Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 306: Mind readers?

"I have to admit that your abilities are very rare and very rare..."

At this time, the man in the yard with only one eye on his face, whispered words rang again.

Because Lu Xin was facing his back at this time, he couldn't see Lu Xin's expression. When speaking, he could still hear some confident smiles: "Just now you said you want to guard at the door. When you keep guarding , It really scared my companion, and unintentionally grasped its weakness, and your abilities are weird, but it is obvious that you still made a mistake."

"When you block him in the house, you are selling your back to him..."


While talking, he withdrew the magazine, replaced the ordinary bullet, and pushed in a new magazine. Then he walked forward slowly, pointed his gun at Lu Xin, and said with a smile. : "Now, I need to consider whether to kill you or catch you."

In his field of vision, Lu Xin has been concealed, his body has become stiff, and his vitality is disappearing. Judging from past experience, his mission has been completed, and the only thing that needs to be considered is Is it the most cautious attitude to directly clean up this weird ability person, or with a thorough attitude, first take him back for a good interrogation?

"Why don't you think about telling me what you know?"

As he was thinking, the eyes on his face suddenly shrank, as if he had discovered something suspicious.

In the next moment, he couldn't see the movement of his legs, but his body retreated suddenly, and he raised his hand with a shot.


Just when he retreated, Lu Xin, who looked motionless, suddenly turned his head stiffly.

He didn't move, but his neck turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and he smiled at the man in the suit. .

Immediately afterwards, his head, which had already turned to this level, suddenly tilted again, just to dodge the bullet that was shot at him.

"what happened?"

Seeing this extremely weird scene, the voice of the man in the suit has changed a bit.

This is the first time he has shown this tone since he appeared.

"Don't be impulsive..."

Turning his neck to Lu Xin behind him, he ignored the man in the suit, but looked down at his shadow and spoke softly.

Then his head rattled again, turned back, and whispered, "Sister, you can let me go."

At this time, my sister stretched out two small hands and grabbed his head.

Otherwise, Lu Xin himself would not be able to twist his head so much.

Of course, even with my sister's help, my neck still feels a little sore.

After shaking for a while, there was a crisp clicking sound, which made my neck feel much more comfortable.

Turning his head slowly, he looked at the little monster with many tentacles in front of him, recalled the details, and said softly:

"So, your ability just won't be seen?"

"This is not even invisibility, but because you have a subconscious aura of not looking at you. To some extent, this is more powerful than invisibility. Because even if someone sees you, or catches you Certain traces of you will be subconsciously ignored or even forgotten. This leads to no one being able to find you, because everyone subconsciously does not want to find you."

"If you take someone away, you are actually polluting this person."

"The one who meets the pollution conditions is contact, and the other is not being noticed."

"I don't know if someone with your ability has never lost the game of catching ghosts..."

He spoke slowly, looking up at his sister, who was squatting on top of the monster's head at this time, with two small arms in her arms, looking very airy, and Lu Xin couldn't help but show a kind of expression on his face. With an appreciative smile, he looked at the monster and said:

"But obviously, you lost this time."


Feeling Lu Xin's gentle gaze falling on him, the little monster's body shook like chaff.

It lowered its head and did not dare to look at Lu Xin's eyes.

After Lu Xin glanced at it lightly, his mood gradually became a little happy.

Then, a little provocatively, he glanced at the man in the suit with only one eye on his face.

Obviously, when he was guarding the door, preventing this monster from escaping, and intending to use it to the end, the man in suit outside was actually creating an opportunity, not only to let his companion escape, but also to take advantage of it. Taking the opportunity to distract himself, so that his companions could attack him, but unfortunately, they didn't know that when they faced the man in the suit, his sister was always in the house.

She was looking for the invisible monster.

Moreover, when the monster finally attacked Lu Xin, she did find it.

It is precisely because the younger sister has been holding it, that Lu Xin can always see it and will not ignore it anymore.

"Brother Brother..."

The younger sister who was praised by Lu Xin was even happier. Seeing that look, she seemed to be going to heaven.

She happily looked at this hide-and-seek monster, and then looked up at Lu Xin, showing a look like a baby.

"You can play, don't go overboard!"

Lu Xin exhorted her, his eyes kept watching.

An expression of excitement suddenly appeared on the younger sister's face, and she stretched out two small hands and pulled up the head of the leader.


Her little hand made the leader's head click and click, and her spine was about to be twisted.

But at the same time, the heads of everyone in the entire team tilted to one side, and their bones crackled.


Lu Xin shouted.

He has discovered that those people now seem to be a whole.

If my sister breaks the head of the first person, maybe everyone's heads will follow.

Facing his sister's puzzled eyes, he thought for a while and said: "Look at him first, and I will play with you later..."

The younger sister hesitated, nodded and agreed.


"Who are you talking to?"

When Lu Xin seriously told his sister, the man in the suit with only one eye on his face changed his tone a little.

He thought everything was going well, and he relaxed a lot.

The convoy fell into their hands, and their task was the last one, to catch or clean up this unknown ability person, and even threaten him with people from the convoy. However, he did not expect that the situation of the development of the matter would be so reversed.

When Lu Xin looked at the location of his companion, he had a foreboding feeling.

Because of the ability of one's own companion, it is not seen by others.

This person not only saw his companion, but when he looked at his companion, the companion actually seemed to be mad, twisting his neck so hard, and clacking like he was trying to His neck was sprained.

This made him feel a kind of incomprehensible, a kind of gloomy feeling.


"This is caught, it's your turn..."

Lu Xin smiled and turned around, looking at the man in the suit.

The shadow under his feet quickly elongated, spread out in an instant, and rushed toward the body of the man in the suit.

They were all standing in the yard at this time, and the lights in the house couldn't shine so far.

There was a lot of darkness in the entire yard.

In this darkness, the shadows are just like a fish in water.

It can easily make every place covered by shadows become extremely dangerous.

It’s just that Lu Xin didn’t expect that the man in the suit obviously couldn’t see the shadow, but when the shadow rushed towards him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and in a very short time, he jumped three or four meters away. At the same time Raising the gun, a bullet was fired with a bang.

Lu Xin stiffly leaned to the side, and a bullet flew past his body.

The bullet landed on the wall behind him, exploding a blue arc.

Special bullets.


"It's weird..."

This time Lu Xin didn't rush to fight back, but seriously thought about it.

Although he was not injured, in front of this person, it seemed that he had only been beaten...

He is obviously not a spider-type capable person, and his movements are not surprisingly fast. Why can he avoid his own attacks?

The shadow trembled, and his father became dissatisfied.

According to his temper, of course he can't stand this kind of beating and powerless situation.

"Don't lose your temper, losing your temper will not solve the problem..."

Lu Xin patiently persuaded his father: "Let's think about it first, we will definitely find a way to deal with him..."


"Who is this person?"

The man in the suit was already full of weird feelings.

He had made sufficient preparations before he came, knowing that the opponent is a powerful person who can destroy the experimental base in a short time, but he did not expect that this is a person who likes to talk to himself, how abnormal and how to look at it. Those with the ability to destroy the base.

Yes, although he has no ears on his face, no nose, no mouth, only one eye.

But he still felt that it was Lu Xin that was abnormal.

Regarding his ability, no matter how strong the opponent is, he doesn't care much.

But this feeling of talking to himself made him feel a little hairy.

"Hey, I found..."

Suddenly, he was changing the magazine and was about to make a full shot. He suddenly heard the excitement of the other party, and then he saw that Lu Xin had looked up at him and said, "Obviously your speed is not fast~www is far worse than the spider system, but you can still easily dodge my attack, even the bullet hits, which is the direction I am about to hide, it's like..."

"What do you expect me to do in advance?"

"and so……"

He paused, then smiled and said, "Is your ability foresight? No, it's mind-reading?"

When he was speaking, his eyes suddenly looked at one place, but the shadow suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The man in the suit was unprepared and was caught in the shadow.

It was just unexpected that the man in the suit suddenly disappeared as soon as the shadow engulfed him.

"I have met so many opponents, you are the last person to guess my ability..."

His voice resounded in all directions, and his voice was slender: "...Moreover, he guessed it wrong like everyone else."

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