Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 341: Killing machine

Looking at this girl, Lu Xin felt very angry, so he screamed rarely.

But he couldn't even tell what he was angry because of.

Is it because I saw this little girl killing two people without blinking?

Or was it because she actually dared to kill her friend?

Or is it because of the kind of familiarity she gave to herself, but all the feelings she brought to it were negative emotions?

He didn't have enough thinking to analyze these.

Even when he pinched the girl's neck and pinched her to the ground, his head was confused. I just stared at her eyes and told her that I shouldn't kill anymore. However, the harder he roared, the more powerless he felt...

Especially, when he pinched the girl's neck, the cold touch from his palm was more like a strange magical power.

This kind of touch is more terrifying than any pollution. .

The pollution will enter the body along his palm, but the touch suddenly exploded in his mind.

Vaguely, many pictures flashed alternately, overlapping and broken, like fragments of movies watching the flowers.

It seems that this scene has appeared.


Being pinched to the ground by Lu Xin, the little girl glared at Lu Xin and let out an angry roar.

Her voice was harsh and immature, she couldn't hear any reason, just a threatening roar similar to a wild beast.


After hearing a crisp sound, the next moment, the little girl's head suddenly fell off her body and flew out from the bottom of Lu Xin's hands.

"Click, click, click"

Immediately afterwards, her small body fell piece by piece along the stitched marks on her body.

The chaos became a mess, rolled to the ground, then jumped up and flew in all directions.

Under Lu Xin's palm, there was only a bunch of weird bloodshot eyes. Following her floating body, these bloodshot eyes suddenly pulled upwards. Lu Xin felt a sharp pain in her palm. When she raised her hand, she could see the palm. There are deep bloodstains.

There was a sharp pain, but instead he felt a certain pleasure.

It seemed that the girl's harm to herself made him feel better.


At the same time, the fragments of the body that flew everywhere, under the influence of countless bloodshot eyes, put together the appearance of the little girl again.


The little girl slammed her back and twisted her head back.

She looked directly at Lu Xin, and her pale pupils shot out a cold light. This was the real prey.

Lu Xin raised his **** palm and looked up at her, his face blank.

The next moment, the girl in the air bent her limbs slightly and suddenly ejected downwards. At this moment, she seemed to be a hunting spider. She quickly shuttled through the blood-stained net hanging around, protruding from left to right, with a knife. The rays of light draw a line.

Lu Xin is in the middle of these countless lines.

But he actually just stayed in place silently, without any movement, just like a prey to be slaughtered.

"go away…"

When Lu Xin was silent, his sister yelled angrily to greet him.

Her small body revolved around Lu Xin, squeezing the white light of the knife into pieces, blocking the surrounding bloodshot eyes.

It's just surprising that the shadow under Lu Xin's feet was unusually quiet at this time, and there was no movement at all.

"What the **** is that?"

The people around were dumbfounded. They couldn't see their sister, but they were certain that Lu Xin seemed to have angered the little girl.

At this time, her body was flying in the air, and the knife made countless breathtaking cold rays.

I can feel her almost substantive murderous attitude towards Lu Xin, but her overwhelming, almost unpredictable, fast attack with no dead ends is caught by Lu Xin's invisible but equally flexible mental power. One after another blocked it.

Around Lu Xin's body, there seemed to be two forces clashing.

However, Lu Xin felt like he had done nothing.

He lowered his head at this time, and through the hairline, his eyes seemed to be lost in a sense of confusion.

This kind of picture has a shocking sense of fragmentation.

"Look at it! What message is being delivered..."

When the killing intent of the little girl in white was completely concentrated around Lu Xin, the others moved quickly.

Chen Jing and Gecko had already jumped in a hurry. They saw the weird scene around Lu Xin, and knew that they couldn't get in at this time, so they immediately chose to do useful things, and they rushed towards Xia Chong and other capable people in the central city. The location looked over.

In their judgment, Lu Xin was obviously at a disadvantage, so they rushed to make a plan for the next step.

Xia Chong gritted his teeth, but resisted, and took the red balloon from the doctor.

But when she stroked the red balloon, her brows were frowned, and there was an expression of pain on her face.

As if feeling that he could not handle such complicated information, he immediately handed it over to Chen Jing.

Without any hesitation, Chen Jing covered her palm.

The moment she touched the balloon, she saw countless pictures.

That was the scene where the squad nicknamed "Circus" in Central City was fighting against this little girl.

They saw this little girl in the shortest time, weirdly killing the magician and confronting the captain.

The perspective comes from the clown, which is terminated before the clown’s life disappears.

Chen Jing quickly turned her mind, and whispered: "A precise attack on her will not cause fatal damage to her."

"The speed is too fast to avoid..."


"The clown's control ability can affect her."

"Mental shock can also affect her..."

"The distortion field can affect her..."


She and Xia Chong said one sentence by one person, and quickly concluded the key to the message.

"The ability to control the class can restrain her..."

However, when they said this sentence, their faces were somewhat hesitant and confused:

"However, the team that restrained her the most has been wiped out..."


In the final scene passed by the clown, they saw the captain's suppression of the girl through the strength of the mental weight.

I also saw the clown's restraint on her through the ability to control the class.

It can be said that only from that picture, the captain's team has almost gained the upper hand.

But only for a moment...

Perhaps, if the magician was not killed by her inadvertently, then the captain and the others would have won.

The team was destroyed, but she survived.

This panic and heavy feeling made Chen Jing and Xia Chong feel indescribably uncomfortable.

"She should be a puppet!"

At this time, the doctor was on the side and quickly said:

"Only the puppet system can, under certain circumstances, be as fast as the spider system to the point where it is impossible to defend against."

"But obviously, she is not just a puppet."

"She should have strengthened and distorted her abilities through some kind of powerful spiritual force."


The doctor's words made Chen Jing and Xia Chong clear their minds quickly and looked at each other.

"if so…"

Xia Chong's eyes lit up and said, "I can cut off the bloodshot blood that connects her through the power of the door."

Chen Jingdao nodded: "I can also control her, but I need to see her eyes and..."

"...I need someone to help me buy time to speak!"


"almost impossible…"

Xia Chong blurted out, but was silent for a moment, and then said: "But...this is the only chance."


She turned her head and looked at Lu Xin, her eyes full of shock: "What kind of ability is he?"

The fragmented picture, first like a dagger, shocked Lu Xin's mind over and over again.

It's like the pain that the brain is being cut one by one.

However, after the most chaotic and painful feeling passed, some fragmented images began to settle.

Scenes after scenes of unclear whether it was real or illusion came to Lu Xin's mind.

He saw a lot of children playing in the sunny garden. There was a girl with long hair and a very courageous girl.

She is always used to hiding in a corner by herself, watching people secretly.

He saw his sister, she, this little girl, and a person who couldn’t see clearly, always stayed together, because the three of them were the youngest and they wore the same clothes, so many people were used to treating them It's called "three little things".

He saw this little girl, after she was familiar, she would dare to hand candy to others.

I saw how she often scratched the railing with two little hands and silently looked at the outside world.

Then, the picture was suddenly dyed red, scenes of shocking scenes flashed by, and Lu Xin suddenly woke up.

He saw that his sister was fighting with the little girl at this time.

In the air, two small white skirts, because the speed was too fast, appeared a series of illusory shadows.

Their abilities are the same under certain circumstances, but they are very different.

They are all very fast, and even have the ability to break down the body.

However, the younger sister doesn't have that kind of weird bloodshot, although she moves fast, she is not as abrupt and weird as the other party.

And my sister is just a playful child, she doesn't have the kind of brutality and intense murder of a little girl.

At this time, my sister was protecting herself, but it was obvious that she didn't even want to do anything with her.

"Why don't you help?"

Lu Xin suddenly lowered his head and looked at his shadow.

The shadow was like an ordinary shadow. It wasn't until Lu Xin's gaze fell on it that there was a faint creeping change, and his father's voice rang hollowly in Lu Xin's ears: "Hehe, I don't want to take this trip. Water, this is your business..."

Lu Xin was suddenly a little inexplicably angry and irritable, but he didn't want to ask anything.

He just raised his head and looked at the little girl in the air.


When the little girl was with her sister, suddenly a fiery snake flew into the air.

The girl was affected, was grabbed by her sister, and quickly pressed down towards the ground.

However, the girl's body struggled hard and escaped her sister's suppression. Her body seemed to have escaped the gravity of the earth. She was suspended in the air. She looked up and down, her eyes were a little indifferent, and she looked down where the bullet hit. Look.

"Hey, look here..."

Below, Xia Chong was holding the flame spray gun tightly and looked at her coldly.

Just now, after a brief exchange, Xia Chong and Chen Jing immediately rushed in different directions.

Xia Chong rushed to a door, broke the lock with a shot, and confirmed that the door could be pushed, then she suddenly turned around, holding the barrel of the flamethrower in both hands, and swept into the air fiercely. A blazing flame rushed to the girl.

The girl's speed is so fast that the flames can't hurt her naturally.

However, many of the bloodshot eyes in the air were instantly scorched, curled, and even broken by the summer insects.

And this behavior of Xia Chong suddenly excited the girl in the sky, or the girl's head.

She suddenly turned her head to look at Xia Chong.

Ten meters away, the hand holding the knife was also aimed at the Xia Chong at this time.

The doctor squatted by the door, holding the scalpel tightly in his hand.

The brawny man with a half-mutilated doll mask stood three meters away, his palms spread apart.

Chen Jing was already standing opposite Xia Chong, her pupils flushed slightly.

The gecko held a spray and stood by her side.

It seems that in the brief exchange just now, they have already worked out a plan.

And the first step of this plan is to anger the girl first.

The first step seemed to be successful. The girl was irritated. At least her attention had been focused on Xia Chong.

But the second step is different from what they thought.

The girl did not launch an attack at Xia Chong, but rose into the air.

Her body was more dispersed, her hands, feet, and torso were all pulled apart at a very long distance.

Looking at Xia Chong with cold eyes, his head tilted back slightly, as if holding something.

The doctor looked at her movements and suddenly realized something, grabbed a handful of leaves, and threw them away.


A few leaves were silently broken into two pieces.

"not good…"

The doctor's expression was distorted, and he shouted, yelling to Xia Chong: "Run!"

Lu Xin just looked up and looked at the girl, what he saw was this scene.

He saw that the surrounding was covered with fine and invisible silk threads.

Unlike the blood red silk, these silk threads are invisible.

And each one is extremely tight, UU reading is as sharp as a knife in her hand.

So Lu Xin suddenly understood.

In the process of fighting with her sister, this girl has laid down a criss-crossing silk thread in this area.

The people present, whether they are themselves, or Chen Jing, Gecko, Xia Chong, doctor...

Everyone is covered by these silk threads.

And the whole silk thread is already tightened to the extreme, only a little bit of strength...

The girl's head was in the air, grabbing a silk thread, and pulling it out backwards.

When she loosened this thread, the entire invisible net would shrink instantly. At that time...

…Everyone will become a piece of land.

…This girl is an efficient, precise, killing machine.

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