Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 315: I'm fierce

"Head, what do you do now?"

When the old police officer walked out of the detention area, a few people immediately surrounded him. Many of them followed him to the motel. The first one was his deputy, obviously a little nervous: "There is a call from the hospital. , Young Master Zhao really didn't die, but... But if you think about how many bullets hit him, he didn't die, this...what did this look like?"

  A circle of people felt a little cold, and they nodded and said with a guilty conscience: "Yes, what can I do?"

   "What else can I do?"

The old police officer gritted his teeth and cursed: "Who the **** could think of encountering such a thing, not only met people from the Qinggang office, but also met a lunatic... If my **** knew this trouble, I would kill me. Will not listen to the bewitching surname Zhao..."

   was suddenly a little nervous as he said, "Have you returned what you collected?"

   The police officer next to him nodded hurriedly: "Retired, retired, all retired, Zhao Gong... the coma with the surname Zhao, no one else knew.

   "Remember, we only had an ordinary policeman, understand?"

The old police officer glared at the people present, and lowered his voice: "The surname Zhao is crazy. He has made the matter so big this time. He has to greet him up and down. I think he really wants to deal with it. An ordinary motorcade, I didn’t expect to involve the capable... these madmen are involved, no matter how powerful their Zhao family is, it is impossible to end it easily..."

   "Especially, he also beaten people to a piece of rotten meat..."

   "It's really strange, this surname Zhao is usually not so unreliable, why is it so reckless this time?"

   shook his head vigorously, no longer wanting to be messy, just exhorted:

   "If you want to live well, you can't have anything to do with these people, and immediately get away..."



   Some of his staff were unclear and nodded repeatedly, but some were puzzled and asked in a low voice:

   "In this case, why not just let him go directly to the Qinggang office?"

   "Have you eaten your stomach full length?"

The old police officer lowered his voice and shouted: "The man named Zhao was beaten to a piece of rotten meat, and his family will not stop. If we don't bring people back, won't the Zhao family trouble us? Damn, touch him. When it comes to this kind of thing, the only thing we can do..."

  He paused, gritted his teeth and said: "Just act according to the law!"

   The eyes of all the police officers were a little straight. This was the first time that this kind of Mandarin was spoken in an informal setting.



At the same time when Lu Xin began to seriously think about family issues, on the roof of the Fourth People’s Hospital of No.7 Satellite City in Central City, a helicopter grunted and landed in the wind, a black suit with a pipe dangling from his lips. The middle-aged man with a carefully trimmed short beard bowed his back and walked off the helicopter, then took the elevator to a ward.

   An emergency operation is going on in the ward, and a dozen **** warheads have been placed on the plate next to it.

   Lying on the bed is a complete head. It looks a bit handsome, but the body is almost rotten flesh.

   The doctors who were performing the operation stepped aside and gave their place to the middle-aged man with a pipe in his mouth.

   None of them dared to remind him that smoking is not allowed in the operating room.

   The man looked at Zhao Hui who was lying on the bed carefully, the muscles on his face tightened slightly.

   After a while, he said hoarsely: "How can this be?"

   "It is done by the capable."

Beside him, a man in a straight suit whispered: "Twenty-four bullets all hit his body, but they perfectly avoided all the vital points...not even wounded to be fatal. Arteries. So he is still alive. Except for those with the ability, no one else can make sure that he can be sent to the hospital alive even when the two magazines are empty."

   The middle-aged man nodded slowly, and said, "Where is that capable person?"

   "The Second Detention Center of Satellite City No. 7."

   The secretary whispered: "It's not the capable person of our central city, it seems to be related to Qinggang."


The middle-aged man repeats slowly, and then he seems to have a little smile on his face. Under the half-bright and half-dark lights in the operating room, his smile looks a bit hideous, but his voice is still very peaceful: "My son , Stupid, arrogant, ignorant, and greedy, and... he still has that kind of unspeakable psychological problem, but he is my son after all."

   "I know him, he keeps making small mistakes, but he is weak in nature and can't make big mistakes."

  Speaking of this, he paused for a while, turned his head and looked at the secretary: "So, why was he beaten like this?"

   The secretary was silent for a while, and said, "It seems that it's because of his unspoken rules... a certain driver."

   The middle-aged man frowned, "Men or women?"

  The secretary said: "Female."

   The middle-aged man showed a sneer on his face: "How can a person like him go to unspoken female drivers?"

   Facing this question, the secretary also fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

   "Get me a gun and four magazines!"

The middle-aged man turned around and walked out, saying: "The son who is not up to date is also my son. And it is my only son. I rarely have a family on weekdays, and I neglect to discipline him because I have been there. In the research room, it is also for our central city. Now, my son is beaten like this. If I continue to ignore him, how can I be worthy of his mother?"

   "Since the capable person hit him, there must be a reason to hit him, but it doesn't matter."

   "After I hit him with the bullets from these four magazines, you start investigating what is going on."

   "Since he is capable, he will not die so fast."



   "Hey, kid..."

   In the empty barn, Lu Xin sat on the bare wooden bed honestly, waiting for his dinner.

   There was a cry suddenly sounded in the obviously crowded warehouse due to the transfer of personnel.

There was one with yellow hair and a silver stainless steel tooth. The strong bully hammered the railing forcefully, and shouted to Lu Xin, "You have a lot of face. I bought rice and cigarettes. Tell me, you How did such a young man come here?"

   Lu Xin glanced at them, then lowered his head.

   Although he was imprisoned, he was different from these bad guys.

   "Fuck, what about you..."

   came the sound of thumping the railing forcefully, banging, and yelling at Lu Xin:

   "When I get to this place, I still pretend to be the son? Do you know the rules?"


   Lu Xin sighed, holding his right hand that had been trembling with excitement, silently, thinking about life.


   Suddenly a shoe was lost, Lu Xin raised his head in time, and the shoe fell from in front of him and dropped it on the ground on the other side.


   There was a lot of laughter in the two warehouses around   , and all the detainees smiled excitedly, as if it were funny.

   Lu Xin sighed, stood up, and muttered to himself: "I have entered the detention center anyway..."

   Watching him stand up, the person next to him shouted louder: "What's the matter? In a hurry?"

   "Come, come, come, come, master teach you the rules..."


Amidst their roar of laughter, Lu Xin turned and walked towards them, facing the group of smiling faces that were getting closer and closer, he twisted his neck, his body was short, his body tightened strangely, his bones seemed to be deformed and broken, directly Passed through the railing and came to the barn on the left.

   Looking at those faces whose smiles were gradually disappearing and their eyes gradually became strange and frightened, he showed a very gentle smile:


   "Who threw the shoes?"


When the little guard who went out to help Lu Xin buy food came back with a box of chicken drumsticks and a pack of ten yuan cigarettes, as soon as he opened the iron door in the corridor, he saw Lu Xin in the warehouse on the left. Pressing a gangster dyed with golden retriever to fight there.

The people around    were all close to the wall. Some had blue noses, some had swollen faces, some had their pants dropped, and their hands were covering their crotch.

   They usually encounter something that can’t turn the sky off. At this time, one is better than the other, and there is no one shouting for cheer.

   He was taken aback, and hurriedly blew his whistle, patted the railing vigorously, and shouted, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

   "How do you hit someone?"

   " did you come here?"


   Lu Xin stood up from the bastard, holding his pants, twisted his body, and got back into the middle bin from the railing.

   "You can't blame me for this."

Lu Xin pleaded innocently: "I sat in the middle, and this person kept scolding me. At first I thought about ignoring him and it would be over. But I didn't expect that he would not only scold me, he even took off his shoes and hit me. , Of course I have to go and beat him up."

   said and clenched his fists, indicating that he was still very fierce.

   The little guard looked at the fist-sized gap between the fences, and shivered when he remembered what the old police officer had told him before leaving.

   After a while, he reluctantly said: "Let's go..."

   said worriedly and looked at the left compartment: "Is he dead?"

   A group of inmates standing against the wall shook their heads at the same time.


   The little guard put his heart down, handed in the lunch box and cigarettes, and said to Lu Xin: "Call the guard if you have anything to do."

"Got it."

   Lu Xin nodded honestly, sat back on the small wooden bed with a box of lunch and cigarettes, and slowly began to enjoy dinner.

The scent of    chicken thigh fills this warm and friendly detention center.



Lu Xin finished the last grain of rice in the box lunch in the sound of drooling and swallowing, then sat on the small wooden bed, lit a cigarette, slowly spit out the smoke ring, looked down in surprise, and unexpectedly discovered this. The quality of the smoke is not bad.

   Although it is not as good as the golden filter that Vice President Xiao gave to him, it is much better than the three-dollar bag.

   After eating and smoking, he started to think about business.

   Such as the relationship between myself and my father.

When his mother left before, he was actually a little worried. He was worried that his father would take the opportunity to bully himself and his sister, or take the opportunity to run away. But the result was that his father was surprisingly good, and he took the initiative to release himself. Out of goodwill...

   When he was in the motel, his performance was quite moving.

   Then, in return, should I give my father more trust?

   Since entering the second stage I tried to find opportunities to live with my father in peace, and carefully deepened my understanding.

   The effect is very obvious. I kept my father locked up before and didn't dare to let him out. Now I dare to use his power at least. However, the vigilance in my heart cannot be completely eliminated. I usually trust it at most 10%...

   When the maritime power attacked, because of a bad mood, I gave almost 50% to my father.

   In the yard of the motor hotel, at a certain moment, he gave him more than 70% trust.

In other words, at that time, my father could theoretically cause more damage in an instant than when he solved the Red Apostle, and even use that opportunity to leave himself directly...Of course, there is only the possibility of leaving himself, and there is no guarantee that it will be possible. success.

  If the trust level is close to or reaches one hundred, what will happen?

   Lu Xin actually had some expectations, a moment when he and his father truly reconcile and can understand and trust each other.

   But that kind of trust is not easy to achieve...

   After all, everyone's hobbies and temperament are different. He likes to cook and he likes to eat.

  He loses his temper at every turn, he is careful, and he...


   A misty sound of rain came from outside the small window. I don't know when it started to rain.

   Lu Xin's mind became more sober, sniffing the damp green grass scent floating in by the window, he raised his head slightly.

   This world is so beautiful, I like it very much.

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