Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 345: We are the fire thief

Lu Xin sat quietly on the high stool, holding Chen Xun's arm in his hand.

The candles on the bar suddenly began to shake. Not only the candles, but the golden liquid in the four wine glasses on the bar also shook gently. On the wine shelf behind the bar, those wine bottles that were broken or empty. , There was a clear voice.

Because of Chen Xun's words, more memories began to flood into Lu Xin's mind.

More and more things began to become clear.

He suddenly thought of the orphanage he was in when he was a child.

It was a small three-story building with a large space, surrounded by high walls and barbed wire on the walls.

He remembered dozens of children living in orphanages, reading, playing, and listening to adults talking about things in the civilized era. He also remembered that there seemed to be often messy noises, gunshots, and crying outside the wall at that time. And the roar of explosions. .

But the orphanage is very safe. The chaos has never appeared in the orphanage.

He remembered the old dean who was always amiable and kind.

I also remember that in addition to the old dean, there are often some "teaching teachers" in the orphanage.

Some of them are young, some are older, and some always give people a cold feeling.

He still remembers playing with the children in the orphanage, fighting, and going through the hidden folders of the old dean's computer.

I also remember that they helped Xiao Nineteen who had been bullied to "find a place" and grab a swing.

In this way, the picture began to appear steadily in his mind, as if the layers of fog were removed.

But suddenly, the mist turned blood red.

All the sunny pictures are like old photos, starting from the edges, stained with blood red edges.

And this shocking blood red color spread from the surroundings to the entire photo.

All the memories are stained with blood.

He saw the **** corridor, and saw twisted corpses all over the place.

Seeing the horrified look in the eyes of Xiao Nineteen before he died.


There seemed to be a sound in the air, strangely piercing and painful to the brain.

The nosebleed slowly flowed down Lu Xin's mouth.

Chen Xun watched Lu Xin quietly, and carefully tried to break free of his arm. Luckily, Lu Xin didn't hold him tightly. He broke free, moved lightly, and then took it out of the other pocket. A brand new handkerchief was handed to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin took the handkerchief, wiped his nosebleeds, looked at the red on the white handkerchief, slightly startled.

"Brother, ignore him, he is lying to you..."

The younger sister held two small fists and shouted to Lu Xin forcefully, with a hideous expression and... scared.

The shadow illuminated by the candle was projected into this bar, and inside the shadow, it seemed that there was some kind of gaze looking at him.

"Hehe, kill him, don't you kill such a person?"

"You waited so long, isn't it just to kill him?"


These voices rushed into Lu Xin's mind, shaking his eardrums slightly and making him feel irritable.

"I...who am I?"

But he remained calm, and the expression on his face seemed even less.

"You are a serious polluter."

Chen Xun observed Lu Xin's reaction and did not try to delay or hide it.

Whispered softly: "When we found you, you were already seriously polluted. In the eyes of others, you have no hope of being cured, but luck is good, or bad, we still cured you... just At that time, we thought it was cured."

"In the follow-up experiment, you showed great potential."

"We thought that you were the best choice..."

Having said that, he was silent for a while, and there seemed to be some wry smiles on his face: "Until, you ruin everything!"

"you guys…"

Lu Xin spoke, then stopped, his eardrums roaring.

The younger sister had already embraced his arm and begged him: "Brother, kill this person, right?"

"Don't you hate him? Shouldn't you make him a toy?"

"Don't you want to make him a toy while he is alive?"

In the shadow, his father's blood-red eyes appeared even more, staring at Lu Xin sensibly.

"What are you waiting for?"

"You will only procrastinate, why didn't you kill him?"


Lu Xin looked down at his hand and found that the veins on his wrist were already exposed, like a snake crawling inside.

He used a lot of strength to control this twitching and out-of-control feeling.

Then he raised his head to look at Chen Xun, trying his best to make his voice sound calm: "What did you do this...for what?"


Chen Xun sighed softly and looked at Lu Xin who seemed to be calm with a puzzled look.

Fingers turned the wine glass unconsciously, and the golden liquor shook slightly.

After a while, he said softly: "You finally asked this question."

"Back then, we tried to make you understand, but at the time, you were too young."

While speaking softly, he raised his head and looked at Lu Xin frankly with his eyes, and said: "We are trying to understand and master these powers."

"When the red moon appeared in the sky, we already knew that some changes that humans could not refuse had appeared."

"We have discovered a power that has always been with us, but we haven't discovered it."

"This kind of power can easily destroy our civilization, order, and everything we are proud of."

"At that time, too many people surrendered in front of this kind of power and accepted everything willingly."

"It's like a mouse meeting a cat, even forgetting to resist..."


"But there are always people who are unwilling, just like us."

He paused slightly and looked up at Lu Xin, with a certain pride in his voice:

"You can understand that we are the ones who want to steal fire!"

"No matter what we are facing, we all believe that one day, we can understand it and completely control it..."

"Humans are born to control power, aren't they?"

Chen Xun spoke, with a smile on his face, and said: "From the time we learned to use tools, civilization was born."

"Our history of civilization is a process of learning to control."

"The lightning, earthquake, and gust of wind in ancient times was a disaster of extinction for humans, but we gradually understood and learned to control it, so modern civilization came, and the appearance of the red moon was also a disaster of extinction, and we must also be able to control it. "

"Like this darkness..."

He suddenly looked up and pointed to this bar.

Most of the bar was submerged in darkness, quiet, and there was no movement.

"In the face of darkness, we don't expect to wait for the sun to rise."

Chen Xun looked at Lu Xin's eyes and spoke softly: "We will try to light a candle and illuminate it."

"Om" "Om" "Om"

One shock after another, like a tide, squeezed Lu Xin's mind.

Some of Chen Xun’s words were heard, and some of them were not heard. Even the face of Chen Xun in front of him was sometimes close and sometimes far away, as if being held in his hand, constantly rubbing and pulling. Open paintings, there is a kind of unreal absurdity in the real world.

At this time, my sister hugged his arm tightly, tears all over her face.

Father is more like walking out of the shadow, his tall figure is walking around anxiously.

"Kill all, kill all of them..."

"He is crazy, all of them are crazy..."

"He treats everyone as a toy, so we also treat him as a toy!"

"Make him regret it, and always remember this pain..."

"Let him understand the price of doing this kind of thing..."


"You don't want to talk for now, okay?"

Lu Xin couldn't help it, he slowly turned his head and said to his father and sister beside him.

Both the father and sister stopped, but looked at him with sullen expressions.

Lu Xin clenched his fists in anguish, pushed against his temple, and thumped again.

He seemed to try to calm down his confused mind.

Then he raised his head, eyes full of bloodshot eyes, staring at Chen Xun firmly.

"Then you can..."

He vigorously kept his voice steady: "It's okay, cut people casually, cut... cut it?"


Several candles on the bar suddenly went out.

Chen Xun had already calmed down, and when he saw Lu Xin talking to his side, he had already closed his mouth.

He just looked at Lu Xin calmly, staring at his wandering eyes, and watching the bloodshot eyes slowly emerging from his black and white eyes. Through the movement of Lu Xin's fist against the temple, he felt that at this moment in his heart. How irritable it is.

After a long silence, he gently held his glasses, and then slowly lit the candles.

"Do you want to tell me that even if it's the pursuit of truth, no matter how great the goal is, you must talk about the bottom line?"

He spoke softly and looked directly at Lu Xin's eyes. There was no fear on his face: "I'm sorry!"

"I don't intend to discuss such a naive question with you."


Lu Xin looked up fiercely, and UU reading's strange eyes fell on Chen Xun's face.

"Kill him, kill such a person..."

"I want to chop him into meat sauce..."

"Absolutely, he is never allowed to do anything like this to anyone..."

Both the sister and father rushed towards Chen Xun, as if wishing to tear Chen Xun to pieces on the spot.

It's just that they succeeded, but they were still far away from Chen Xun.

At this time, Lu Xinneng faintly heard the sound of gunshots, the sound of heavy objects being smashed on the other side of the building, and the cries of some people.

This made him understand that, probably in another position, Chen Jing and the others had already begun to try to enter the laboratory and encountered some powerful enemies.

At the same time, he also realized that this relative is now anxious to do one other thing.

Lu Xin's fingers convulsed, shaking as if uncontrollably.

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