Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 348: Monster City


"This is what we created and brought to the world, the first god!"

In Zhao Shiming's wild laughter, the capable people of the joint team and the experimenters in the office all saw the monster.

A green human body, a soft head with countless tentacles. Located on both sides of the head, there are three parallel eyes, strong limbs, sharp claws, and a pair of tattered wings behind... The most obvious is the tall drum on the chest. When I got up, I kept contracting vigorously and made a strong echo of my heart.

Everyone who saw its image felt an indescribable pain.

As if countless steel needles pierced into the mind, the blood in the body seemed to have its own life, colliding against the blood vessels.

They felt tingling in their eyes and blood flowing down.

The brain is more like being hit by waves of heavy blows. . The loud noise completely overwhelmed myself.

Nothing can be done.

When they saw the monster crawling out of the pool, they felt tingling in their eyes and couldn't see anything.

The brain is flooded with something, disturbed, unable to think.

There was a huge roar in both ears, and no sound from his teammates could be heard.

They just lowered their heads subconsciously, not even knowing if death is about to come...

…Or, it's a terrible end than death!


The laboratory staff in the office, already under the control of Ms. Gothic, honestly knelt in a row, but when this monster appeared, everyone screamed uncontrollably, staggering. It's like a row of straws.

Someone had blood in their eye sockets, jumped up like crazy, and hit the wall with their heads.

Others desperately tore their clothes apart, and they could see that their hearts were covered with bloodshot eyes, as if something was squeezing out.

That is that their hearts are resonating and beating faster.

They made things themselves, but they didn't even have the qualifications to take a closer look.

"Shrink...all mental power..."

"Captain Xia Chong..."


In the indescribable roar, they suddenly heard a thin voice.

The sound was drowned in the noise, making them almost indistinguishable.

However, this voice seemed to be heard directly from their minds, so I could barely understand the meaning.

It's a doctor codenamed "Scalpel".

He was also enveloped by the indescribable twisted mental power, but he reacted faster than others.

When the monster in that pool appeared, he had already noticed something in advance.

Because of this intuition, he quickly lowered his head when the monster emerged from the pool.

So he didn't see the monster directly.

Of course, the ensuing mental distortion also enveloped him.

But somehow he fought for more than a second.

With this second, he slipped the scalpel in his sleeve into his hand, and then squeezed it firmly.

Because of the force, the hand knife technique almost cut his bones.

The intense pain allowed him to gain a little bit of time, so he urged his abilities and sent the signal.

Because of the distorted mental force field, his ability was also greatly affected, and his voice was intermittent.

But it still spread.

All those who heard his voice immediately shrank their mental strength desperately.

This is a kind of knowledge learned in a formal training course for people with abilities, and it is also an exercise of spiritual power.

If you put it in a simpler way, it means doing your best to keep yourself calm.

Don't try to see anything, don't try to perceive anything, don't even think.

After doing this, they closed their eyes and quickly backed away.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a "bang" sound, and the roar in their ears became more serious.

More violent air waves hit them, pushing them outward and falling out.

While they were in pain and suffering from the fall, they opened their eyes, and through their blurred vision, they could roughly understand what was going on.

It's the man in fine clothes.

When the monster appeared, he just waved his handkerchief, trying to match the gecko and the gothic lady to subdue Zhao Shiming, but because of the monster's appearance, the distortion field he released violently bounced back.

This kind of rebound knocked him out of the door, and he was far away, so he was not affected too seriously.

But when everyone listened to the doctor's words and retreated with their heads in their arms, he rushed over and threw a black pebble.

The cobblestone passed the crowd and exploded when it landed.

The powerful blue arc produced by the explosion temporarily disturbed the twisted mental force field between the fields.

And that huge impact made everyone accelerate out of the door.

Fortunately, it is a new type of plasma bomb aimed at spiritual monsters and pollution sources. It has no shrapnel and also weakens the impact. Otherwise, at such a close distance, everyone will not be pushed out, but will be directly penetrated by the spreading shrapnel. Penetrate into a sieve.

In any case, they temporarily broke away from the control of the distorted force field.

The mind is also like a drowning person, temporarily sober.

"Exhausted all means to escape..."

"Quickly report to the outpost, things are out of control, raise the threat level..."


At the first moment when Xia Chong regained consciousness, he shouted loudly and rushed forward at the same time.

"It's you who should go..."

A slender, white hand grasped Xia Chong’s arm. It was the delicate man who rushed up. As soon as he grasped it, he grasped the blood stains in one hand, and his brows were immediately frowned, and he exerted force. Wiping a handkerchief, he said loudly:

"Our ability is not enough to escape, only you have the hope to escape..."


Because there are still some tinnitus at this time, their voices are subconsciously very loud.

The doctor nodded again and again. This was the reason why he mentioned Xia Chong specifically just now.

"I don't have the power to open the door..."

Xia Chong roared blankly: "Moreover, none of you have the power to break the queen."

While she said, she rushed forward, and her two tender little hands threw the gun to one side, clenching her fists in front of her chest.

"Come out...come out..."


A power surpassing ordinary people's cognition appeared beside her.

For a moment, the people around felt an invisible crack near Xia Chong, which could draw their eyes in.

However, the next moment, beside the invisible fissure, an extremely terrifying distortion field appeared, as if something invisible crawled out of the fissure, and the moment it appeared beside Xia Chong, it exploded. There was a terrible force field.

This kind of force field instantly pushed the teammates around her to the far side of the corridor behind the door and slid far away.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Chong clenched two fists, stepped heavily on his army boots, and rushed towards the laboratory.

"It turns out that she is a capable person of the abyss group..."

Chen Jing and the gecko also fell far away, and Chen Jing turned her head violently, her expression a bit wrong.

As soon as she didn't talk about it, she rushed to the end of the corridor with the others, and rushed to the way in.

In the laboratory, Zhao Shiming sat in the glass room, staring frantically at the tentacle-like monster outside.

The appearance of the capable people fleeing in embarrassment gave him a pleasure of the contrast of power between different levels.

This was the first time he faced the power of a capable person since he was engaged in research. He no longer awed, but felt ridiculous.

He didn't know if he was affected in some way at this time, he just separated the thick glass, admiring the monster that crawled out of the pool, and slowly put on a helmet filled with cables and copper pipes. , And then laughed loudly:

"Why do you run away in such a hurry?"

"Do you want to tell the institute?"

"I will tell them myself, and I will tell them right away..."

"But you can't leave. If you leave, it exposed the fact that I was not forced to do an experiment..."


Shouting these words loudly, his pupils suddenly shrank, turning into a pin-eye-sized dot.

At the same time, the monster leaning on the top of the pool, dragging the dark green body and tentacles, the six eyes on the head blinked lightly at the same time, and then slightly focused, aiming at this time, and was striding towards the laboratory. The summer insects that came here.


The moment the six eyes focused on Xia Chong's body, a powerful mental shock appeared.

Like an invisible tide, it rushed in front of Xia Chong in an instant.

Behind Xia Chong, something seemed to rush to her, and at the same time a twisting force field was created.

Comparing the two force fields, Xia Chong's nasal cavity instantly spewed blood and flew out.

Even the invisible spiritual power around her instantly collapsed.

"You are just a bunch of lunatics, and you don't even understand your own strength. What's the use of working hard?"

Zhao Shiming may not know what he looks like at this time.

The pupils in his eyes shrunk to a very small point, and on the white of his eyes, there were bloodshots like earthworms.

He seemed to want to speak in the usual sensible and proud tone, but in fact, even he didn't know it. By this time, his tone had become gloomy, and there was a strong madness that could not be described in words. And indifference to humans.

He raised his hands slightly.

That monster, also at this time, slightly raised his hands and the tentacles around him.


At this moment, the entire Buffalo City suddenly heard a heavy sound of giant pythons walking fast on the ground.

Many places in Buffalo, especially near this building, hide a lot of monsters.

It was a kind of weird tentacles growing, and many human-shaped silhouettes of flesh and blood could be found in it.

Originally, these flesh and blood faintly showed awe of the capable, and did not dare to attack them madly. And when the capable team in Central City and Qinggang rushed into the laboratory, they had already wiped out this weird flesh and blood in various rooms and corridors...

But at this moment, all of the flesh and blood suddenly showed signs of life.

Then they twisted and crawled on the ground like giant pythons, even in some of the flesh and blood that was burned to ashes, one by one granulation sprouts, and then based on biological instinct, they began to crawl towards The location of the laboratory crawled over.

Having just rushed to the end of the corridor, Chen Jing and the Center City Ability Team, who were about to rush out, stopped at the same time.

They all saw the huge tentacles and monsters pouring out from the corridors and rooms in front of them.

These monsters filled every intersection where they hoped to escape.

"唰" "唰" "唰"

At the same time, outside of Daxia, the red moon quietly illuminates the ruins of Buffalo.

There were violent noises everywhere, and the thick and hideous tentacles stretched out from the dark-shrouded streets.

They rise high, as if stretching and relaxing, touching the moon.

Boom boom boom...

The tall buildings are slowly falling down, splashing with the sky of mud and dust. In the mud, the swelling flesh and blood rolls and stretches like red waves. This abandoned city, at this time, wakes up. , Turned into a monster city.

Located ten miles east of Buffalo, the central city special pollution cleanup outpost.

An old man with gray hair gently put down his look glasses, and he could already see the monster city directly.

"Tell the above!"

He stroked his face lightly and said, "We... they succeeded."

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