Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 340: Can't kill anymore


At the moment of seeing the girl, everyone became vigilant.

As capable people, even if they have different abilities, they are more alert to danger than ordinary people. Before this has reached the tall buildings, the black table capable people and monsters that can be obtained from the data have been almost cleared. Under the circumstances, how can I not be nervous when I met such a weird girl, especially when I just learned that the captain has died?

Dirty white skirt, bare feet, dense pin corners everywhere.

The knife in his hand that was still stained with blood, slowly slashing across the car shell.

The sound was piercing and noisy, making people upset, and the hairs exploded.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit breathless.

Unlike the obvious vigilance and reaction of others, Lu Xin didn't seem to have changed much.

He just turned around at the moment the little girl appeared, his eyes fixed on her. .

This girl is actually very similar to her younger sister, just a few years younger than her younger sister.

There are no such dense needle horns on my sister's body.

But the white skirt she wore, her bare feet, and the tousled black hair all gave him a strange sense of familiarity. Inside his head, there was a slight tingling, and his blood vessels were faintly swollen. It seemed to have thought of something, but not sure.

Suddenly he couldn't help but looked to the side: "This girl, do we know each other?"

His voice caused the surrounding people to be fully absorbed, and the people who were tensed all were slightly startled, and the rest of the light swept over.

Seeing Lu Xin frowning and talking to the air next to him, his skin felt slightly cold.

"She...isn't she?"

The screaming chicken fell to the ground at some point, and my sister's little finger pointed at the girl in front.

Her expression was strange, she bowed her body, there was a kind of inexplicable irritability, her small body, all had some unnatural spasms, stared at the girl for a while, and climbed two steps forward slightly, but it looked like As if to be alarmed, he retreated again.

She raised her head to look at Lu Xin, but in her voice, she seemed a little uncertain.

Lu Xin saw the confusion in her eyes.

So, he sighed deeply, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and walked forward slowly.


Seeing Lu Xin walking over, the little girl suddenly retracted the knife in her hand.

The blade slashed across the body, making the final noise.

She held the knife to her chest, under her black hair, her hollow eyes stared at Lu Xin coldly.

Lu Xin turned a blind eye to her vigilant movements, but walked towards her a little desperately, his voice full of confusion:

"Do we... know each other?"



The moment Lu Xin asked this sentence, the girl suddenly rushed forward.

The small body is approaching, making it difficult to capture her shadow.

Her swift movements brought out a cool breeze in the depressed air around.

Lu Xin only felt a flower in front of him, and saw that the girl had appeared in front of him, less than twenty centimeters away.

The wind blew her hair and saw her face clearly.

No amount of stitches and stitching marks can erase the tenderness of a child on her face.

Lu Xin subconsciously reached out and pushed forward.

But the moment he stretched his hand to the girl, the girl suddenly fell apart, and every part of her sewn up spread out towards the surroundings. Those dense stitches were stretched homeopathically, forming one by one, strange and slender red bloodshot eyes.

In the next moment, a table knife suddenly appeared behind Lu Xin and slammed it into his neck.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Soon people can't keep up with their thinking.

Even Lu Xin didn't know that when the girl in front of him became torn apart, a knife slashed at the back of his neck.


But when the knife was about to fall and cut Lu Xin's neck, my sister suddenly stuck her head out of Lu Xin's shoulder.

She grabbed it hard with her small hand and held the knife.

With empty and cold eyes, he looked at the small face behind Lu Xin.

A pair of eyes with more black and less white, and a pair of eyes with more white and black, looked at each other across Lu Xin's shoulder.

Their facial features are gradually distorted.

The next moment, the girl suddenly disappeared, and the bloodshot in the air made the sound of "shoo" and "shoo", and her body closed.

She appeared on the wall of the tall building next to her, maintaining a squatting posture, condescendingly looking at everyone.

Lu Xin seemed to react at this time and turned to look at her.

The little **** the wall was also looking at her.

The two tilted their heads slightly at the same time, their necks made a faint snapping noise, and their eyes looked at each other in the air.

The strange feeling in Lu Xin's heart became heavier, he just felt it.

So familiar...

"No, all staff are on guard..."

It was also at this time that Xia Chong reacted.

She hurriedly issued a reminder, and at the same time, she retreated quickly and came to the injured teammate.

The doctor team also had sharp eyes and stood together, each holding guns or knives.

Chen Jing and Gecko were shocked, and rushed to both sides of Lu Xin at the same time, reminding them while taking out their weapons.

The sudden scene just now fell in their eyes. When Lu Xin saw the weird little girl, he seemed to be completely unaware of the danger, so he walked towards her recklessly, and then the little girl suddenly Xiang Lu Xin hit the killer.

They even saw the sharp knife light cutting his neck through the light not far away.

It was just for unknown reasons that the knife didn't cut Lu Xin's neck.

And the little girl who was originally on the ground appeared abruptly on the side wall after this action.

That kind of weird, almost to the extreme, shocked everyone of them.

They all have a judgment.

If this monster-like little girl rushed towards herself, then she must have been killed instantly.

"呯" "呯" "呯" "呯"

Countless bullets shot at the little **** the wall at the same time, and at the same time exploded blue arcs.

At the same time, in the doctor's team, the team member with wandering eyes and wearing mentally ill clothes had already rushed forward with a distorted and weird figure, and leaped into the air by a used car shell, and grabbed the lonely man. Red balloons in the air.

Since it was the signal sent by the captain's team before they died, there must be a message left by the captain's team in the balloon.


The bullet flew, and the little **** the wall instantly diverted her attention.

She swayed from side to side, avoiding three or four special bullets hitting the wall, and then her legs bend slightly.

The next moment, she swept down from the wall violently, like a ghost.

The small body actually contains great power.

On the concrete wall behind her, she stepped out of two small cobweb-like pits, and the concrete debris fell stubbornly.

The figure under the red moon flickered, the sharp knife flickered with cold light, and it drew straight towards Xia Chong's neck.

Xia Chong couldn't even see the trajectory of her rushing over at the sudden attack.

With no expression on her face, the muscles on her face were tightened to the extreme. In a moment of life-and-death crisis, she subconsciously gave birth to a thought, ignoring the light of the knife, but suddenly stretched out her palm to the side, as if Something, pull it in front of you.


The knife slid across Xia Chong's neck and made a slight noise, but Xia Chong did not suffer any substantial damage.

It seemed that something invisible was blocking the necks of Blade and Xia Chong.

With a double click, the thing was cut in half and fell to the ground.

But looking at the ground, there was still nothing.

At the same time, Xia Chong held her hands together, and the air around her was faintly affected. It was two things that other people could not see. They rushed to the little girl quickly, but when they rushed over, the little girl was already Disappeared in place.

The bloodshot was floating in the air, connected to the little girl's body.

These red bloodshots seem to be able to pull each other and make her appear anywhere.

"Chih" "Chih..."

Two clear voices sounded, and the little girl fell on the ground ten meters away from the crowd, her small body slightly lowered like a beast.

On the knife, there was blood dripping.

Xia Chong suddenly noticed something, and his body shook slightly.

Turning around and looking, he saw that his teammate had a blood line in his throat.

On the other side, the patient who caught the red balloon and handed it to the doctor stopped moving.

The muscles on his face were squirming, as if he wanted to show a smile.

However, the movement of the muscles caused an obvious crack on his face.


Half of his head, gently scratched, splashing a piece of red and white.

"Hey, this..."

The gecko swallowed, his voice trembling slightly.

He looked at the little girl like a ghost.

He couldn't understand how this little girl killed two people in a row without seeing it clearly.

By his side, Lu Xin was also turning his head in amazement.

I don't know if it's because of his confusion, he sees the picture in front of him, which is constantly expanding and shrinking.

The scenes are extremely clear, and it seems that the extremely distant picture leaps into view.

He saw Xia Chong next to him, slowly retracting, white and fat, with a weird worm with sharp horns growing on his head.

There were three of that kind of insects, and one fell on the foot of Xia insect, which had been cut in half.

He also saw behind Xia Chong, the teammate who had already broken a leg, was slowly falling.

He also saw that the two members of the doctor's team were rushing up to their teammates, their faces becoming distorted at the same time.

The **** scene, extremely bloody, but also unusually familiar.

"Puff and puff!"

Lu Xin's heart was beating faster and faster, crashing against his body, as if about to jump out of his chest.

For the first time, he felt a strange weight in his body.

He spoke subconsciously, and his voice seemed a little strange: "You can't kill anymore..."

When his voice sounded, the little girl was holding a knife and staring at everyone in the room with a strangely focused look.

From the angry Xia Chong and the painful doctor team, she saw the gecko whose hair was about to explode, and her face holding the gun tightly, her face indifferent, giving her a faint sense of threat. Yes, Chen Jing's body.

The bloodshot behind him suddenly rose into the air, like a bright red flower in full bloom.

Suddenly she rushed up again, her eyes fixed on Chen Jing.


The blade cut through the air and struck Chen Jing's neck, but at the same time, she saw Chen Jing's slightly red pupils.

At this time, Chen Jing seemed to be trying her best to look at her. UU reading www.

Aware of the danger, she instantly changed her direction, turning her head and avoiding Chen Jing's eyes.

The knife in his hand made an arc and inserted it into the gecko's chest.

Gecko is a spider type, his reaction is faster than most people in the field, but at this time he can only watch the knife cut to his chest, because he feels that even if he tries his best to dodge, it seems It's still a bit slower than this knife...

He truly felt a kind of despair, and his eyes became slightly moist in an instant.


At just such a moment, a palm suddenly stretched out from the weird trick, and squeezed the girl's neck heavily.

This power is so heavy that it directly used her to the ground.

Lu Xin looked down at her eyes, gritted his teeth slightly, and subconsciously said, "I said you can't kill anymore, didn't you hear it?"

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