Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 337: Nightmare chase

"not good……"

When Xia Chong saw the blood oozing hole in her palm, a change suddenly flashed across her indifferent little face.

She tried to pass through this door with the most precise and efficient action, but at this moment she calmed down, quickly tore off the glove on her hand, and saw a few small holes in her fingertips. Inside, granulation shoots appeared wriggling.

At the same time, her two teammates had already uttered panic and painful screams.

On one leg, the flesh and blood began to swell, and one leg was twice as thick in an instant.

The skin was propped up and then torn.

The flesh inside was red and bright, as if it had become a bloated monster.

The other one, the palm of his hand seemed to have his own life suddenly, and he held it on his neck. In the palm of his hand, there were countless thin worms, and these worms were spreading full of delicate teeth. Mouth, to eat the flesh and blood on her neck. .

"Code 1021-Flesh Monster."

Xia Chong lowered her head indifferently, as if she could not see the granulation growing in the wound, nor could she hear the screams of her companions.

She just used a low voice, reading the data in her mind quickly:

"Features, abnormal activity."

"Contaminated performance can be determined to be consistent with the special pollution incident No. 1021 and come from the same source."

"Weaknesses are: fear of high temperatures, various weapons that can destroy the spiritual body, and... highly polluting reverse pollution."

"So the solution is: large-scale flames, powerful distortion capabilities..."


Thinking of this, she suddenly raised her head, and at the same time, her left hand quickly leaned down, and in an instant she pulled out the dagger tied to her left leg, and then the cold light flashed, above the fingers of her right hand, those who were sticking out their heads The granulation was cut off by her.

This almost cut off a layer of skin and flesh, but her face did not tremble even the slightest muscles.

"You are all capable people, and you should be able to delay this pollution with your own spiritual power."

She turned her head and said to the two teammates who were struggling and crying: "The premise is that you can't panic at this time, and be calm."

"Fear will cause confusion in mental power, so people can take advantage of it!"

I don't know if her teammates understood her, but the crying and struggling voice suddenly became weaker.

Xia Chong glanced at them, held the doorknob with her **** right hand, and then strode out.

This abrupt move was beyond the expectation of the baby on the ceiling. There was flesh and blood that turned into a tentacle, and it was beaten from a distance. It severely smashed the door that Xia Chong had just opened, even trying to remove Xia Chong behind the door. Rolled back, but after smashing the door, it was surprised to find that the Xia Chong behind the door was completely invisible at the moment the door closed.


Its cry began to become sharper, and the surrounding flesh and blood squirmed and stretched towards the two players on the ground.

The female member of the spider system, with a muffled hum, twisted and jumped up to avoid its attack.

However, she became one of the most unlucky ones. The movement of the body caused the substance like red worms in her palms to grow rapidly. In a flash, it had already covered her arms, and then extended all the way to her. Neck.

Soon, her whole body was covered with such weird bugs, and she fell to the ground, slowly convulsing a few times.

Not moving anymore.

Her body has begun to merge with the surrounding flesh and blood.

The baby hung from the ceiling, with a look of excitement on his face, babbling and crying, crawling towards the other team member.

This player had the heaviest signs of contamination, but she remembered Xia Chong's words and stayed calm with all her strength.

This calmness temporarily controlled the momentum of pollution.

But the squirming flesh and blood still squirmed over, about to drown her.


At this moment, another door of the parking lot was pushed open, and Xia Chong walked in.

Her body is petite, her short skirt is floating, and her two white and tender calves are covered with **** mouths, as if she had walked through a space full of blades, her eyes also turned blood red, and her right hand Above it, it gave out a burnt smell.

She seemed to not know where she was, and burned her palm with high temperature to curb the spread of pollution.

But there was still no expression on her face.

Only when he saw the teammate who had been covered in flesh and blood, his pupils shrank slightly.

Then she looked at the monster hanging from the ceiling and said, "Go to death."

While speaking, she raised the airbrush in her hand.

Suddenly, a large flame shot out from the nozzle, and a long pillar of fire rushed directly to the ceiling.

The countless flesh and blood tissues were instantly burnt into a scorched color, and the fishy smell filled the entire underground parking lot at once.

The baby-like monster on the ceiling suddenly became bitter and painful.

It didn't understand why this woman disappeared behind the door.

I don't know why she had such an extra weapon when she came out from behind another door.

It was crying in pain, even more of a howling.

The flesh and blood in the entire underground parking lot were desperately shrinking, exuding an aura of fear.


Suddenly, all the flesh and blood shrank suddenly, gathered together, and then surged upwards in an instant, seeming to disappear. Only on the ceiling and the surrounding walls, there were some remaining tissues, as well as burnt and smelly ones. Scabs.

There is a hole in the ceiling. It has passed through a hole and escaped upstairs.

Xia Chong glanced at the surviving teammates who would not be covered by the pollution immediately, and turned around to open the door with a cold face.


When she opened the door behind her and passed through, her figure had already appeared in the room upstairs.

Passing through this door again, Xia Chong suffered more injuries, and the blood almost soaked her skirt and ran down her thighs.

The strange baby with a huge body is in this room.

At this time, he was climbing quickly, as if he was about to climb out of the window, and then fled.

However, the sudden appearance of Xia Chong made it panic. It was too late to let out a mournful cry, and the flames spurted again. Suddenly a large area of ​​flesh and blood was burnt and stinked, turning into foul-smelling mucus and dripping onto the ground. , Even one of its legs was scorched by the flames. The pain and fear made its cry more miserable, it let out a harsh cry, and quickly climbed out of the window.

It climbed upstairs, trying to find a way to leave.

But when it climbed into the room in the next building, it heard a "bang".

Xia Chong walked in through that door, took the flamethrower, and continued to spray the terrible fire dragon at it.


What the strange baby finally made was not a cry, but a terrible, sharp cry.

It rushed like a fly, running away in the dark.


Xia Chong, who was chasing the strange baby, suddenly burst into laughter. The unsmiling laughter was so crazy.

While laughing, she went through a door to chase the strange baby.

At the same time, appreciate its pain and despair.


"call out……"

In the north of the city, the burly man in the black armed suit forced the body into many pieces, but when the bloodshot girl pulled back from his teammates in the middle, the fist had already hit her head. go with.

But the girl saw him being pulled over, and suddenly the bloodshots tightened, which in turn made her fly faster, and her body lifted out, before the fist hit her face, she used it instead. Inertia, circled the burly man half a circle, and then swept the arm holding the knife between the electric light and the fire, from the position in front of the magician.


The magician's palm has been raised, as if he was preparing to use some ability, but he didn't expect this to happen.

His eyes were raised, and his head lowered unbelievably.

I only saw bright red blood flowing down, dyeing his snow-white shirt red.

"court death."

The burly man's eyes instantly turned blood red.

He didn't expect that he tried his best to save the next player, but killed another teammate in an instant.

Tengteng's anger hit his mind. The twisting force field around him was stronger and he tried to grab the girl, but the bloodshot in the middle of the girl's body soared instantly, as if it had grown countless times. He had a species trapped in the middle by silk. The feeling of exerting force.

Under this influence, the girl has rushed towards the clown holding the red balloon.


There was a laughter in the clown's throat that seemed to be out of his control, and at the same time he twisted his body and started a weird dance.

As he clapped his hands, the girl's two palms scattered in different positions suddenly patted together.

The knife that had been wiped to the neck of the clown fell to the ground with a clang.

Then the clown took two steps to the side in a weird pose.

The girl's feet also landed uncontrollably, and followed his footsteps, taking two steps.

The clown's laughter was louder, his thick waist twisted flexibly.

The girl's body recovered instantly, twisting with his movements.

With just a few movements, most of her body has returned to its original state.

And it seems to have been affected by some kind of strong influence, being set in place, and no longer the previous agility.

The burly man would naturally not let this opportunity pass. He roared and turned around, grabbing the girl's body with his big hand, and the surrounding air was twisted, directly wrapping the girl's body in it, as if wrapped in it. Live a small wooden stake.

The clown also laughed and danced weirdly, with both hands resting on his chin.

Suddenly, his movements stopped.

The body still maintains a funny and weird posture, but the smile on his face has become sluggish.

The girl's head appeared next to his head, showing pointed teeth, biting on his neck.

The funny smile on the clown's face froze, and the red balloon in his hand slowly drifted away.



The burly man noticed the falling figure of the clown, with indescribable intense anger, burning his reason and brain.

His mental shock almost completely lost control, causing all the car shells and debris around him, as if they were being swept by a whirlwind, all of a sudden, and everything around him was at this moment. , Was emptied by his spiritual power.

Only that girl.

He would no longer allow the girl to escape, the strong will accompanied by the crazy mental shock, severely grabbed the girl's small body. At the same time, his mental power seemed to have an abnormal effect, affecting the girl and part of the bloodshots floating in the air, and the head of the little girl who was flying in the air was severely pulled to him. In front of him.

He directly grabbed the little girl by the neck, and UU Read also grabbed her head.

Finally caught her firmly.

His blood-red eyes stared at the girl's messy black hair, the face with stitches.

The girl didn't move and didn't show any expression.

He didn't move, but looked at the girl's face angrily.


The light of the red moon fell quietly on this desolate street.

They looked at each other for a long time.

Then the burly man got his head and suddenly fell to the ground, turned three times, and fell to the ground, his expression still angry.

The girl fell to the ground and staggered, then she picked up the knife and stood up slowly.

Patting the dust on her body, she silently walked into the alley next to her.

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