Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 342: 0 capable

"what happened?"

When the doctor's reminder sounded, Xia Chong and others also had a bad feeling.

The doctor was the most sensitive, so he discovered the danger around him and promptly issued a reminder. The reason why he only shouted "Run" to Xia Chong was not because the danger was concentrated on Xia Chong, but because Xia Chong This time is the closest to the door.

She can quickly open the door and escape.

Others, those caught in the middle, have no chance to escape.

Although others could not see these threads, they saw the girl's reaction and the doctor's eyes, and suddenly guessed something. The spirit that was raised just because of the decision to take the risk to implement this plan suddenly turned into despair. .

"do not move."

At this moment, Lu Xin's voice came not far away. .

His voice is not loud or hard, but calm, reminding everyone: "Don't move."

Chen Jing was anxious, so she could only turn around abruptly and made a gesture to everyone.

Out of trust in their colleagues, Xia Chong and the doctor forcefully controlled themselves at the same time and turned to look at Lu Xin.

Their eyes were horrified, their expressions were between doubt and despair.


At this time, the girl's mouth in the air opened slightly.

The silk thread pulled up by her violently bounced off, igniting the entire web of silk threads.

The capable people present, relying on their superhuman sensing ability, all felt a sensation of a blade cutting at themselves.

At the same time, Lu Xin suddenly raised his hand.

He stretched his hand into the invisible air, and then squeezed it firmly.

With a "hum", the air around his palm was twisted and oscillated to varying degrees.

At the same time, in front of him, a phantom resembling a whirlpool appeared.

Lu Xin stretched out his hand to hold the silk thread in the air, and at the same time pulled it back.

The twisted air around him followed the place where he was pulling, and at the same time spread out in all directions.

The speed is extremely fast, even faster than the speed of the instant shrinkage of these threads.

Therefore, when all the silk threads were cut to Chen Jing, Xia Chong, doctors and others present, they had become distorted and even weak. Lu Xin directly pulled these silk threads in front of him, shrinking. It became a mess.

Those who have been caught in the middle by the silk thread before have the feeling of being scraped across the skin by the blade of a knife.

The strange trembling sensation stimulated their pores and exploded.

"Zero ability?"

When Xia Chong saw Lu Xin's movements, he blurted out.

They had analyzed before that the one who could restrain this girl most was the captain's team.

Because in the team nicknamed the "Circus" by colleagues, there is a group of people with twisting ability, one with ability of dominating system, and the "zero ability" as the captain.

Zero-ability people, hence the name Siyi, are those who are incapable of themselves.

Captain Li is a zero ability person.

He did not develop his abilities due to a mental change, but through experiments to strengthen him, he obtained a powerful mental level.

Therefore, he will only use a characteristic of the spiritual power itself.

Such as mental shock, distorted force field.

The captain’s most well-known abilities are precisely these two. Is there a third? No one has heard him mention it.

In his fight with this little girl just now, it didn't show up either.

I don't know if it's not there, or it's too late.

But obviously, Lu Xin just used the same ability as Captain Li.

Distorting force field.

Spread your own spiritual power into a certain area, forming a strange distortion.

Within this range of spiritual power radiation, everything will have a characteristic that tends to radiate the body of spiritual power.

How strong this characteristic is depends on how strong the mental power of the person who releases the distorted force field is.

Lu Xin used this method to save everyone present.


At the same time that Lu Xin pulled the silk thread and rescued Chen Jing and others.

The little girl who was split in the air with a cold face suddenly closed her body together and fell heavily on the ground next to the tall building. She fell so hard that the concrete on the ground appeared like a spider web. Rift.


The little girl in the white dress seemed to have pain and anger on her face, and she stood up again in an instant.


Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps around, and five or six black figures quickly rushed to the side of the building.

When the light fell on them, they found that they were wearing the logo of the Central City Special Operations Group on their chests. The two headed, one is a man in a delicate suit, who seems to be invisible even with a pleat on his body, the other is in a black skirt with shiny rivets, painted with smoky makeup, with a strong goth Wind, the woman holding a long whip in her hand.

Behind the man in the exquisite suit, one of the team members was holding a box of black video tapes.

After Lu Xin and others, they entered the city from the west of Buffalo City capable people team.

It’s just that, unlike Lu Xin and others, when they encountered the “memory” impact of Zhongcheng, they did not ignore the pollution and passed this false street as quickly as possible. Instead, they followed the vines and walked all the way towards this piece of pollution. Find the most source of it.

In the end, they found the room and killed the monitor.

The video tape was also taken by them.

The other one was the support team, which detected the disappearance of the vital signs of the circus team, and rushed over immediately.


They were all taken aback when they saw the little girl in the white skirt that had fallen in the corner.

Without even thinking about it, he took out a gun with a special bullet and pointed it at the little girl: "Don't move!"

But the little girl in the white skirt ignored them at all and still stood up abruptly.

"呯" "呯" "呯" "呯"

These people didn't even think about it, they fired immediately, and the bullets roared towards the little girl.

All they used were special weapons, and when they were out of the chamber, a blue arc flashed, faintly intertwined into a net.

In this situation, no matter how fast the little girl is, she will be caught in it.


But at this moment, Lu Xin's faces twisted together, struggling, like anger and worry.

When he roared, he had already raised his foot severely and stamped it on the ground.


The air around him was distorted due to the radiation of mental power, and it suddenly spread out to Thurs and Weeks.

Mental shock.

The moment the sole of the shoe fell on the ground, whether it was dust on the ground, gravel, or even splashed blood, it was slightly shaken to fly about ten centimeters off the ground, and an arc was drawn. It spreads out a distance of tens of meters.


The bullets that rushed towards the little girl were instantly distorted.

As if being blown by a strong wind, they instantly slammed into a nearby building and turned into a dazzling power grid.

At the same time, the body of the little girl who had just stood up fell again.

"What the hell?"

The two teams that had just rushed over were shocked at the same time, and they pointed their weapons at Lu Xin.

"Don't shoot!"

At this time, Xia Chong yelled anxiously and stopped them.

In the other direction, the little girl in the white skirt who was stunned by the power of Lu Xin’s stepping on the ground, her eyes were darker than the white of her eyes, and a cold and angry look appeared in her pupils. She bounced again, and her body started. There are signs of division.

"do not move!"

Lu Xin turned his head and looked at her, with a low voice in his throat, and at the same time took a step towards her.


The distorted force field swept over again, weighing heavily on the girl, and pressing her in the corner again.

Under her body, the cement was shaken to pieces.

The powerful mental distortion force, like a layer of water, is continuously pressing on her body.

The slender and fragile bones made a crackling sound, as if one by one, they were about to break under this pressure.


Faced with this pressure, she still worked hard to raise her head.

His lips grinned to both sides, revealing one by one, sharp teeth.

In the black pupils, traces of scarlet appeared.

She seemed to be fearless, still swinging her slender limbs, once again supporting her body, facing the twisting force, and stood up. Even the knife that fell beside her was picked up by her and looked at it fiercely. To Lu Xin, who was walking over not far away.


She jumped up again and rushed towards Lu Xin.

But at this moment, Lu Xin just took another step, and the distorted force field instantly suppressed again.

Every time is stronger than every time.

Not only was she completely crushed in the corner of the wall, but the knife in her hand also pushed back with a sneer, and landed next to her cheek. The two teams around who had just rushed over felt heavy pressure facing him. Coming, frightened, quickly retreated.

The girl's bones were almost shattered.

But she still tried to stretch out her hands, trying to stand up, trying to grab the dagger next to her.

When Lu Xin came to her, UU read www.uukanshu. Com, she just grabbed the dagger strenuously, and at the same time turned her head to look at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin looked down at her, his face buried in the darkness.

I couldn't see his expression clearly, I could only feel a dangerous, trembling breath exuding him.

The girl exhausted all her strength, grabbed the knife with her already twisted arm, and pulled it out.

She tried hard to grab the knife and aim at Lu Xin.

Then at this moment, Lu Xin suddenly leaned down, stretched out his arms, and hugged her in his arms.

The girl's movements suddenly froze, and her face seemed to be shocked and confused for the first time.

"I am sorry."

Lu Xin hugged her tightly and whispered: "I forgot you, Xiao Nineteen."

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