Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 344: Finally found him

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

When Lu Xin pressed Xiao Nineteen into the corner three times in a row, the laboratory was also shaking.

The test tube, the green liquid in the sink, and the chocolate on the operator's desk all quivered slightly. It seems that this basement is now experiencing a slight earthquake, and even the incandescent lamp and the light flashed for a moment.

"what is that?"

Zhao Shiming, who was wearing white gloves and adjusting the potion in the flask, frowned slightly and stopped his movements.

Not far from him, Chen Xun was gently pulling off the mask he was wearing.

He gently lifted a brain that was wriggling, with a strange beauty, and placed it next to Zhao Shiming.

While admiring this brain, a smile appeared on his face: "That is the power of a tyrant..."

Zhao Shiming was startled slightly, and turned around stiffly: "Is this the tyrant who was stolen by you?"

"Yes, it's just a broken body."

As Chen Xun said, he took off his gloves and said, "Of course, it's also scary."

Zhao Shiming glanced at the pool. The red electronic watch on it showed the progress of their experiment:


He was silent for a while and said, "Is there enough time?"

"I will buy enough time."

Chen Xun had already stepped aside at this time, took off his white coat, and hung it neatly on the hanger.

Then he took out his exquisite watch and a pair of gold-framed glasses from a junk box next to him, and slowly put it on his hand, face, even facing the mirror, and sorted out his own. Clothes, squeezed hair lightly.

At this time, he no longer looked like a researcher.

It's a well-dressed young talent, although he is a little older, but with a very good temperament.

Zhao Shiming looked at his behavior, but his face showed a little dignity.

After a while, he suddenly put down the test tube and turned to look at Chen Xun and said, "Is it worth it?"

Chen Xun turned his head and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhao, ask me this question again at this time, don't you think you underestimate me?"

Zhao Shiming didn't smile, but just said, "Then I want to ask, what are you doing this for?"

Chen Xun was silent for a while, and smiled: "Of course it is to give my teacher a satisfactory report card!"

Zhao Shiming exhaled deeply.

Suddenly he took off the glove of his right hand, and solemnly handed the palm of his hand to Chen Xun.

Chen Xun was taken aback, then slowly raised his head and said: "At this time, is it worth the delay?"

Zhao Shiming nodded: "It's worth it."

Chen Xun no longer spoke, but reached out and shook hands with Zhao Shiming.

"Happy cooperation!"

Zhao Shiming released his palm, put on his gloves again, and continued his experiment.

Chen Xun picked up a stopwatch on the side table, turned and walked towards the door of the laboratory. In the entire laboratory, everyone was still doing their own things, as if no one had noticed. He was going to go now. do what.

Only the elderly cleaning staff looked up at Chen Xun, his lips trembled, and a few muddy tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Chen Xun smiled at her and nodded.

Then he stood at the door of the laboratory, bowed slightly to the people inside, turned and left.

"Thank you all for your hard work."

Lu Xin took his sister's hand and walked into this desolate building.

The only black holes around were the sparse lights on the street outside, floating in a little faint light.

But after his eyes adjusted to the darkness in this building, he could still see that the first floor of this building was very wide.

It used to be a vast hall, with heavy dust everywhere on the ground, messy wooden shelves, paper, glass shards and so on. It seemed to be no different from other abandoned buildings, except that something was creeping in the dark.

Lu Xin only stopped briefly, and then continued to move forward, without even taking out the flashlight.

Things in the darkness seemed to have a certain sense of fear for him, and as he progressed, they began to shrink into the deeper darkness.

"Wipe" "wipe" "wipe"

In this silent building, only Lu Xin's slight footsteps sounded.

He tilted his head slightly, listening to something, and then walked forward, getting closer to his destination little by little.

When he walked through a desolate corridor and was about to find a way into the ground, he suddenly stopped.

Turning his head slightly, he looked to the right side of the corridor, a place with no light at all.

The pupils shrank slightly, as if they had already seen someone.


At this moment, the sound of a lighter suddenly lit up, and then a candle was lit.

By candlelight, you can see that there is a bar that has been abandoned for an unknown period of time. The front is a curved bar covered with dust, and the shelves behind are covered with thick dust, or already covered with dust. A half-broken wine bottle.

A man wearing gold-framed glasses was lighting candles one by one, and the light gradually flooded the bar.


Suddenly, a small voice came from around.

My sister was clenching her teeth, staring at the man behind the bar.

Her eyes looked like hate, but also a little confused.

Raising her hand and punching her little head, she looked at the person behind the bar even more fiercely.

But she did not try to tell Lu Xin what she was thinking now.

Lu Xin didn't ask either, just holding his sister's hand, and slowly walked over to the bar.

At this time, my mood was slightly relaxed.

I finally found it, Chen Xun, a relative in the orphanage.

Inside the bar, the man has lit more than a dozen candles, illuminating the surroundings as bright as if the lights are on, and then he took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the thick dust around, a handkerchief, just a few strokes. Become black.

Lu Xin came to the bar, stood beside a tall stool that was still standing, patted the dust on it, and sat down.


The man with gold-rimmed glasses smiled and glanced at him as if he was greeting an old friend.

From the cabinet under the bar, he took out a set of sealed cups and another bottle of whiskey with half a bottle of golden liquid in it. He poured four glasses of wine, one of which was in front of him, and the other three. But at the same time he pushed it in front of Lu Xin.

This action, as if he was entertaining, not one guest, but three guests.

Lu Xin looked at the three cups, did not speak, but frowned slightly.

He is not interested in playing this kind of game of courtesy first and then soldiers, just thinking about what he should do to look better.

"Still remember me?"

The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, or Chen Xun, smiled and picked up the cup.

But he didn't drink it, just took a deep breath, with a cheerful expression on his face.

"I have a little impression, but I just remembered it just now."

Lu Xin answered honestly, looking at him: "But I know that you are also from our orphanage."

"You have few impressions of me, and it's normal."

Chen Xun smiled and said, "After all, at that time, I was responsible for other things. I didn't have much contact with you. In the entire orphanage, only a few have seen me...not to mention that things have passed for so many years. And you have become like this."

Lu Xin was silent for a while, then raised his head slightly, his eyes deep like a well.

He asked hardly: "That girl...what's the matter?"

"Did you forget it?"

Chen Xun held the cup in his hand and said with a smile: "Her code name is nineteen."

Lu Xin's pupils shrank slightly.

Chen Xun’s cup was already close to his mouth, but he never drank it. After a long while, he gently shook his head and laughed self-deprecatingly: “I used to like to enjoy things like this the most, but later, in order to protect my mind. Reason, and my hands won’t tremble during the operation, I’ve been abstaining for many years. Now I smell it, the smell is still that fragrant, but the courage is less..."

After hesitating slightly, he made up his mind and wanted to pour it down.

But Lu Xin suddenly grabbed his wrist and whispered, "What did you do to her?"

Chen Xun's movements stopped, watching Lu Xin grab his palm.

After a slight start, he put down the wine glass with the other hand and put his hand into his pocket. Lu Xin didn't mean to stop him at all. He just let him do it, and didn't seem to care at all. Whether what he took out was a pistol or something else.

What Chen Xun took out was just a worn-out stopwatch.

The pointer above is moving slowly, the fixed time is ten minutes.

"This is a parasitic item, the serial number is 2-31, the wish countdown."

Chen Xun put this stopwatch on the table next to him, looking at Lu Xin's eyes, and said softly: "When starting this stopwatch, make a wish, then when the stopwatch returns to zero, this wish will come true. …"

"Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

"In fact, this is just an illusion, the parasitic item of Sequence 2 has not yet the ability to change reality."

"The only thing it can change is itself."


"However, in some special circumstances, it is still very useful."

He smiled and continued to explain: "For example, the wish I made is to make myself lose all memories, or the heart suddenly stops, or my mental power bursts out directly and destroys my brain..."

"What you do to me halfway, or destroy this stopwatch, will cause this situation to happen immediately."

"So, I will use these ten minutes to have a good chat with you..."


Lu Xin glanced at the stopwatch, his face was quiet.

Chen Xun laughed and said, "Let's talk about it, what exactly do you want to ask?"

Lu Xin looked at him blankly, UU reading seemed to be thinking carefully, and then he slowly spoke:

"What did you do to that little girl... Xiao Nineteen?"


"I just kept her alive."

Chen Xun raised his head and looked at Lu Xin, his eyes appearing calm at this time.

As he said, he looked directly into Lu Xin's eyes: "Isn't this much better than you?"

The corners of his eyes were slightly wrinkled, and it seemed to be a little smile: "When you faced her just now, did you feel particularly familiar?"

"After all, it's not the first time you killed her..."

"I'm curious, when you brutally killed all the people in the laboratory, you were in the same mood..."


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