Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 338: 12-step Rubik's Cube

There are three geckos left in the yard.

At least one is fake.

Of course, this is when the other two possibilities have been ruled out.

One is Chen Jing or the gecko, who had been killed by these deep polluters in the chaos just now, so now there are more than two fake geckos surviving.

The second is that when Lu Xin tackled these deep polluters just now, there was a problem with his hand, and the two teammates had been killed by himself...

…This is impossible, Lu Xin was very careful just now!

The three geckos and one Lu Xin were in the small courtyard, looking at each other, the atmosphere was strange and quiet.

Suddenly, one of the geckos violently raised the earthen spray gun in his hand and pointed at the head of the person next to him.

Lu Xin suddenly rushed to him, raised his hand and grabbed his palm. . Feeling cold, Lu Xin was sure that the gecko was fake, and his five fingers were immediately clenched, and the other's five fingers suddenly became a mess of bones, and the fingers were twisted into a numb-like appearance.


The earthen spray in his hand landed suddenly.

Before the sprayer hit the ground, another gecko rushed to the ground, caught the sprayer, and raised his hand for a shot.

The head of the "gecko" who was held in the palm of Lu Xin suddenly blossomed.

Lu Xin was relieved, looked at the gecko who had received the spray, and nodded.

It is already certain. Of the remaining two, one is a real gecko, and the other should be Chen Jing...

But before his thoughts flashed through, suddenly, the third gecko rushed up quickly, with a sharp dagger in his hand, and suddenly fell towards the gecko on the ground.

Lu Xin's eyes were quick, and his body threw forward. Because the speed was too fast, his body almost became an angle close to the ground, but his body was still balanced and grabbed his arm.

Under this grasp, Lu Xin's heart suddenly chilled.

Cold to the touch!

This gecko is also fake!


Lu Xin violently pulled the "gecko"'s arm and pulled it in front of him, and then quickly grabbed him with both hands, as if he was splitting a complete piece, instantly removing the person's arms, legs, and body. Disassembled into parts of one place...


Just when he opened this person's chest, a dense Rubik's Cube fell to the ground.

At the same time, this body...the fragments of the body also changed rapidly, turning into a kind of hard and hard flesh and blood.

He is indeed fake.

Lu Xin's face looked a little pale. Turning his head, he saw that the gecko who had robbed the sprayer just did not change in appearance, still holding the sprayer, flipped flexibly, jumped from the ground and looked intently. After seeing Lu Xin, he was relieved immediately.

But after he glanced around, his face suddenly paled, "Where is Team Leader Chen?"

"Yes, where's Team Leader Chen..."

Lu Xin's breathing was a bit short, and his head didn't even dare to move around.

He worried that in the corpse in that place, he would see Chen Jing who was killed by himself...

"What are you staring at?"

Suddenly, Chen Jing's voice rang in a depressed almost breathless atmosphere.

Lu Xin and Gecko, both as if they had seen a ghost, turned their heads and looked around, and saw Chen Jing walking out from behind a pillar, with half a cigarette between his fingers, and there was nothing fighting on him. Traces, looks like looking at them two weirdly.


Lu Xin hurriedly spoke, then calmed himself down, and said, "Where were you just now?"

"Right here, watching a group of spiders fighting."

Chen Jing slowly vomited a smoke ring, dropped the cigarette **** on the ground, smiled and said, "The spider is close combat, very ornamental."


Lu Xin and Gecko both looked dumbfounded.

"Oh oh..."

Chen Jing first glanced at them strangely, then smiled and looked at her side, and said, "Have you forgotten it?"

Little monsters with short heads and octopus-like tentacles on their bodies slowly revealed their figures. They seemed a little shy. Half of their bodies hid behind Chen Jing, with their soft tentacles curling around Chen Jing’s calves, like It's like running away at any time.

Both Lu Xin and Gecko suddenly felt a sense of realization.

"So, when the two of us were desperate, led you to just let this little monster contaminate you, and hide together and watch us fight?" After a while, the gecko cried and said, "Why don't you take the two of us? Hide it too?"

"Emergency situation, too late to respond, you will all become the same annoying appearance."

Chen Jing was very natural, and said, "Plus I am really inferior to the spider system, so I won't come up and mess up."

The leader is the leader...

What could Lu Xin say, when he first saw Chen Jing appear, he was excited and wanted to hug her.

Just seeing her face, I still feel a little embarrassed, forget it.

It was the gecko, as if it suddenly reacted, crying and said, "Group leader, you are fine, I was worried just now..."

While talking, he opened his arms and hugged him.

Chen Jing appeared with a dagger in her hand, squeezed it up and down, and glanced at the gecko.

The gecko turned immediately, hugged the little monster, and said "Thank you, thank you for saving our team leader Chen!"

The little monster shivered, but didn't dare to push him away.

"Some people are emotionally overwhelmed, and geckos... should it be a tsunami of emotions?"

Lu Xin was a little speechless, and couldn't read this scene.

He turned around and swept his head down, and saw the Rubik's Cube densely packed with small squares.

This Rubik’s Cube is very weird. The Rubik’s Cube he has seen usually has only nine squares on one side, but this Rubik’s Cube has twelve rows and twelve columns on each side. Small squares of different colors are densely packed together, making people have Kind of dazzling feeling.

"So, is this thing the ghost of?"

Lu Xin thought for a while, put on his gloves, and then picked up the Rubik's Cube.

This trip into the city gave him an insight into the severity of various pollutions, and it seemed that he was not immune to everything.

There is still some pollution, which is hard to prevent, and it is extremely headache.

Maybe there will be a root cause of addiction to kill the gecko...

"This should be a parasitic item of not low level..."

Chen Jing and Gecko also came over, looking at the Rubik's Cube, their expressions were somewhat curious.

Although the problem was resolved smoothly, they all knew how dangerous it was just now.

Especially Chen Jing, because she used her abilities continuously when she drove through the fake street, and consumed a lot of mental weight. She would need Lu Xin to support herself when she walked. If she hadn’t been the first time she discovered the problem of the battle situation, Let the little monster hide her, and that may have lost her life in the melee that was filled with spider individuals and guns and daggers.

"Take it back, this thing should be of great research value."

Chen Jing said in a low voice, took out a special coarse cloth bag and handed it to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin nodded hurriedly, wrapped the Rubik's Cube tightly, and stuffed it into his pocket. Since it is of great research value, Qinggang must really need it. Since Qinggang really needs it, he brought it back by himself. Qinggang, you can definitely get...

It's a bit embarrassing to say.

I was here to visit my relatives, but I picked them up first.

"Have your two states been greatly affected?"

Chen Jing sighed slightly and asked Lu Xin and Gecko.

After this rest, her condition looks much better than before.

"I'm fine..."

The gecko looked at Chen Jing curiously. At this time, the little monster had disappeared again.

However, at this time, it is not enough to let Gecko and Lu Xin forget about it. Gecko looked curious and said, "This little guy is pretty good, but since it is so powerful, why not let it affect us? Go straight into that building?"

While talking, he raised his eyes and looked at Chen Jing, as if the leader had overlooked some important plan.

"After being affected by it, it can be ignored in a short period of time, achieving the effect of invisibility."

Chen Jing glanced at the gecko lightly and said, "But it also has very strong negative emotions."

"Its ability allows it to capture a certain person, and at the same time make that person feel a strong sense of frustration. Does not want to speak, does not want to ask for help. If he consciously avoids it, it can prevent the captured person from being affected temporarily. Kind of emotion."

"But after a long time, this emotion can't be avoided."

"In other words, if we borrowed its power from the beginning and lurked in all the way, either it was because our consciousness resisted and hurt it, or we let it go completely, accept its influence, and then become abnormal. Frustrated..."

"The result is…"

She thought for a while and said, "We sneaked in smoothly, and then became three salted fish that didn't want to do anything?"


The gecko froze for a moment, and shivered suddenly.

Lu Xin suddenly realized that he thought of something strange again...

"No matter what, I finally found a place..."

Chen Jing sighed softly, turned her head and looked at the tall building in front of her.

At this time, they were only one or two buildings away from the tall building, less than a hundred meters away.

"Let's go..."

Lu Xin said in a low voice, UU read www.uukanshu. Com took the lead in walking forward.

Now that the relatives are nearby, it must be false to say that there is no excitement in my heart.

But when he turned around, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He discovered that his sister hadn't followed him at this time, but had climbed up the yard and approached the roof of the building.

The small body was trembling slightly. Although they were a little apart at this time, Lu Xin knew his sister too well. He could feel that at this time, her sister seemed to be enveloped by a strange emotion, excited, and nervous, and a little bit ...Excited.

"what happened to you?"

He quickly walked a few steps, and asked his sister with concern.

"Brother, I feel it again..."

My sister turned her face so sharply, her eyes were faintly red and bright under her messy black hair.

"That's what I felt when I was in the detention center before..."

"…that person!"


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