Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 316: Black table invitation

A convoy of four jeeps drove out of the Fourth People's Hospital of the No. 7 Satellite City in Central City, braving the misty drizzle that did not know when, and drove into the main road of the satellite city. The car light emitted a cold and strong light, penetrating the rain curtain.

  In the car, the middle-aged man is carefully wiping a gun, using a black silk scarf, wiping very carefully.

   On his lap, a silver box was placed, and four magazines were neatly placed on the plate.


   The car phone kept ringing, the secretary answered a few, and finally unplugged the phone line.

   "Because Qinggang is involved, so many aspects hope that we will not rush over now."

  The secretary summed up the content of the call and said to the middle-aged man.

   "When more and more people intervene, will I still have a chance to shoot these bullets into his body?"

   The secretary had no choice but to silence him.


   The second detention center is located in the north of Satellite City 7, and the surrounding area is relatively empty. In addition to the light rain at this time, there are fewer people and cars on the road. The convoy of four jeeps quickly drove out of the residential area and began to enter a relatively empty area. . The misty rain curtain covered this land with a damp and depressing dark tone.


   was walking in the front of the vehicle, and suddenly there was an emergency braking sound, blocking the way.

"What happened?"

   The secretary's body shook slightly, and immediately asked vigilantly.

   "A little girl appeared before..."

   The driver in front of him nervously picked up the intercom and looked at the car in front. I saw a girl in a white dress and barefoot standing in front of the car. On her small body, there were stitch marks everywhere, her head hanging down, and her messy hair covering her eyes. Holding a stainless steel sharp knife in her hand, she looked like a naughty child who stole kitchen utensils from the house and came out to play.

   On a wet rainy night, the little girl holding a knife in the middle of the road, with ugly and fine stitches on her body...

   The surrounding sounds seemed to disappear suddenly.

   The secretary in the third car was silent for a moment, and suddenly he shouted, "Crash over!"



   The vehicle in front increased its horsepower, speeded up instantly, and rushed forward.

  The thick steel body, at this moment, like a roaring monster, slammed into the weak little girl.

   No matter how you look at it, this is a great sense of disparity.

   But the little girl was still standing in the middle of the road, without a dodge sound, until the roaring steel monster rushed in front of her, she suddenly raised her head. Under her messy black hair, there was a face that also had fine stitching stitches, and on this ugly face, there were a pair of black eyes, without any white eyes.


   The jeep passed the little girl in an instant, and then suddenly stopped.

   The body of the car shook violently, as if there was an earthquake inside the car, shaking the whole car violently.

   There were a few short screams in the car, and the trembling of the car body reached its extreme.

   Suddenly "boom" a few times, all four tires burst.

   The car stopped moving, there was only a dead silence.

The three cars behind    all looked at this car with horrified eyes.

In their gazes, the roof of the leading car suddenly made a toothy "squeak" sound, and then the thick iron sheet on the roof was penetrated by a sharp stainless steel knife, and slowly cut out. A rift. Then, a little pale hand stretched out from the crack, then a little black head, then a pale face, and a thin and shriveled little body.

   The little girl appeared on the roof of the leading car, staring at her with hollow eyes under her black hair.

   "All staff are on alert..."

  The secretary saw the little girl through the surveillance camera.

   Some guesses in his heart were confirmed, and he suddenly took a deep breath and shouted.


At this time, the armed men in the front and rear two vehicles had all got off the vehicle, each holding a sophisticated assault rifle, some of them were holding a special bullet-type weapon in their hands, toward the little **** the roof, Dumped all the bullets.

   Amidst the violent gunfire that made the scalp numb, the bullet penetrated the rain curtain and enveloped the little girl.

   But when the bullet came, the little girl suddenly stood up.

   As she stood up, her small body suddenly swelled.

   In other words, it was not swelling, but suddenly becoming diluted.

   Her body suddenly spread. It became piece by piece, with thin, wriggling meat threads connected together, as if it were a person, but at this moment, it suddenly turned into a net, a net of flesh and blood, and it rushed forward. .

   Most of the bullets penetrated through the gap between flesh and blood.

   Even if some bullets, or even special bullets, hit a certain thread of flesh and blood, they did not cause much impact.

   The little girl surrounded people in this way.


  The thin voices sounded one after another, almost connected into a line.

   No one knew what was going on. They could only see the squirming meat through the car window, flying in the air from time to time.

   A few seconds later, the shredded pork gathered in the middle at the same time.

   The body of the little girl suddenly merged, restored to its original state, and appeared on the front of the third car.

   In his right hand, he was still holding the stainless steel knife, but there was blood dripping on it.

   The gunshots around, did not know when it had stopped, the armed men holding the gun remained silent for a while, and then fell down at the same time.

When    fell to the ground, their bodies shattered into neat pieces.

   The blood was squeezed out like the sauce in a medium-rare steak.

   "Hurry up..."

Looking at the girl who fell on the front of the car but made no sound, the secretary gritted her teeth severely and patted a red button on her hand. The entire car body instantly made a violent electrical noise, which was visible to the naked eye. The color arc suddenly spread along the strange lines on the car body, including the little girl standing on the front of the car, also surrounded by the blue arc.

Immediately afterwards, the engine released strong power and slammed backwards, hitting the car behind and retreating three or four meters away, and then the body had to drift sideways, breaking through the barrier beside it, and driving into a vast wilderness. In, seize the way of life.

   But at this moment, there was a crisp baby crying all around.


   The sound was harsh, weird, and irritating.

   The strangest thing is that with this cry, the jeep that has activated the emergency power system seems to have rushed into the water.

   The unstoppable momentum is being forcibly restrained, and the speed is getting slower and slower.

   At the end, the car can no longer move, only the roar of the engine, and the sound of the tires rubbing against something.

   The secretary leaped to the window and looked out, suddenly feeling cold.

The armed men whose necks were wiped by the little girl before, actually stood up again at this time, but they were no longer Mr. Zhao’s security guards, but became a kind of weird flesh and blood monsters. It was these people who threw on In front of the car, with their inflated, squirming flesh and blood, wrapped four tires, almost lifted the jeep into the air, completely blocking the escape route.

   At the same time, the baby crying louder.

   All the armed personnel felt their headaches, but they discovered something immediately and uttered a cry of fear.

   "Start the emergency defense system..."

The secretary yelled at the driver, but found that the driver was not moving. He stretched out his hand and pushed, only to realize that the driver's face had become very weird. There were countless numbers in his eyes, nostrils and ears The granulation, like earthworms, even spread out, covering the steering wheel, gears, throttle, and some important defense systems.

   The baby's cry continued, and it seemed miserable and sharp.

The flesh and blood of those security personnel seemed to have become living creatures, bit by bit came out of their bodies, piercing through the glass masks on their heads, and a canopy of blood was in their bodies. It exploded and was sprinkled in the surrounding rain.

   "Mr. Zhao, you go first..."

   The secretary yelled, and he wanted to push the car door first, but when he pushed his hand out, he found that his palm had become a monster.

The arm has turned into a slender, scaly blood-colored snake body, and the palm of the hand has turned into a snake head, with a gloomy gaze on it. When the secretary looked down in the snake head was fierce. He leaped forward and bit his throat with one bite.

   The secretary looked at what was happening in front of him incomprehensibly, and slowly fell over and fell out of the car door.


   The middle-aged man has been sitting silently in this strange change.

   He knows how his security is doing, and he also knows what it means to do it on himself in the central city.

   So, he was just quietly assessing what level of attack he had encountered, and what the purpose of the other party would be.

   After thinking for a while, he picked up a magazine and pushed it into the barrel.


   The crying outside the car had disappeared, and the weird little girl didn't know where she went.

   Only the rain curtain fell on the ground, making a slight rustle.

   The humidity of rain, and the heavy smell of blood mixed in this humidity, filled the compartment.


   After waiting quietly for a long time, the sound of footsteps came to the door and pulled the door hard.

A man in a suit leaned half of his body in, drew a paper towel, wiped the rain on his gold-framed glasses, then smiled friendly at the middle-aged man and said, "Dr. Zhao, is that? I'm sorry. , I can only see you this way."

   "I have always admired the research on data enhancement of dementia that you are responsible for in the research institute."

   "So, now I officially invite you to join the black table."

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