Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 314: So happy

In the police car, the two police officers followed the usual practice, holding Xin from the left and the other.

   Lu Xin was handcuffed on his hands, the bag on his body was also searched, and he sat in the middle honestly. Both police officers were bigger than him, so he was squeezed to sit in a small position in the middle. He looked a bit pitiful. He was not a very strong body. At this time, he appeared thinner and thinner. His eyes looked out of the car window from time to time, and it seemed to feel a little fresh.

   The two police officers turned a blind eye to him, but sat silently, their backs straight and their muscles tense.

   The atmosphere in the car is a bit tense.

   "Huh? Don't move..."

   Lu Xin suddenly looked up to the roof of the car and said abruptly.

   The two police officers had scalp numb for an instant, they turned around abruptly and looked at him nervously.

Lu Xin smiled at the two of them apologizing, then turned his head and continued to look at the roof of the car and said, "Don't get angry, this is normal. Although Zhao Hui is indeed wrong, I shot someone. , It's illegal, how can you not accept punishment?"

   "We don't like others breaking the law, but we don't obey the rules. Is that wrong?"

   "The two of them are also following orders. Why do you have to dig out people's eyeballs?"


   The faces of the two police officers turned green.

   Lu Xin sighed and said, "I don't like other people breaking the law, of course I have to abide by the law!"

   "Otherwise it is called double standard..."

   "It's okay, just treat it as letting people have more experience..."


   The little policeman on the left became horrified, and his body moved quietly to the left. .


   Lu Xin suddenly lowered his head again, his face very solemn: "You are not allowed to do it, I will be the master of this matter."

   The two police officers looked around and found that he was talking to his shadow.

   Of course, the shadow is just quietly covering in front of him, constantly changing with the light moving around.

   But he just stared at one place, his eyes remained unchanged, as if he was listening carefully.

   After a while, he shook his head.

   "It's okay, it's none of their business, they didn't bully me."

Lu Xing painstakingly persuaded: "After receiving the report, come and see the situation. It's someone's job, it's okay... Not everyone is as bad as you think, and they don't necessarily know, let alone if they are with that surname. Zhao's group."

   "Of course, if they are really a group, it won't be too late to do it then, isn't it?"

   "I think you are doing things deliberately now!"

   "It would be nice if my mother was there, she will definitely make sense..."

   "Look at the two of them scared, because I was forced to talk to you, and they have already regarded me as crazy..."


   "He also knows he is crazy..."

   The two police officers glanced at each other, and the police officer on the right also tried to move to the right.

   The back seat, which was not very spacious, just squeezed out a large space for Lu Xin in the middle.

   The two of them are almost crazy.

   Originally, they were in a state of suspicion about the capable. When they fired the bullet just now, the bullet was completely dodged by Lu Xin in that weird state, which has seriously affected their perception of the world. When they saw Lu Xin hit Zhao Hui with two bullets in a row, the calm expression and kind eyes made them even more like a nightmare.

   But now, they actually want to sit in a car with such a person and take him back to the police station with their own hands...

   For wages, for faith, I did it myself.

   But this person has been talking since he got in the car, his chattering look is really terrible...


   After Lu Xin finished his persuasion, he smiled friendly to the police officer beside him and said, "I have already convinced them, don't be afraid."

The police officer on the right side of    was watched by Lu Xin, and he already wanted to jump out of the window and escape.

   The police officer on the left was bolder, kept serious, and said, "You...who are you talking to?"

   Lu Xin sighed and said, "Father and sister, they don't quite understand the surrender of me."

   "Father and sister?"

   The two police officers were extremely alert: "Where are they?"

   "I'm right by your side..."

   Lu Xin smiled embarrassedly: "My sister is hanging on the roof of the car, staring at your necks, what about my father..."

   He hesitated for a while, afraid to scare them, so he was embarrassed to say.


   The officer wanted to question, but he blurted out: "What do they want to do?"

Lu Xin sighed and hesitated. He didn't seem to know whether he should lie or not, but thinking that he had already spoken to his family in front of them just now, and that Zang could not hide, he answered frankly, "Father wants to be direct Overturn this police car, then go find Zhao Hui, put another shot in his head, and then kill General Manager Wang, and want to kill your old captain..."

   "My sister's temper is better than that of my father."

"She just wanted to grab the arms of the two of you, twist them into twists, then tear your heads off and sew them again, but to sew your head to his body and his head to yours. The body, and then cut it diagonally..."



   The hairs all over his body exploded, and the two police officers violently held down the guns on their waists.

   "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous..."

   Lu Xin hurriedly comforted them and said, "I had a hard time persuading them. It would be bad if you make trouble again..."

   "Then can you not be so scary..."

   The police officer on the left almost cried out.

   Lu Xin was silent for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

   After a while, he added another sentence, saying: "But I'm telling the truth, although I can hide it from you..."

   "But in front of law enforcers, I really don't want to lie."


   The two police officers had only one sentence in their hearts to say: "I thank you for your honesty..."


It stands to reason that in the face of such a serious injury incident, after arriving at the police station, you need to surrender your belongings, check whether there are any special injuries on the body, and whether there is anything hidden, then take a bath forcibly and disinfect, and then go to the detention center. On the way back, the old police officer seemed to have determined something by phone, and did not directly **** Lu Xin to go through this process.

After    was brought to the detention center, he only confiscated Lu Xin's belongings and belt, and then was detained.

Many people were still detained in this place. The black iron fence was divided into three warehouses on the left and right. Each warehouse was about seven or eight meters wide and three to four meters long. At this time, many people were already detained, some With bald heads, some have tattoos all over their bodies, and some have dazzling gold teeth, each with a sharp look, carrying their pants, walking back and forth behind the fence.

  , it looks like a beast is patrolling his territory.

The people detained here are all those who committed trivial things on the street. They usually left after being locked for a few days. So Lu Xin guessed it. The Guard Department locked himself here, and probably shot himself at Zhao Hui. The qualitative character was just provoking trouble. Or fighting.

   "You can't put him in custody with others, and make a special place for him."

   The old police officer personally ordered, he opened the fence, and the people inside were thrown into the other two warehouses.

   Lu Xin went into the middle bin alone by himself and released the handcuffs.

   "I have received a call, someone will come to ask you about this, so you better not cause trouble."

The old police officer personally instructed Lu Xin and lowered his voice: "I know that you are capable, but the capable must also abide by the rules of the central city. When I was in the past, I didn’t know that you were capable, but after all, I didn’t. Offend you. Now we are working in business, please forgive me. If someone really comes to pick you up, you can leave you, stay here, if you have any requirements, you can say..."

   Lu Xin was silent for a moment, and said, "Really?"

   The old police officer nodded and said, "Of course, but an excessive request..."

   "Do you care about dinner at night? I haven't eaten dinner yet."

   Lu Xin said: "This request is not too much, right?"

   The old police officer was silent for a while, and said to the little guard beside him: "Go out and buy him a box lunch."

   Lu Xin showed a grateful expression on his face, and said hurriedly, "Can I smoke here?"

   "Of course not."

   The old police officer showed an angry expression on his face, and then said to the little guard: "Buy him another pack of cigarettes!"

   Lu Xin was busy and wanted to open his mouth again.

   The old police officer was already a little angry: "Are you enough?"

   Lu Xin was a little helpless, and said, "I just want to say thank you."


   The old police officer took a deep look at Lu Xin and said, "You are welcome."

After    finished speaking, he glared at the prisoners in the two surrounding and turned and left.

   I felt that he was walking a little faster, as if he was running away.




   Lu Xinti put on his pants, sat on the hardwood bed in the warehouse, and looked around freshly.

   The heavy concrete wall is suppressed. There are thick and dark iron fences on both sides and in the front. The gap is only the size of a punch. On the back wall, there is only a small window the size of a basketball. There was a dark, humid, and moldy smell around. In the warehouses on both sides, one by one, cold or sluggish, or fierce and unkind gaze, did not hide it at all, staring at him stubbornly.

   "The place is not bad..."

   After looking around for a while, Lu Xin thought to himself.

   I just don’t know if I’m locked in, will I keep my case file? Will the case file of the Central City affect my job in Qinggang?

   I hit Zhao Hui, and I don’t know if this matter will be over...

… To be honest, I’ve always been a good person who works hard, doesn’t cause trouble, and doesn’t break the law. It is also a little worried.

   It was just in this kind of anxiety that Lu Xin leaned back against the cold concrete wall.

   He thought of the feeling of two bullets hitting Zhao Hui.

   I don’t know when, a smile has appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the shooting hand even trembles with excitement...

  ...So happy!

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