Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 346: Drinking is bad for your health, so give up

At this time, Chen Xun was also quietly looking at Lu Xin, observing every subtle reaction of his.

His expression is still calm and confident.

He could feel it, as if there was something, as if he wanted to catch himself all the time.

This feeling is like something is shaking in front of me, but I can't see what it is.

And around the body, there is an unusually cold, sensation of the blade scraping the pores, which is unspeakable.

He knew that he was not a capable person, so he simply ignored these and just watched Lu Xin quietly.

Just in front of Lu Xin, he still wanted to be more calm.

Opposite him, Lu Xin, who was sitting on a high stool, was also hanging his head at this time, looking extremely silent. .

"I still have something to ask you."

After a while, Lu Xin raised his head and his eyes fell on Chen Xun's face.

Chen Xun slowly raised the wine glass, gestured to Lu Xin gently, and glanced at the stopwatch next to him.

Time passed by one minute and one second.


Lu Xin paused and said, "Where did they all go?"

"I do not know."

Chen Xun didn't ask carefully, he knew who Lu Xin was referring to.

He just replied frankly: "Only Xiao Nineteen is by my side, and there are many...unsaved."

With that, he seemed to smile a little bitterly, and said: "You were too ruthless at the beginning, and you caused us incalculable loss."

"Seriously, I was not optimistic about your project from the beginning. The teacher insisted that you have great potential. Even... after you caused such a disaster, he still insisted on his own views. He refused to admit that you are just a The fact of failed creation!"

Project, potential, failure, creation...

These words pierced Lu Xin's brain like steel needles.

Scenes of memory fragments flashed through his mind.

Pale lights, cold operating tables, people with indifferent eyes wearing masks.

Also, the little boy who was in severe pain and was overwhelmed by emotions, squatting in the corner of the laboratory crying.

...He suddenly remembered that when the pollution bomb of the Church of Science and Technology hit Qinggang, he heard a cry, and the shadow of a crying little boy appeared in his mind. He thought it was an illusion caused by the pollution source. .

Now I understand that it was my own memory.

The faces of father and sister were distorted with anger.

It was the first time that Lu Xin saw such pure anger and hatred from their faces.

He couldn't even hear what they were talking about, he could only feel that they were impacting his rational emotions.

Memories only half of the feeling, unspeakable uncomfortable.

More and more pictures emerged in his mind, more and more real, but it was always like a badly edited movie, unable to tell a story accurately, which made him very painful, and he wanted to dig out his brain directly. Look at those memories.

"you guys…"

It took a long time for Lu Xin to speak again. Every time he said a word, it seemed to be very difficult: "What did you do to me?"

Chen Xun was slightly silent, as if thinking about whether these things could be said.

After a while, he whispered: "It's just some treatment and intensive work."

There was a slight silence, he shook his head slightly, and said: "Because this is a teacher's project, so I don't know more about it."

"Of course, even if I know, I can't tell you."


After speaking, he glanced at the stopwatch again and sighed slightly.

A strong sense of anger surged in Lu Xin's heart, and he felt like he wanted to crush Chen Xun's head directly.

In his aftermath, he even saw that his father and sister seemed to have discussed something, and then they slowly walked forward. They stood beside them one by one, holding their arms, as if I want to control myself and kill him immediately.

At this time, Lu Xin hardly wanted to resist, he wanted to follow their instructions and chop the man in front of him directly into meat sauce.

However, when this sense of anger suddenly came to his mind, he suddenly realized another problem.

So he suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Xun: "Your teacher..."

His voice trembled slightly: "Our old dean is still alive?"

He remembered the document No. 003 he had seen, and there was a speculation on it that he suspected that the old dean was still alive.

However, at that time, Lu Xin subconsciously thought that maybe those people just didn’t understand the details of the orphanage, so they made unreasonable guesses. But now from Chen Xun’s words, he suddenly caught something, and then it was in his mind. Zoom in instantly.

Chen Xun doesn't seem to be interested in himself, and he also said that he is not his project.

So, why does the document No. 003 show that he has been paying attention to Qinggang?

If in his eyes, he should have given up long ago, then who has been insisting on continuing after that incident?

In response to Lu Xin's gaze, Chen Xun was silent for a while, holding up his wine glass, slowly leaning towards his mouth.

"answer me!"

Lu Xin looked at him, and the air around him seemed to become heavy all of a sudden.

Chen Xun's glass came to his lips and stopped immediately.

As if there was an invisible force preventing him, he exhausted all his strength and couldn't bring the wine glass to his mouth.

So he simply put down the wine glass, looked at Lu Xin calmly, and said:

"I'm not here to accept your anger, and I don't need to apologize to anyone."

"You can take my life at any time, and you can also communicate with me some questions I am willing to answer."

"But if you want to see fear or regret on my face, to satisfy your cheap pleasure..."



He smiled at Lu Xin and said, "If there is another chance to choose, I will still do that."

Lu Xin's eyes were red as if blood would drip out.

He looked at Chen Xun silently. Between him and Chen Xun, the air seemed to freeze.

The flame of the candle had already shrunk to the extreme at this time, but it happened that there was still a small fire bean, which was not extinguished.

Lu Xin did not see any fear or fear on Chen Xun's face.

He seemed to be ready, and calmly accepted all the anger that was coming.


The shadows of father and sister were on both sides of Lu Xin, and they grew up as if there were no restrictions.

They looked like two giants, guarding Lu Xin's side, lowering their heads and looking at Chen Xun.


At this moment, deep in the ground, the sound of gunshots and the sound of heavy blows suddenly disappeared for a few seconds.

Immediately, there was a faint scream from someone, this kind of voice.

Even if it seems to be separated by a few layers of ground, people can feel the pain and fear in that cry.

The whole building trembled violently at this moment.

Chen Xun's face was slightly startled, and suddenly he picked up the stopwatch and stared at it.

There was a strong expression of joy on his face that could not be concealed.

Lu Xin kept looking at him, looking at him, his expression has been distorted to the extreme.

The anger and grotesqueness on him made him look as if he was about to tear off his leather suit and get out of a demon. This kind of strong emotional fluctuation made the skinless puppies not far away dare to hide. In the shadows, flinched, afraid to approach him.

But when he saw the involuntary smile on Chen Xun's face, Lu Xin was startled.

Immediately, the expression on his face began to recede like a tide.

Calm to indifference.

Only the corners of his mouth slowly opened to the sides, revealing an expression like a smile.

This smile is calm and natural.

"Don't you guys, okay?"

He suddenly turned his head, looked at his father and sister on both sides, and explained softly: "I know it all in my heart."

The father and sister suddenly looked up at him. This time, no one spoke.

Chen Xun also frowned slightly.

Lu Xin's act of talking to the surroundings was within his expectations, but he was still not used to it.

In addition, Lu Xin's smile and the calmness he showed at this time were not within his expectations.

"I'm very curious, you don't hesitate to put yourself in my hands, for what?"

Lu Xin suddenly smiled and said, this time, there was no anger in his voice.

It was calm like an old friend chatting.

"I have already talked about our pursuit."

Chen Xun seemed to feel that there was no need to conceal this question, and at the same time, a kind of joy surging in his heart gave him a kind of confession.

So, he raised his head to look at Lu Xin, his gold-rimmed glasses shone slightly under the candlelight, and said softly:

"Then my purpose is naturally obvious."

"Perhaps Central City and the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute think that I am creating a god, but they underestimated me and the teacher."

"We are not going to create a **** to worship, I want to make..."

He paused: "It's just a controllable tool..."

"Can you imagine?"

He raised his head to look at Lu Xin, his voice uncontrollably excited:

"Can you imagine the greatness of making full use of the thirteen kinds of original spiritual power and letting it descend in the world?"

"No, no, my description is not accurate enough."

"In fact, these thirteen original spiritual powers would have come, coming in a godlike posture!"

"This is something that humans cannot stop..."

"But I changed this process!"

He smiled and said: "I let God come in advance, but again in a controlled way..."

"Haha, I became the first person in the world to control the power of God..."

He was originally a calm person, and his speech was not hurried and organized, but at this time, he felt the remote underground world, the vibrations that came from it, and the invisible panic that this vibration brought to people. , His expression became enthusiastic.

And pride.

"From now on, the world will remember me, of course it doesn’t matter if you don’t remember..."


He clenched his fists: "I am the first person to let God bow to humans!"

Near the bar, it suddenly became very quiet.

Whether it is the sister on one side, or the silent shadow, it seems to be affected by this sentence at this time.

They looked up and looked in a certain direction, and their expressions seemed to become extremely low.

Because at this time, their performance was completely different from just now, so that Lu Xin didn’t even know whether the father and sister he saw just now were fake, hallucinations, otherwise, why did they become so because of such trifles? So angry?

Of course, these are not important.

Lu Xin greeted Chen Xun with a fanatical expression, suddenly leaned over slightly, pressed it to his ear, and whispered:

"Do you think you are doing great things?"

His face became mysterious: "Then I really want to ask you a question."

"You have created a god, you will become great, then..."

"If a monster is created, who should bear the consequences?"

Listening to Lu Xin's words, Chen Xun was slightly stunned.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his body, and the joy in his heart was quickly dissipating.

He subconsciously reached out and grabbed the wine glass next to him.

Whether it's for celebration or because you don't have to be so restrained, you need this glass of wine.

But Lu Xin smiled suddenly and raised his hand.

Suddenly, on the shelf behind Chen Xun, two broken glass bottles flew into his hands.

He grabbed it with both hands and squeezed it lightly, and it became a sharp glass ballast.

Then his two hands fell, and the glass penetrated Chen Xun's two palms and was deeply nailed to the bar. UU reading www. uukā

Blood spurted out.

The candlelight shook, the broken glass ballast reflected blood, and the color was charming.

Lu Xin dipped his fingertips with a liquid mixed with his blood and wine, put it in his mouth, tasted it lightly, and frowned slightly.

Then he looked at him softly and said: "Drinking is bad for your health, so let's quit!"

Chen Xun let out a sigh, then fell silent.

He endured the severe pain and did not speak, but a big cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he looked up at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin had already stood up with his backpack, turned and walked in one direction.

"Now, obediently waiting for me here."

His voice floated back slowly, very gentle: "I'll go to prove it to you first, what is wrong!"

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