Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 313: Commissioned

After the harsh gunfire, there was deathly silence.

   A cold wind whirled in the yard, making the back cool.

   Whether it's the police officer, the old drivers, or even Gao Ting, they all stayed here and watched Lu Xin the same.

   The bullets from the two magazines just hit too fast and so neat that they all became bystanders.

   They just widened their eyes, watching Lu Xin empty out two magazines, and hit Zhao Hui accurately one by one.

   Every bullet seemed to hit their hearts.

   With a gunshot, their bodies trembled with Zhao Hui's dying body.

   Pulse and heartbeat, both seem to be about to break free from the restraint of the body at the same time.

   When Lu Xin finished playing the two magazines, he pointed his gun at Zhao Hui, and the faces of the people around him were already seeing a ghost.


   "Even if... even if you are capable, you can't do whatever you want in the central city..."

   The old police officer, after not knowing how long he had been working on, finally yelled out: "In front of the guard office..."

   "You dare to shoot and kill people?"


As a veteran police officer with rich experience and not a low position, he knows more things than other police officers. At least he knows the existence of capable people, and he recognizes that Lu Xin seems to be like a legend. Those with the ability of spiders. .

   Therefore, when the other police officers were scared by Lu Xin and watched him empty the bullets from the two magazines on Zhao Hui, they did not forcefully stop them.

   Only then did he shout out, and what he said was more like questioning the other person.

   The people around him who seemed to have been placed on the body fixation method reacted with a thud because of the shout.

   Panic and commotion began to spread.

Especially Li Gang, a staff member of the Qinggang Central City Office, was even more pale at this time. He had been notified by Qinggang. Although he had not directly learned all the information about Lu Xin, Qinggang On the one hand, he has also woke him up in particular. That is the things that need to be paid attention to when working with individual soldiers. The most important one is the need to consider the rules...

  A particularly taboo is that individual soldiers cannot be allowed to violate the rules.

   But now, the single soldier not only violated the rules, he even shot people directly...

   What does this mean?

   Many terrible thoughts emerged in his heart, and there was a momentary urge to hug his head and run away!


   In the eyes of countless people, Lu Xin held the empty gun and still pointed at Zhao Hui.

   He was expressionless, just looking at Zhao Hui who was like rotten meat on the ground.

   After a few seconds, after the surrounding panic had spread, he suddenly reacted.

   turned around and smiled at everyone.

   With this smile, the scared group of police officers took a step back in unison, raising the explosion-proof shield in their hands.

   "I didn't kill anyone..."

   Lu Xin smiled gently and calmly.

   He glanced at Zhao Hui on the ground, smiled and explained to the police officers: "He is not dead."


   The old police officer took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Twenty shots were shot on the body, you tell me he is not dead?"

   "More than twenty shots and death are two different things."

   Lu Xin smiled and explained, "I have done a lot and avoided his vitals."


   A colder feeling hit everyone's heart.

They took a look at Zhao Hui, who was about to rot into a pile of flesh at this time, with only a little twitching and twitching characteristics of his hands and feet, indicating that he really seemed to have life characteristics... But by this time, it was even more frightening. ? If the bullets from two magazines have not died, it is no longer merciful. In comparison, it would be better to just give him a happy one, right?

   Is this the devil?

   "Since the report is useless, he needs other punishments."

   Lu Xin seemed to know that others were wondering, and explained with a smile: "But it is illegal to kill, so I will not kill casually."

   "In addition..."

He turned his head to look at the next General Manager Wang who had fallen on the ground in fright, and said: "Now, I want to report that you are covering up your subordinates, turning black and white, and framing good people... I hope you can deal with it in a fair and just manner. This matter, otherwise..."

   He smiled friendly and didn't say any more.


   The general manager Wang reacted violently at this time, using his hands and feet together, he crawled backwards.

An indescribable sense of fear frightened his heart. He felt that the young man’s smile was like a devil, and countless words blurted out: "Yes, yes, I sheltered Zhao Hui...he threatened me, he threatened I have to report this team with him... He has a background in his family. If I don't listen to him, I will be kicked out... I admit it, I admit it!"


   Lu Xin seemed to be a little surprised. He didn't expect that General Manager Wang had a good attitude of admitting his mistake.

   "So, what confidential information is stolen, is it fake?"

   He asked seriously, and at the same time, he looked sideways and glanced at the old police officer.

   "It's... it's fake, what confidential information can we have in our warehouse, if any, the team won't have access to..."

General Manager Wang yelled loudly, his voice trembling sharply: "It was Zhao Hui who insisted on pulling me here and asked me to call the police as the general manager and seize the team, and then he can...can take this woman away. He also said that the police force is ready to say hello here."

   Lu Xin frowned and looked at the old police officer.

   Not only him, but also other police officers who were in a panic, turned their heads to look at the old police officer at the same time.

   "Nonsense, I don't know anything at all!"

The old police officer yelled angrily, and then he forced his anger, or the fear rising in his heart, and said to Lu Xin: "I just received the call to the police and come here to deal with the matter.... If it is a false accusation, we will naturally. The investigation is clear, but...but you openly killed...injured people in front of us. This is something that our central city will never tolerate..."


   said clearly and resolutely, but the flustered voice betrayed the fact of his guilty conscience.

While    was yelling, his palm had already been pressed on a button in his pocket, and he only hoped that those people would arrive soon.

"I know!"

   Lu Xin lowered his head to think about it, and said, "Although I didn't kill anyone, I did hurt someone and did something illegal."

   It seemed that he had experienced a struggle of thought, he raised his head and said calmly: "So..."

   He threw the empty gun on the ground and raised his hands.

   "I surrendered."



   The faces of the people around him were dumbfounded again.

   Including the old police officer, as well as all the old drivers and Li Gang from the Central City office.

   "I really broke the law."

   Lu Xin had already taken the initiative to hold his head and squatted on the ground.

   I didn't watch the old movies in vain, he knew he should do it.

But he still tilted his head, looked at the old police officer, and said, "But there is one thing to say, now that Dadi Group has admitted that it has framed this team, then you have no reason to take everyone away, right? ? Even if you are the law enforcement agency in the central city, but the rules that should be followed are also to be abide by... Can they not take this convoy with them now?"

  The last sentence was asked to Li Gang.

   Li Gang was about to crash, and Ying Lu Xin's eyes suddenly reacted.

  Looking at Lu Xin's actions, he clearly felt full of strange feelings, but there was another feeling of excitement.

Regarding this kind of behavior that is full of slots, if you let him let go, you can say that three days and three nights are not repetitive, but now is the critical time, he also immediately showed professional quality, and said loudly: "Yes, if If you forcibly lead people, I will definitely complain to the Executive Office!"

   "In addition..."

He glanced at Lu Xin anxiously: "It is necessary to tell you that this person is a capable person of our Qinggang and belongs to the Special Pollution Cleanup Department. As a satellite city police detective, I think you know at least a little bit. The members of the Special Operations Team of the Special Clearance Department are all one body, so he is also a member of the Central City Special Operations Department, just responsible for the pollution cleanup of different high-wall cities.

"The reason why he injured people in a hurry just now was because he suspected that the other party was mentally polluted, which might cause catastrophe. As an operative of the Special Clearance Department, he has the right to take some emergency actions in this situation, and It can’t be considered a fault..."

   "I apply to send him to our Qinggang Central City Office for temporary detention, and at the same time investigate the matter!"


   "What's this special?"

The veteran police officer heard what he said, and he hated to scold his mother: "Your people came over and robbed our guns and wounded our reporter. As a result, we were not able to arrest the convoy, but also protected you and sent you off. Go to the office?"

   After this time, he also regained his sanity a bit.

   coldly threw down the phrase "waiting", and then quickly walked to the open space next to him to make a phone call.

After a while, he came back and said to Li Gang with a cold face: "I have obtained the consent of the superior and need to take this person into custody temporarily. If there is any hidden information, you need to provide a copy of the information and submit it immediately to explain the situation..." He couldn't help but glanced at Lu Xin again, and slowed down his speech: "However, it is only temporarily detained. You can pick him up after the superiors approve it."

   The last sentence seems to be able to faintly hear some comforting Lu Xin.

   "Then I need to know where you plan to detain him and what level of alert!"

The hand that Li Gang held before has been put down long ago. He is like a big man, and righteously said: "In addition, I will test him in advance. If he has any abnormal scars and conditions during his detention, I will make solemn representations!"


   The old police officer couldn't help taking a breath, and said impatiently: "Have you ever finished?"

"Please note!"

   Li Gang looked at him seriously, and said, "I can think that your words are threatening me and have bad intentions!"

   Lu Xin stunned: "I feel that the office staff is still a bit professional..."


The old police officer also felt a terrible headache. He deeply felt that he shouldn’t be in this muddy water. He gritted his teeth and glanced at the unmoving rotten meat on the ground, and said: "I'm going to Escort him to the Central City No. 7 Satellite City Shuiqing Road Detention Center for temporary detention. You can come to visit at any time to ensure that he will not be lynched and inhumane...Who the **** dare to lynch a capable person?

   "Go and explain the situation to the above, and then come and lead someone!"


   At this level, he feels a little too weak.

Li Gang still shouted there: "During detention, the safety of our personnel must be guaranteed. If anything happens, I will directly complain to your leader... Wait, show me your police officer ID. I need to remember. Live your number, take a picture and keep it..."

After an unknown number of rounds, Lu Xin's squatting legs were numb. Only then was the two police officers so scared and trembling that they were lifted up, and while moving his arms and legs, he walked towards the police car. Behind him, a group of old drivers were dumbfounded. Looking at him, Xiao Zhou suddenly ran up in stride, shouting: "Brother Xiaolu, Brother Xiaolu, will you be fine?...Would you like me to go in with you?"

   "I'm fine."

   Lu Xin turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhouyan, then aimed at the front of the car, and said with a smile, "Is your commission completed?"

   "The half-cargo, you have to figure it out for me..."


   Xiao Zhouao cried out, and Gao Ting and a group of old drivers behind him shed tears.

   Lu Xin smiled at them, and then got into the police car with the two police officers who escorted him.

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