Not only is your organization not very formal, but it is obviously illegal. Now I officially inform you, hurry up. Let go of the people in the team, and then surrender to yourself, you may get a leniency, otherwise I really have to start later, I may not be able to stop it..."

He took a serious look at the man in the suit and said, "You might die."


The man in the suit with only one eye on his face was startled again, and then smiled: "It looks like you are talking seriously, but now your people are in my hands, and you have been We are surrounded, where is the confidence to say this?"

"My friend is indeed in your hands."

Lu Xin described it more accurately and glanced behind him: "But I also blocked it in the house!"

"is it?"

The man in the suit laughed, then suddenly raised his hand with a "puck".

A bullet flew towards Lu Xin extremely tricky.

With a gun in his hand, it's easy to take advantage of the opponent's lack of a shot, but when Lu Xin is accustomed to staring at the opponent, it is difficult to seize this opportunity. But at this time, the man in the suit was so violently raised his hand to shoot, but the action gave people an unusually abrupt feeling, as if he was very good at catching people's negligence, and he was able to catch people's attention for a moment. That shot.


Lu Xin didn't move his feet, but his body was straight and tilted to the side, as if he had broken off from his waist.

This crook happened to escape the bullet and hit the wall behind him.


The man in the suit was surprised and shot continuously.

If a person's attention is a line, then this line must be intermittent, because no one can maintain high-intensity attention all the time, and this man in a suit happens to be very good at capturing this intermittent because he shoots out Every bullet in his has an extremely precise and tricky feeling. Sometimes, Lu Xin even looked like a bullet that slammed into him on his own initiative.

This feeling of being controlled everywhere is too weird.

Lu Xin was a little impatient, and the shadow under his feet had already rushed out.

Now he is standing with the light bulb behind him, so his shadow is big and wide, rolling forward and spreading out.

It's like a wall is rampant. Whether it is the area covered by the shadow or the speed of rushing forward, it is obviously not the speed of the man in the suit that can be evaded. In other words, under any calculation of data, he will be caught by the shadow.

But in this case, the shadow reacted in time. He leaped forward quickly and rushed to the body of the proprietress who was lying on the ground, and stepped on her **** with a foot. The stepped "pop" pressed firmly to the ground. At the same time, he leaped high, took advantage of the momentum to climb, and rushed directly to the front of a large truck.

Then, he twisted his body and fired a shot at Lu Xin.

This gun seemed to have undergone extremely accurate calculations in advance, and it was accurately shot at Lu Xin's lower abdomen.

For Lu Xin, who stood firmly at the door and controlled the shadow, this was the most difficult point for him to avoid.

After one shot, another shot.

The second shot looked like it was empty, and it hit Lu Xin a bit to the left.

"He knew in advance that I was going to hide in that direction..."

Lu Xin had already lifted up one foot and planned to step to the left, but he abruptly stopped.

A guess flashed in his heart, knowing that he could not step over, and when he hesitated so much, Lu Xin couldn't even escape the bullet that was shot at him. He didn't even have time to dodge the bullet that was shot at him. There was no choice but to raise his hand quickly, and the shadow instantly returned to his body, rolled up, and in an instant he rolled the bullet that had hit his lower abdomen.


The bullet was twisted and turned into scrap iron.

Many negative thoughts suddenly appeared in Lu Xin's mind.

There were a lot of grievances from his father. He was blaming himself for being so useless. The other party actually saw the purpose.

The man in the suit made sure that he didn't want to hurt the lady boss, so he stepped on the lady boss and escaped the shadow's pounce, and then used the gun to force the shadow back to rescue him. This kind of passive feeling is simply too awkward and unbearable...

When this thought appeared, Lu Xin made two voices behind him.

One is the sound of the second bullet shot by the man in the suit hitting the wall.

Second, in the Chase shop room behind him, suddenly there was a strange sound of bone twisting, crackling.

Lu Xin turned his head instantly and saw a bright red.

At the same time, he smelled a rancid blood.

It was countless tentacles. It looked like it came out of a monster with various tentacles all over it. It was like a blood-red octopus, and it rushed in front of him. The huge tentacles were in Lu Xin. Before he could react, he had already entangled his body, and a strangely cold and hollow feeling poured into Lu Xin's mind, making him seem to be swallowed...

There was a feeling that he had been forgotten by this world.

It's like a sunset afternoon, a group of game friends hopped home to eat, but they forgot that there was a person who seriously wanted to play with other children, and he was hiding in the tree. Behind, waiting for the friends to come to him.

Playing hide and seek is not to hide, but to be found by other children.

But other children forgot to find him, so he hid forever.



Lu Xin quickly woke up, and when he looked up, he suddenly saw the person who had disappeared before.

In front of me, the tentacles entangled me. It was a small monster with only blood-red flesh on its body, emitting a stench. It was supposed to be two arms, but only a few tentacles grew. It has no facial features on its face, only two ears are born, and they are unusually large. It seems that it has been hoping to hear something with these ears.

On its body, there is a strange feeling, as if you can see it when you stare at it.

But as long as the eyes are slightly staggered, it will disappear, not invisible, but completely disappearing in this world.

It's like, yourself, you don't want to notice it anymore.

When I see it, I will ignore it, and if I touch it, I will forget it and the people behind it subconsciously.

One after another, was following this monster.

They were Lao Li, Tian Niuzi and others in the motorcade, and even the front of the car was also inside.

All people, at this time, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them, with their heads down, lined up like an eagle eating a chick. They seem to have lost consciousness and only know that they are lying quietly Behind that person, he acted dumbly.

The last in line was Lao Zhou.

They seem to have become part of a toy snake, completely losing their consciousness and perception.

I only knew it was dumb, put his hand on the shoulder of the person in front, and moved slowly.


Lu Xin's dissatisfaction dissipated, and his expression was a little surprised.

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