Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 347: The birth of god

"I am sorry!"

Carrying a backpack and walking in the dark corridor of this building, Lu Xin said softly.

He was apologizing for not listening to his sister and father just now: "I can understand you more and more now. Just now I had the idea of ​​killing him and making him a toy alive, but in the end, I decided Press mine..."

He paused and smiled softly: "After all, the old dean said that education should find the right method."

"Brother is the best..."

My sister is fast on the wall next to her, she seems very excited: "I like what you do."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

In the darkness where five fingers could not be seen, there seemed to be a tall figure following Lu Xin, bringing a strong sense of depression.

He is also smiling, but his voice has a creepy feeling: "I thought you were going to be guilty of old problems again, but... this time you can barely make it. Of course it is still not satisfactory, but compared to before Come on, it's considered...Isn't it progress?"


Lu Xin couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

My father would actually praise himself?

Is this because the trust between himself and him has increased?


While speaking softly, he walked arbitrarily.

It seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, but it was always close to the vibration that came from time to time downstairs. .

Whether it is such a big movement or the kind of mental perception, it faintly shows that there is a terrible thing downstairs, which brings a kind of subconscious fear to Lu Xin... Lu Xin is Looking for it along with this sense of fear.

I don't know how long he walked, he came to an empty office.

He could feel that the terrible thing was at the bottom of this office.

However, there are no lights in this building, the elevator is broken, and the corridors extend in all directions. He doesn't know how to go down accurately.

So, he nodded and said: "Just here!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The father was taken aback for a moment, and he suddenly understood what he meant, and then laughed a little excitedly.

The younger sister was suddenly worried, and suddenly jumped on Lu Xin's back.


Lu Xin was in the darkness, only a faint light that could be ignored came through the window.

This also led to endless darkness around him.

At this time, darkness was condensing under his feet.

Then, a powerful force hidden in the darkness suddenly gathered.

The floor under my feet began to tremble, and the whole room was roaring.

Suddenly sawdust flew on the rotten wooden floor, and then the cement layer below, mixed with steel bars, pipes, compartments, and so on.

The shadow seeps down, corroding the entire ground bit by bit.


Suddenly the mud and dust flew, and the smoke rose, and Lu Xin fell directly to the next floor.

The shadow continued to corrode, and he fell layer by layer.

If there is no elevator, then make a temporary one.



The door of the laboratory was kicked open, and the gecko was the first to rush in. He was agile, holding an earthen sprayer in one hand, and holding a handle from Xia Chong’s teammate in the other. Coming here, a burst pistol full of special bullets.

At this time, the muzzle was still smoking and reddened.

"No one is allowed to move, whoever dares to move will kill whoever..."

In the entire laboratory, the busy people who were originally busy suddenly stopped and looked at them with some horror in their eyes.

They heard the movement outside just now and knew that someone was breaking in, so they rushed to work while looking forward to the outside arrangement. They could buy more time for them. However, the capable people in the central city are more likely to come. They are as fast as they imagined.


Immediately behind the gecko, seven or eight figures rushed in.

Walking in the front is Xia Chong with a submachine gun in his hand.

The flamethrower that ran out of fuel had been left by her somehow.

Next to her is Chen Jing in a tight combat uniform.

She also didn't look good, and a long breath was cut in the lower abdomen, extending to the back.

In the back, the doctor, the Gothic lady with the whip in her hand, the delicate man with the handkerchief covering his mouth, and so on, also appeared.

Obviously, they came here after a fierce battle.


Looking at the people who broke into the laboratory, the staff sitting in front of the computer stared at each other.

Many of them showed unwilling expressions on their faces.

Someone quietly reached out and grabbed the gun attached to the back of the desk.

Someone is slowly reaching out to grab the protective helmet hung on the wall next to it.

"it's over."

But just at this time, the gothic lady has come out more and more, her face is arrogant, and her expression is light.

"Children, kneel down for sister..."

While she was talking, the whip in her hand was raised high and pulled down sharply.


A crisp sound, like a signal.

Throughout the office, all the staff became confused, and even some uncontrollably showed obsessive and fanatical looks. With a clatter, they pushed away the desks, chairs and computers, or slid directly to the ground, kneeling honestly. Down.

"Hehehe, kneel to the front and get closer to my sister!"

The gothic lady's charming eyes swept over these people, and her smile was even more provocative.

The whip in his hand danced a circle in the air, and then pulled it violently.


As if they had received some signal, all the experimenters squeezed and crawled towards them madly.

Climbing faster than running, like big mice.

Some of them still have angry and unwilling expressions on their faces, but their bodies are incredibly honest.

Behind the gothic lady, the gecko also slammed his slightly trembling legs.



When almost everyone in the office knelt down, everyone's eyes focused on the other person.

In the entire office, he was the only one who did not move. He was sitting in a transparent glass room at this time, wearing a white coat, holding a complicated electronic instrument in his hand, frowning tightly, and having been busy debugging. Some data on the instrument.

Zhao Shiming.

When Ms. Gothic waved the whip, fine and dense waves appeared on the surface of the glass room.

But it was just a dense tremor, but failed to penetrate.

"Dr. Zhao Shiming, I am the temporary commander of Xia Chong on the 1024th special pollution incident. We are here to rescue you."

Seeing Zhao Shiming sitting in the glass room, Xia Chong's pupils shrank slightly.

Her gaze swept across Chen Jing, and she took a step forward and said towards Zhao Shiming:

"You can come out and go back with us."

In the glass room, Zhao Shiming was holding the instrument, flicking his fingers and operating it carefully. When he heard Xia Chong's words, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "Why are you in such a hurry... If it can be later, a while later, it will be fine."

"Did the black table cause any harm to you?"

Xia Chong took a step forward again, and said in a deep voice: "Then go back with us, there is a medical team outside the city preparing!"


Zhao Shiming still didn't stop the operation in his hand, and said with a slight regret: "You guys are here so fast, how can I stay out of the matter?"

"How can I explain to outsiders, in fact, I was forced to do all this?"



Xia Chong was expressionless, but her voice suddenly increased: "No matter what you are doing, stop immediately."

Zhao Shiming didn't seem to hear, but the operation was faster.

Without saying a word, Chen Jing suddenly raised the gun, and two bullets hit the glass.

At this time, she used ordinary bullets, but ordinary bullets were more useful when facing reinforced glass protective gear.

"呯" "呯"

Two bullets left a shallow white mark on the glass.

"very sorry!"

Zhao Shiming looked up at the place where the bullet hit the glass. His fingers jumped like flying, but the sound became more stable, even with some emotion: "But I can't stop, you abnormal people cannot understand this temptation. of……"

"No one can stop in front of this temptation!"


What could have been determined, the members of the Central City and Qinggang combined team suddenly shot at the same time.

The gecko raised the burst pistol, quickly retreated the special bullet, loaded the ordinary bullet, and then raised the gun to shoot forward.

Four consecutive bullets all hit the same position.

The white marks on the glass became deeper and deeper, and finally there was a "wow", and a cobweb-like crack appeared.

The gecko raised the gun again, and the last bullet flew out of the muzzle.

The Gothic lady, at this moment, raised her whip high and rolled out a semicircle.

The exquisite man standing behind the Gothic lady with a handkerchief in his hand waved gently and shook the handkerchief.

A distorted force field, following his movements, spread out rapidly.



It was also at this time that Zhao Shiming had put the instrument aside and pushed down a red switch hard.


Throughout the laboratory, the lights suddenly became indeterminate.

On every computer screen displaying various data, the data is soaring, exceeding the red alert value.


Located in the middle of the laboratory, in a glass pool just in the middle of the glass room where the joint team ability person and Zhao Shiming were located, something inside violently hit the pool wall, and a snow-white crack suddenly appeared on the thick strengthened glass wall.

The turquoise, salty, wet odor liquid seeped out from the cracks, and instantly expanded, becoming a spray of water column.


Zhao Shiming in the glass room let out an indecent laugh.

"Did you see it? This is God!"


In this laughter the fifth bullet fired by the gecko has flown towards the center of the white pattern covered with spider webs.

The whip that Ms. Gothic waved had already drawn half a circle in the air, and was about to beat the air with a loud, crisp sound.

The handkerchief waved by the delicate man even shook out a twisting force field that spread out like water ripples, extending to the middle.

At this moment, a two-to-three-meter long tentacle suddenly protruded out of the glass pool.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

The bullet stopped ten centimeters from the wall of the glass room.

He swung the whip for half a circle, and suddenly settled in the air.

The ripples that spread quickly, rolled back in an instant, and hit the delicate man's chest.


Everyone looked up in astonishment, and then their eyes suddenly began to bleed.

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