Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 317: Keep on working

The middle-aged man held a gun in his hand, but he weighed the situation and did not choose to shoot.

   He silently looked at the man with gold-rimmed glasses in front of him, and asked a question: "All this is for me?"

   "It doesn't count."

The man wearing gold-framed glasses explained with a smile: "I didn't intend to invite you in by such a fierce means, but the plan is not as fast as the change, and I can only do it in advance. I have a very good project and need your help. , Leave tonight."

   The middle-aged man looked up at him and said calmly: "The Institute has done a good job of confidentiality. It is useless for you to take me away."

"I know."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "So when I came to pick you up, in the secret research project you presided over, the person I arranged was transporting the instruments and key parasites you needed... It was Ling Gongzi to help me. People from enter, he has always had an urge to resist you and retaliate against you... In addition, a strong pollution incident is about to erupt in the central city."

   "The special operations team of Satellite City No. 7 should not take care of us at this time and will not arrive in a short time."

   "So, we have plenty of time to pick you up and leave."

   said, he put on his glasses again, then smiled and stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation!"


   The middle-aged man walked out of the car following the man wearing gold glasses. He didn't shake hands with the other party, but just looked around. .

He saw that the armed men who had been protecting him before had become flesh-and-blood monsters one after another. They were not dead yet, but their bodies twitched, and their flesh and blood surged like swelling foam. Get up and grow granulation.

When    touch each other, these granulation shoots are connected together and become a bigger piece of meat.


   The growth of these pieces of meat is not quiet and silent, they faintly emit the cry of a baby.

   "Have you reached this level of research in the field of life?"

   "It is beyond my imagination."

The middle-aged man looked at these squirming, indescribable pieces of meat on the ground, frowned, and asked the man wearing gold glasses: "So, you are what the stalker has been looking for before, related to the escape laboratory. That person...Chen Xun?"

   "Yes, Dr. Zhao Shiming."

   The man wearing gold glasses smiled and opened his mouth, slowly lowering his hand extended, and said, "We should have a common topic."

   "After all, our research direction is the same."

   "That's why I hope that Dr. Zhao can follow me and take a look at the project I am working on!"

"of course."

He smiled and said, "I am also saving Dr. Zhao's life. If you go to the detention center now, you will die, and Central City will suffer a great loss because of it... I understand your anger, so you really want to Revenge, and only I can help you."


   Zhao Shiming didn't say much. After being silent for two seconds, he said, "I'll go with you."

   The man wearing gold glasses showed a smile on his face, and said sincerely: "We can pick up Master Ling."

   "Although he was seriously injured, I think it should be possible to heal him with my skills."


   Zhao Shiming showed a mocking smile on his face, shook his head and said: "No need."

   "Who knows after your treatment, he is still not my son."


   He didn't make senseless resistance anymore, he even picked up his gun.

   The man wearing gold glasses was also very generous and didn't even try to take Zhao Shiming's gun.

   "Are we leaving like this?"

   However, when Zhao Shiming was preparing for Chen Xun’s car, he hesitated, looked at the meat pieces everywhere, and said:

"This kind of mental body is not the most powerful, but it is the most dangerous. It interferes with reality, especially with people. It is too powerful. If you leave these things here directly, it will cause damage to the central city. Is the threat too terrible?"

"It's ok."

   Chen Xun smiled and said, "Only in this way can we guarantee our smooth departure."

   "Furthermore, I also need to use this method to let the institute understand the results of the research I am doing now."

   Zhao Shiming said nothing, boarded the car, a snow-white light cut through the rain curtain, and drove quickly towards the north gate.

   Under the rain curtain, only slimy and creepy flesh and blood shivered gently.

   Ruoruuowu's crying of babies spread far in the rain curtain, affecting one person after another.


"what's happenin?"

   Lu Xin who was sitting silently in the detention center dozing off, suddenly woke up.

   When he looked up, he saw the small window where his sister was holding the iron window with both hands, and her little head looked out.

"do not know."

   My sister shook her head and said, "But it feels like something familiar to me..."

"Familiar with?"

   Lu Xin was a little surprised: "Then you can take a look at it?"

   "I can't go that far."

   My sister looked at Lu Xin angrily, and said, "You don't want to go out again."

   "I broke the law..."

   Lu Xin explained to his younger sister with some embarrassment, thinking about how things that her younger sister is familiar with appeared at this time.

   Just as he was considering whether to ask the guards for leave, and went out first, his sister jumped down.

   "Okay, I can't see it anymore!"

"So fast?"

   Lu Xin frowned, and at the same time, he suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood.

   This **** smell is not the first time he has heard of it.

Before in the motel, when the third monster hiding in the dark rescued the man in the suit, he also left a pile of weird and rotten flesh and blood in the yard, emitting out before the flesh and blood disappeared completely. This is the taste.

   is just compared with the time, the smell I smell now is a bit weaker because of the distance.

   However, this **** smell is getting worse.


   Suddenly there was a thin, soft cry, and the sound of snoring in the two warehouses was strange.

"what is that?"

   Lu Xin raised his head fiercely, walked to the fence and looked out.

   Some people were awakened in the warehouses on both sides, muttering: "Why are the children here also?"

   "呯" "呯" "呯"

   "What is this?"



   Suddenly, screams of horror and violent gunfire sounded outside.

   The people in the whole barn were awakened, and they stood on the railing and watched.

   "Why did you shoot?"

   "Is someone crying?"


In a sound of fright and panic, after Lu Xin was silent for a while, the bones made a clicking sound, got out of the railing, and then looked out along the corridor. When he came to the first door, he saw the guards outside. The police officer was no longer there, the iron door was locked, and the gunshots and screams outside became more and more frequent, and a strong smell of blood could be heard.

   The iron door was locked, and Lu Xin hesitated, then reached out and took it forward.

   The position of the locked door was directly pierced by him, and then he opened the door and walked out.

Just after turning a corner, I saw a few police officers screaming and escaping. Behind them, a few bloated, creepy monsters were slowly moving, with a few mouths, some in their mouths. A baby was crying.

"what is this?"

   Lu Xin frowned tightly, feeling that these were somewhat similar to the second-stage lunatics he had seen in Baita Town.

   However, these monsters seem to be unstable.

   "Don't panic!"

   While shouting in a low voice, he greeted him with his pants, and took the gun from a guard.

   "呯" "呯"

   The bullet accurately shot into the monster, which in theory should be in the head, exploded a cloud of blood.

   However, facing that to some extent, there are some slime-like monsters, this kind of gun hole does not seem to be fatal.

   only the flesh and blood covered it down, it flooded the wound, and even recovered.

  The damage of gunfire to it is extremely limited.

   Lu Xin looked down at his feet, the shadow did not seem to change at all.

   He remembered that his father didn't like this fishy monster, he could even say that he was annoying.

   So he took a deep breath and turned to look around.

In the front hall, there is a small table in the middle with some dishes and two bottles of wine. On the side window, there is a shabby curtain. The guard behind him has been scared and panicked. Run to the small door of the detention warehouse.

   No matter how slow the monster moves, it has already arrived in front of him, and slowly raised his hand to grab him.

Lu Xin sighed and twisted, avoiding the monster's catch. Then he lifted his foot and kicked the monster's knees. He jumped up high, then slammed his knees down, directly smashing the mass like a mollusk. The monster fell straight down.

   At the same time, he stepped on the monster, rushed to the left, stretched out his hand and pulled down the curtain.

Taking advantage of the trend, the curtain rolled over the two bottles of wine in the front hall, and then he clamped the bottle with his arm, and freed the other hand, and directly wrapped the curtain around the monster that was falling. He was wrapped around his body several times in a row, and then he grabbed a wine bottle with one hand, bit off the cork with his mouth, raised two wine bottles, and poured all the gurgling on the monster's body.

   Throwing away the wine bottle, he took out the green plastic lighter the little guard had just given him.

   With a "pop", the flames rose to Lao Gao.

   Lu Xin clicked, but didn’t. The wine burned very slowly.

   He had to bring the flame to the monster's side, guarding it with his hands, and slowly lit the curtains.

   The fire was together, and with the alcohol, it became vigorous with a "shoo", like a burning torch.


   stepped back a few steps, and Lu Xin said to the guards: "You hide behind me, and I will protect you."

   The guards, who were in a state of panic, looked at the men who came out of the detention room and carried their pants, all of them were stunned on the spot. In the face of his gentle smile, there was a sense of unspeakable division, and there was no one to speak for a while. Of course, no one even questioned how he escaped at this time, the detainees could not escape and other boring questions.

   The guard who snatched the gun from him was a little hesitant, but when he changed hands, he returned the gun to himself.

   "What happened?"

   Lu Xin walked out slowly and solved two monsters that had formed and one monster that hadn't formed.

   These monsters are described as terrible and have a strange sense of horror, but they are not difficult to deal with.

When he came to the front hall, he felt the smell of blood stronger. Looking out through the faint light, he could see the sudden explosion of fire everywhere in the misty rain curtain at this time. Baby crying like needles.

   "Is this the third monster that hasn't appeared in the hotel before?"

   "What is it doing?"


   Lu Xin frowned, feeling a strange uncomfortable sensation.


   At this moment, there was a siren that stretched out suddenly, spreading from every corner to the whole city.

   Lu Xin heard this sound in Qinggang twice.

   Although this kind of voice often represents disaster, danger, and panic, Lu Xin's mood suddenly calmed down.

   He knew that this meant that the professional cleaners in Central City had to intervene.

   Monsters and capable people, chaos and order, are about to collide fiercely again.

   And this time I...

   He walked back safely and knocked on the door leading to the detention warehouse.

  Since someone is already doing their job, of course I should continue to do what I should do.

   was detained.

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